
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript


# Setup your query
# Set you GA API USER TOKEN for this query. If you do not set in the script, it
# expects to receive it from the command line argument
# API_USER_TOKEN <- "???????????????????????????????????"  # hard code it here or pass it as an argument
if (!exists("API_USER_TOKEN")) {
  args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
  if (length(args)==0) {stop("Not API_USER_TOKEN found. Either set it in the code or pass it as an argument to the script!")}
  else {API_USER_TOKEN <- args[1]}   # get it from command line argument

# Configure this to be the location for which you want to download all
# campaign and project data for this query
DATA_DIR <- "mydata"

# Configure search pattern for downloading all files
# Example: only download .csv and .txt files
MATCH_FILES <- ".csv$|.txt$"
# Example: only download files with "_Metadata."" in the filename
# MATCH_FILES <- "_Metadata."
# Example: download all files

# Customise the API search criteria for your query (JSON)
# The examples below show some possible search queries. Many more types of
# queries are available. Note, only the last one will be used since it
# overwrites the previous ones, so comment out the ones you're not using
#TODO: build a function to help construct common queries
# EXAMPLE 1: search for all campaigns matching pattern ( % = wildcard)
# EXAMPLE 2: search for specific campaign by name
# EXAMPLE 3: search for all campaigns by user's email
# EXAMPLE 4: search for all campaigns from Project (note + for spaces)
# EXAMPLE 5: search for all campaigns from Collaboration (note + for spaces)
# EXAMPLE 6: search for all campaigns from Collaboration with wildcard search (%=wildcarg, ilike=case insensitive)
# EXAMPLE 7: get all campaigns that my user account has access to

# The following is an example of a user defined function that is passed into the
# API function to operate on the returned campaign objects. You can customise
# this to do whatever you want on each campaign that matches you search and will
# operate on each individually. If you want to work on all campaigns that match
# a search you can maintain data in data frames with shared scope.
process_campaign_object <- function(object) {
  #print(toJSON(object, pretty=TRUE))  # show available info from object list

  # Perform another request to the API to get more detailed campaign info
  campaign <- ga.get.campaign(API_USER_TOKEN, object["id"])
  #print(toJSON(campaign, pretty=TRUE))  # show all avialable info

  # Print campaign_info to console
  ga.print.campaign_details(campaign)  # prints details about campaign

  # Download/save campaign files and data
  campaign_path <- file.path(DATA_DIR, campaign$name) # create campaign path: DATA_DIR/<campaign>/
  dir.create(campaign_path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive=TRUE)             # create campaign dir (if doesn't already exist)
  cat(paste( unlist(campaign$project["name"]), collapse=''),  file=file.path(campaign_path, ".projectname.txt"))  # add project name as text file to dir
  campaign_files = ga.download.campaign_files(API_USER_TOKEN, campaign$files, campaign_path, match=MATCH_FILES)   # download all campaign files
  ga.download.campaign_info(API_USER_TOKEN, campaign$info, campaign_path)     # generate csv file containing all campaign info properties
  ga.download.campaign_record(API_USER_TOKEN, campaign, campaign_path)        # generate json file containing campaign record information
  #print(campaign_files)  # prints output of campaign files including saved location

# Run the query and process the resultant campaigns
# This is where all the magic happens. It makes the API request to retrieve the
# campaigns matching the query "q" and then processes each one using the
# function pointer "process_campaign_object"
nresults <- ga.get.campaign.list(API_USER_TOKEN, process_campaign_object, q=q)

# TODO: once files are downloaded you can run queries, or alternatively you
# could modify the 'process_campaign_object' function to process data on the fly
UWAMEGFisheries/GlobalArchive documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 10:40 p.m.