## quiets concerns of R CMD check re: the .'s that appear in pipelines
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") globalVariables(c("."))
#' creates modelStrategy object
#' @return modelStrategy object
#' @export
#' @import xts
#' @import zoo
#' @import magrittr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom zoo coredata index
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom quantmod Lag
#' @importFrom utils capture.output head install.packages installed.packages packageVersion remove.packages tail untar globalVariables
modelStrategy <- function(){
thisEnv <- environment()
stats_init <- list()
stats <- list()
user_add_data <- list()
betaData <- 'data_raw'
spreadData <- 'data_raw'
saveData <- NULL
money <- 10^7
toleranceBeta <- 0.1
lookForward <- Inf
lookback <- 0
maxLookback <- 0
waitAfterClose <- FALSE
pmAfterOpen <- TRUE
objects <- new.env()
indicators <- list()
rules <- list()
rules_path_ind <- numeric()
rules_norm_ind <- numeric()
data_from_user <- list()
paramsets <- list()
#paramsets[[1]] <- list(constraints = list(), distributions = list())
backtests <- list()
pps <- list()
vars <- list()
program <- list()
params <- list(
vars = list(),
pps = list(),
rules = list(),
pms = list()
#activeField <- c(start = Inf, end = 0)
me <- list(thisEnv = thisEnv)
## Set the name for the class
class(me) <- c("modelStrategy")
## Define the value of the list within the current environment.
setBetasByMoney(me, TRUE)
.settings <- new.env()
.settings[['reload']] <- TRUE
#' @export
c.modelStrategy <- function(x, ...){
dots <- list(...)
res <- list(x)
for(m in dots){
if(class(m) %in% c('modelStrategy', 'modelPortfolio')){
res <- c(res, list(m))
}else if(class(m) == 'list'){
res <- c(res, m)
#' Change some settings
#' @param ... parameters
#' @export
#' @example
#' \dontrun{
#' settings(plot = list(adjust = TRUE, each_year = TRUE))
#' }
settings <- function(...){
l <- list(...)
list2env(l, .settings)
#' Get waitAfterClose. If it is true, then new open will be after last close, else they may be in the same time
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getWaitAfterClose
getWaitAfterClose <- function(this){
UseMethod('getWaitAfterClose', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getWaitAfterClose
#' @method getWaitAfterClose modelStrategy
getWaitAfterClose.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' Set waitAfterClose. If it is true, then new open will be after last close, else they may be in the same time
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x logical
#' @export
#' @rdname setWaitAfterClose
setWaitAfterClose <- function(this, x){
UseMethod('setWaitAfterClose', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname setWaitAfterClose
#' @method setWaitAfterClose modelStrategy
setWaitAfterClose.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
this$thisEnv$waitAfterClose <- x
#' Get pmAfterOpen.
#' If it is true, then position manager will be turned on just after opening position
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getPmAfterOpen
getPmAfterOpen <- function(this){
UseMethod('getPmAfterOpen', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getPmAfterOpen
#' @method getPmAfterOpen modelStrategy
getPmAfterOpen.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' Gets pmAfterOpen.
#' If it is true, then position manager will be turned on just after opening position
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x logical
#' @export
#' @rdname setPmAfterOpen
setPmAfterOpen <- function(this, x){
UseMethod('setPmAfterOpen', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname setPmAfterOpen
#' @method setPmAfterOpen modelStrategy
setPmAfterOpen.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
this$thisEnv$pmAfterOpen <- x
#' Get variable ignorePosition.
#' If it is true, then when model simulated, when there was time to change coefs and we had position,
#' then position would be closed
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @rdname getIgnorePosition
#' @method getIgnorePosition modelStrategy
#' @export
getIgnorePosition <- function(this){
UseMethod('getIgnorePosition', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getIgnorePosition
#' @method getIgnorePosition modelStrategy
getIgnorePosition.modelStrategy <- function(this){
this$thisEnv$ignorePosition <- FALSE
#' Get variable ignorePosition.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param bool bool, if it is true, then when model simulated,
#' when there was time to change coefs and we had position,
#' then position would be closed
#' @export
#' @rdname setIgnorePosition
setIgnorePosition <- function(this, bool){
UseMethod('setIgnorePosition', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname setIgnorePosition
#' @method setIgnorePosition modelStrategy
setIgnorePosition.modelStrategy <- function(this, bool){
this$thisEnv$ignorePosition <- bool
#' Set rule for calculating spread.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param fun function, it calculates coefs for spread
#' @param args list, arguments in setBeta function
#' @export
#' @rdname setBeta
setBeta <- function(this, fun, args = NULL, lookback, by_money){
UseMethod('setBeta', this)
#' Set rule for calculating spread.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param fun function / numeric vector, it calculates coefs for spread
#' @param args list/NULL, default arguments for fun
#' @param lookback numeric, lookback for calculating coefficients, how many periods should be in data
#' @param by_money logical, if it is TRUE then coefficients will be interpreted as money position in instruments, else in pieces
#' @export
#' @rdname setBeta
#' @method setBeta modelStrategy
setBeta.modelStrategy <- function(this, fun, args = NULL, lookback, by_money){
stop("Please provide fun argument")
}else if(!missing(fun)){
setLookback(this, lookback)
setBetasByMoney(this, by_money)
fun <- pryr::partial(function(w, ...) return(w), w = fun, .lazy = FALSE)
e <- this$thisEnv
formals(fun) <- modify.args(formals(fun), args)
e$beta_fun <- fun
e$beta_fun_init <- fun
#' Set amount of money, that we have at the beginning
#' @param this model
#' @param x numeric, amount of money
#' @export
#' @rdname setMoney
setMoney <- function(this, x){
UseMethod('setMoney', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname setMoney
#' @method setMoney modelStrategy
setMoney.modelStrategy <- function(this,x){
e <- this$thisEnv
e$money <- x
#' Get amount of money that we have at the beginning in specific backtest
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @return numeric, amount of money
#' @export
#' @rdname getMoney
getMoney <- function(this){
UseMethod('getMoney', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getMoney
#' @method getMoney modelStrategy
getMoney.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' Set window for calculating coefs
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x numeric, window for calculating
#' @export
#' @rdname setLookback
setLookback <- function(this, x){
UseMethod('setLookback', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname setLookback
#' @method setLookback modelStrategy
setLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this,x){
e <- this$thisEnv
e$lookback <- x
#' Get window for calculating coefs
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getLookback
getLookback <- function(this){
UseMethod('getLookback', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getLookback
#' @method getLookback modelStrategy
getLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' Set window how far the same coefs will be used
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x numeric, window
#' @export
#' @rdname setLookForward
setLookForward <- function(this, x){
UseMethod('setLookForward', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname setLookForward
#' @method setLookForward modelStrategy
setLookForward.modelStrategy <- function(this,x){
e <- this$thisEnv
e$lookForward <- x
#' Get window how far the same coefs will be used
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getLookForward
getLookForward <- function(this){
UseMethod('getLookForward', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getLookForward
#' @method getLookForward modelStrategy
getLookForward.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' Set tolerance of betas computation
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x numeric, tolerance
#' @export
#' @rdname setToleranceBeta
setToleranceBeta <- function(this, x){
UseMethod('setToleranceBeta', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname setToleranceBeta
#' @method setToleranceBeta modelStrategy
setToleranceBeta.modelStrategy <- function(this,x){
e <- this$thisEnv
e$toleranceBeta <- x
#' Get tolerance of betas computation
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @return numeric
#' @export
#' @rdname getToleranceBeta
getToleranceBeta <- function(this){
UseMethod('getToleranceBeta', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getToleranceBeta
#' @method getToleranceBeta modelStrategy
getToleranceBeta.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' Set window for calculating indicators
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x numeric, window
#' @export
#' @rdname setMaxLookback
setMaxLookback <- function(this, x){
UseMethod('setMaxLookback', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname setMaxLookback
#' @method setMaxLookback modelStrategy
setMaxLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this,x){
e <- this$thisEnv
e$maxLookback <- ceiling(x)
#' Get window for calculating indicators
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getMaxLookback
getMaxLookback <- function(this){
UseMethod('getMaxLookback', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getMaxLookback
#' @method getMaxLookback modelStrategy
getMaxLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' Return if you have a need to convert betas to int.
#' It is TRUE by default
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getBetasInt
getBetasInt <- function(this){
UseMethod('getBetasInt', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getBetasInt
#' @method getBetasInt modelStrategy
getBetasInt.modelStrategy <- function(this){
this$thisEnv$betasInt <- TRUE
#' Set TRUE if you have a need to convert betas to integers.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x logical
#' @export
#' @rdname setBetasInt
setBetasInt <- function(this, x){
UseMethod('setBetasInt', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname setBetasInt
#' @method setBetasInt modelStrategy
setBetasInt.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
this$thisEnv$betasInt <- x
#' Get/set name of table for calculating coefficients.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getBetaData
getBetaData <- function(this){
UseMethod('getBetaData', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getBetaData
#' @method getBetaData modelStrategy
getBetaData.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' @param x character, name of table in modelD object
#' @export
#' @rdname getBetaData
setBetaData <- function(this, x){
UseMethod('setBetaData', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getBetaData
#' @method setBetaData modelStrategy
setBetaData.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
this$thisEnv$betaData <- x
#' Get/set name of table for building spread.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getSpreadData
getSpreadData <- function(this){
UseMethod('getSpreadData', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getSpreadData
#' @method getSpreadData modelStrategy
getSpreadData.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' @param x character, name of table in modelD object
#' @export
#' @rdname getSpreadData
setSpreadData <- function(this, x){
UseMethod('setSpreadData', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getSpreadData
#' @method setSpreadData modelStrategy
setSpreadData.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
this$thisEnv$spreadData <- x
#' Add user-defined objects to modelStrategy for future usage in backtest
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param ... named args
#' @export
#' @rdname addObject
addObject <- function(this, ...){
UseMethod('addObject', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname addObject
#' @method addObject modelStrategy
addObject.modelStrategy <- function(this, ...){
dots <- list(...)
if(is.null(names(dots)) || any(names(dots) == '')){
stop("object must have a name.")
for(name in names(dots)){
this$thisEnv[['objects']][[name]] <- dots[[name]]
#' get expandingLookback
#' If it is TRUE, then size of data in beta_fun will be equal to current index, else to lookback
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getExpandingLookback
#' @method getExpandingLookback modelStrategy
getExpandingLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this){
if(!'expandingLookback' %in% names(this$thisEnv)){
this$thisEnv$expandingLookback <- FALSE
#' set expandingLookback
#' If it is TRUE, then size of data in beta_fun will be equal to current index, else to lookback
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x logical
#' @export
#' @rdname setExpandingLookback
#' @method setExpandingLookback modelStrategy
setExpandingLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
this$thisEnv$expandingLookback <- x
print('x must be logical')
#' Set/Get betasByMoney variable
#' This variable is responsible for how spread will be trades. If it is TRUE then coefficients before trade will be update in
#' according to current prices in table data_raw. For example, if coefs is c(0.5, -0.5) and prices c(10, 100) and money is 1000,
#' then position will be opened with assets amount c(50, -5). But if variable is FALSE, then assets amount will be c(9, -9).
#' If betasByMoney is TRUE, then option from setBetasInt will be ignored.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x logical
#' @param price quote, price of each intrument in moment i
#' @return
#' @export
#' @rdname setBetasByMoney
#' @method setBetasByMoney modelStrategy
setBetasByMoney.modelStrategy <- function(this, x, price=quote(data_raw[i - 1,])){
if(is.logical(x) && is.language(price)){
this$thisEnv$betasByMoney <- x
this$thisEnv$betasByMoneyPrice <- price
stop('x must be a logical and price must be a quote')
#' @return
#' @export
#' @rdname setBetasByMoney
#' @method getBetasByMoney modelStrategy
getBetasByMoney.modelStrategy <- function(this){
if(!'betasByMoney' %in% names(this$thisEnv)){
this$thisEnv$betasByMoney <- FALSE
#' Return Saved Models
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getSavedModels
getSavedModels <- function(this){
UseMethod('getSavedModels', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getSavedModels
#' @method getSavedModels modelStrategy
getSavedModels.modelStrategy <- function(this){
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