
# Packages we get the entire namespace of
#' @import data.table

# Annoying stuff to trick R CMD check
                  , 'CLASS_NAME'
                  , 'MATCH'
                  , 'METHOD_NAME'
                  , 'METHOD_TYPE'
                  , 'PARENT_IN_PKG'
                  , 'PARENT_NAME'
                  , 'SYMBOL'

#' @title pkgnet : Network Analysis of R Packages
#' @keywords internal
#' @description R packages can be complex bodies of code and functionality with
#'    hard-to-intuit underlying structure. \pkg{pkgnet} provides tools to analyze and
#'    understand that structure through the lens of
#'    \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_theory}{network theory}.
#' @section Package Report:
#'    The simplest way of using pkgnet is through the function
#'    \code{\link{CreatePackageReport}}, e.g.,
#'    \preformatted{    CreatePackageReport("lubridate")}
#'    This will create a standalone HTML report containing analyses of various
#'    aspects of the specified subject package.
#'    For more info, check out our introductory vignette with
#'    \preformatted{    vignette("pkgnet-intro")}
#' @section Individual Reporters:
#'   Reporters are the basic modules of functionality within pkgnet. Each
#'   type of reporter is used to analyze a particular aspect of the subject
#'   package. The currently available reporters are:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\bold{\code{\link{DependencyReporter}}}}{analyze the recursive
#'        network of packages that the subject package depends on.
#'     }
#'     \item{\bold{\code{\link{FunctionReporter}}}}{analyze the network of
#'        interdependencies of the functions defined in the subject package
#'     }
#'     \item{\bold{\code{\link{InheritanceReporter}}}}{analyze the class
#'        inheritance trees for subject packages that use object-oriented
#'        programming.
#'     }
#'     \item{\bold{\code{\link{SummaryReporter}}}}{get an overview of the
#'        subject package through its DESCRIPTION file.
#'     }
#'   }
#'   \code{\link{CreatePackageReport}} uses a \link[=DefaultReporters]{standard
#'   set of reporters} by default. You can customize the reporters you want by
#'   passing in your own list of instantiated reporters, e.g.
#'   \preformatted{
#'       CreatePackageReport(
#'           "lubridate",
#'           pkg_reporters = list(FunctionReporter$new(), InheritanceReporter$new())
#'       )
#'   }
#'   You can also use reporters interactively. Once you have a reporter
#'   instantiated, check our that reporter's documentation to see what you can
#'   do.
#'   \preformatted{
#'       reporter <- DependencyReporter$new()
#'       reporter$set_package("lubridate")
#'   }
UptakeOpenSource/pkgnet documentation built on May 20, 2024, 5:23 p.m.