
Defines functions modelStrategy c.modelStrategy settings getWaitAfterClose getWaitAfterClose.modelStrategy setWaitAfterClose setWaitAfterClose.modelStrategy getPmAfterOpen getPmAfterOpen.modelStrategy setPmAfterOpen setPmAfterOpen.modelStrategy getIgnorePosition getIgnorePosition.modelStrategy setIgnorePosition setIgnorePosition.modelStrategy setBeta setBeta.modelStrategy setMoney setMoney.modelStrategy getMoney getMoney.modelStrategy setLookback setLookback.modelStrategy getLookback getLookback.modelStrategy setLookForward setLookForward.modelStrategy getLookForward getLookForward.modelStrategy setToleranceBeta setToleranceBeta.modelStrategy getToleranceBeta getToleranceBeta.modelStrategy setMaxLookback setMaxLookback.modelStrategy getMaxLookback getMaxLookback.modelStrategy getBetasInt getBetasInt.modelStrategy setBetasInt setBetasInt.modelStrategy getBetaData getBetaData.modelStrategy setBetaData setBetaData.modelStrategy getSpreadData getSpreadData.modelStrategy setSpreadData setSpreadData.modelStrategy addObject addObject.modelStrategy getExpandingLookback.modelStrategy setExpandingLookback.modelStrategy setBetasByMoney.modelStrategy getBetasByMoney.modelStrategy getSavedModels getSavedModels.modelStrategy

Documented in addObject addObject.modelStrategy getBetaData getBetaData.modelStrategy getBetasByMoney.modelStrategy getBetasInt getBetasInt.modelStrategy getExpandingLookback.modelStrategy getIgnorePosition getIgnorePosition.modelStrategy getLookback getLookback.modelStrategy getLookForward getLookForward.modelStrategy getMaxLookback getMaxLookback.modelStrategy getMoney getMoney.modelStrategy getPmAfterOpen getPmAfterOpen.modelStrategy getSavedModels getSavedModels.modelStrategy getSpreadData getSpreadData.modelStrategy getToleranceBeta getToleranceBeta.modelStrategy getWaitAfterClose getWaitAfterClose.modelStrategy modelStrategy setBeta setBetaData setBetaData.modelStrategy setBeta.modelStrategy setBetasByMoney.modelStrategy setBetasInt setBetasInt.modelStrategy setExpandingLookback.modelStrategy setIgnorePosition setIgnorePosition.modelStrategy setLookback setLookback.modelStrategy setLookForward setLookForward.modelStrategy setMaxLookback setMaxLookback.modelStrategy setMoney setMoney.modelStrategy setPmAfterOpen setPmAfterOpen.modelStrategy setSpreadData setSpreadData.modelStrategy settings setToleranceBeta setToleranceBeta.modelStrategy setWaitAfterClose setWaitAfterClose.modelStrategy

## quiets concerns of R CMD check re: the .'s that appear in pipelines
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  globalVariables(c("."))

#' creates modelStrategy object
#' @return modelStrategy object
#' @export
#' @import xts 
#' @import zoo
#' @import magrittr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom zoo coredata index
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom quantmod Lag
#' @importFrom utils capture.output head install.packages installed.packages packageVersion remove.packages tail untar globalVariables
modelStrategy <- function(){
  thisEnv <- environment()
  stats_init <- list()
  stats <- list()
  user_add_data <- list()
  betaData <- 'data_raw'
  spreadData <- 'data_raw'
  saveData <- NULL
  money <- 10^7
  toleranceBeta <- 0.1
  lookForward <- Inf
  lookback <- 0
  maxLookback <- 0
  waitAfterClose <- FALSE
  pmAfterOpen <- TRUE
  objects <- new.env()
  indicators <- list()
  rules <- list()
  rules_path_ind <- numeric()
  rules_norm_ind <- numeric()
  data_from_user <- list()
  paramsets <- list()
  #paramsets[[1]] <- list(constraints = list(), distributions = list())
  backtests <- list()
  pps <- list()
  vars <- list()
  program <- list()
  params <- list(
    vars = list(),
    pps = list(),
    rules = list(),
    pms = list()
  #activeField <- c(start = Inf, end = 0)
  me <- list(thisEnv = thisEnv)

  ## Set the name for the class
  class(me) <- c("modelStrategy")

  ## Define the value of the list within the current environment.
  setBetasByMoney(me, TRUE)

.settings <- new.env()
.settings[['reload']] <- TRUE

#' @export
c.modelStrategy <- function(x, ...){
  dots <- list(...)
  res <- list(x)
  for(m in dots){
    if(class(m) %in% c('modelStrategy', 'modelPortfolio')){
      res <- c(res, list(m))
    }else if(class(m) == 'list'){
      res <- c(res, m)

#' Change some settings
#' @param ... parameters
#' @export
#' @example 
#' \dontrun{
#' settings(plot = list(adjust = TRUE, each_year = TRUE))
#' }
settings <- function(...){
  l <- list(...)
  list2env(l, .settings)

#' Get waitAfterClose. If it is true, then new open will be after last close, else they may be in the same time
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getWaitAfterClose
getWaitAfterClose <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getWaitAfterClose', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getWaitAfterClose
#' @method getWaitAfterClose modelStrategy
getWaitAfterClose.modelStrategy <- function(this){

#' Set waitAfterClose. If it is true, then new open will be after last close, else they may be in the same time
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x logical
#' @export
#' @rdname setWaitAfterClose
setWaitAfterClose <- function(this, x){
  UseMethod('setWaitAfterClose', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname setWaitAfterClose
#' @method setWaitAfterClose modelStrategy
setWaitAfterClose.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
  this$thisEnv$waitAfterClose <- x

#' Get pmAfterOpen. 
#' If it is true, then position manager will be turned on just after opening position
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getPmAfterOpen
getPmAfterOpen <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getPmAfterOpen', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getPmAfterOpen
#' @method getPmAfterOpen modelStrategy
getPmAfterOpen.modelStrategy <- function(this){

#' Gets pmAfterOpen. 
#' If it is true, then position manager will be turned on just after opening position
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x logical
#' @export
#' @rdname setPmAfterOpen
setPmAfterOpen <- function(this, x){
  UseMethod('setPmAfterOpen', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname setPmAfterOpen
#' @method setPmAfterOpen modelStrategy
setPmAfterOpen.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
  this$thisEnv$pmAfterOpen <- x

#' Get variable ignorePosition.
#' If it is true, then when model  simulated, when there was time to change coefs and we had position,
#'  then position would be closed
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @rdname getIgnorePosition
#' @method getIgnorePosition modelStrategy
#' @export
getIgnorePosition <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getIgnorePosition', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getIgnorePosition
#' @method getIgnorePosition modelStrategy
getIgnorePosition.modelStrategy <- function(this){
    this$thisEnv$ignorePosition <- FALSE

#' Get variable ignorePosition.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param bool bool, if it is true, then when model  simulated, 
#' when there was time to change coefs and we had position,
#'  then position would be closed
#' @export
#' @rdname setIgnorePosition
setIgnorePosition <- function(this, bool){
  UseMethod('setIgnorePosition', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname setIgnorePosition
#' @method setIgnorePosition modelStrategy
setIgnorePosition.modelStrategy <- function(this, bool){
  this$thisEnv$ignorePosition <- bool

#' Set rule for calculating spread.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param fun function, it calculates coefs for spread
#' @param args list, arguments in setBeta function
#' @export
#' @rdname setBeta
setBeta <- function(this, fun, args = NULL, lookback, by_money){
    UseMethod('setBeta', this)

#' Set rule for calculating spread.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param fun function / numeric vector, it calculates coefs for spread
#' @param args list/NULL, default arguments for fun
#' @param lookback numeric, lookback for calculating coefficients, how many periods should be in data
#' @param by_money logical, if it is TRUE then coefficients will be interpreted as money position in instruments, else in pieces
#' @export
#' @rdname setBeta
#' @method setBeta modelStrategy
setBeta.modelStrategy <- function(this, fun, args = NULL, lookback, by_money){
        stop("Please provide fun argument")
    }else if(!missing(fun)){
            setLookback(this, lookback)
            setBetasByMoney(this, by_money)
            fun <- pryr::partial(function(w, ...) return(w), w = fun, .lazy = FALSE)
        e <- this$thisEnv
            formals(fun) <- modify.args(formals(fun), args)
        e$beta_fun <- fun
        e$beta_fun_init <- fun

#' Set amount of money, that we have at the beginning
#' @param this model
#' @param x numeric, amount of money
#' @export
#' @rdname setMoney
setMoney <- function(this, x){
  UseMethod('setMoney', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname setMoney
#' @method setMoney modelStrategy
setMoney.modelStrategy <- function(this,x){
  e <- this$thisEnv
  e$money <- x

#' Get amount of money that we have at the beginning in specific backtest
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @return numeric, amount of money
#' @export
#' @rdname getMoney
getMoney <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getMoney', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getMoney
#' @method getMoney modelStrategy
getMoney.modelStrategy <- function(this){

#' Set window for calculating coefs
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x numeric, window for calculating
#' @export
#' @rdname setLookback
setLookback <- function(this, x){
  UseMethod('setLookback', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname setLookback
#' @method setLookback modelStrategy
setLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this,x){
  e <- this$thisEnv
  e$lookback <- x

#' Get window for calculating coefs
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getLookback
getLookback <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getLookback', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getLookback
#' @method getLookback modelStrategy
getLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this){

#' Set window how far the same coefs will be used
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x numeric, window
#' @export
#' @rdname setLookForward
setLookForward <- function(this, x){
  UseMethod('setLookForward', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname setLookForward
#' @method setLookForward modelStrategy
setLookForward.modelStrategy <- function(this,x){
  e <- this$thisEnv
  e$lookForward <- x

#' Get window how far the same coefs will be used
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getLookForward
getLookForward <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getLookForward', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getLookForward
#' @method getLookForward modelStrategy
getLookForward.modelStrategy <- function(this){

#' Set tolerance of betas computation
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x numeric, tolerance
#' @export
#' @rdname setToleranceBeta
setToleranceBeta <- function(this, x){
  UseMethod('setToleranceBeta', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname setToleranceBeta
#' @method setToleranceBeta modelStrategy
setToleranceBeta.modelStrategy <- function(this,x){
  e <- this$thisEnv
  e$toleranceBeta <- x

#' Get tolerance of betas computation
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @return numeric
#' @export
#' @rdname getToleranceBeta
getToleranceBeta <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getToleranceBeta', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getToleranceBeta
#' @method getToleranceBeta modelStrategy
getToleranceBeta.modelStrategy <- function(this){

#' Set window for calculating indicators
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x numeric, window
#' @export
#' @rdname setMaxLookback
setMaxLookback <- function(this, x){
  UseMethod('setMaxLookback', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname setMaxLookback
#' @method setMaxLookback modelStrategy
setMaxLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this,x){
  e <- this$thisEnv
  e$maxLookback <- ceiling(x)

#' Get window for calculating indicators
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getMaxLookback
getMaxLookback <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getMaxLookback', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getMaxLookback
#' @method getMaxLookback modelStrategy
getMaxLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this){

#' Return if you have a need to convert betas to int.
#' It is TRUE by default
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getBetasInt
getBetasInt <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getBetasInt', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getBetasInt
#' @method getBetasInt modelStrategy
getBetasInt.modelStrategy <- function(this){
    this$thisEnv$betasInt <- TRUE

#' Set TRUE if you have a need to convert betas to integers.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x logical
#' @export
#' @rdname setBetasInt
setBetasInt <- function(this, x){
  UseMethod('setBetasInt', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname setBetasInt
#' @method setBetasInt modelStrategy
setBetasInt.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
  this$thisEnv$betasInt <- x

#' Get/set name of table for calculating coefficients.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getBetaData
getBetaData <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getBetaData', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getBetaData
#' @method getBetaData modelStrategy
getBetaData.modelStrategy <- function(this){

#' @param x character, name of table in modelD object
#' @export
#' @rdname getBetaData
setBetaData <- function(this, x){
  UseMethod('setBetaData', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getBetaData
#' @method setBetaData modelStrategy
setBetaData.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
  this$thisEnv$betaData <- x

#' Get/set name of table for building spread.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getSpreadData
getSpreadData <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getSpreadData', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getSpreadData
#' @method getSpreadData modelStrategy
getSpreadData.modelStrategy <- function(this){

#' @param x character, name of table in modelD object
#' @export
#' @rdname getSpreadData
setSpreadData <- function(this, x){
  UseMethod('setSpreadData', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getSpreadData
#' @method setSpreadData modelStrategy
setSpreadData.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
  this$thisEnv$spreadData <- x

#' Add user-defined objects to modelStrategy for future usage in backtest 
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param ... named args
#' @export
#' @rdname addObject
addObject <- function(this, ...){
  UseMethod('addObject', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname addObject
#' @method addObject modelStrategy
addObject.modelStrategy <- function(this, ...){
  dots <- list(...)
  if(is.null(names(dots)) || any(names(dots) == '')){
    stop("object must have a name.")
  for(name in names(dots)){
    this$thisEnv[['objects']][[name]] <- dots[[name]]

#' get expandingLookback
#' If it is TRUE, then size of data in beta_fun will be equal to current index, else to lookback
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getExpandingLookback
#' @method getExpandingLookback modelStrategy
getExpandingLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this){
  if(!'expandingLookback' %in% names(this$thisEnv)){
    this$thisEnv$expandingLookback <- FALSE

#' set expandingLookback
#' If it is TRUE, then size of data in beta_fun will be equal to current index, else to lookback
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x logical
#' @export
#' @rdname setExpandingLookback
#' @method setExpandingLookback modelStrategy
setExpandingLookback.modelStrategy <- function(this, x){
    this$thisEnv$expandingLookback <- x
    print('x must be logical')

#' Set/Get betasByMoney variable
#' This variable is responsible for how spread will be trades. If it is TRUE then coefficients before trade will be update in
#'  according to current prices in table data_raw. For example, if coefs is c(0.5, -0.5) and prices c(10, 100) and money is 1000,
#'  then position will be opened with assets amount c(50, -5). But if variable  is FALSE, then assets amount will be c(9, -9).
#'  If betasByMoney is TRUE, then option from setBetasInt will be ignored.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param x logical
#' @param price quote, price of each intrument in moment i
#' @return
#' @export
#' @rdname setBetasByMoney
#' @method setBetasByMoney modelStrategy
setBetasByMoney.modelStrategy <- function(this, x, price=quote(data_raw[i - 1,])){
  if(is.logical(x) && is.language(price)){
    this$thisEnv$betasByMoney <- x
    this$thisEnv$betasByMoneyPrice <- price
    stop('x must be a logical and price must be a quote')

#' @return
#' @export
#' @rdname setBetasByMoney
#' @method getBetasByMoney modelStrategy
getBetasByMoney.modelStrategy <- function(this){
  if(!'betasByMoney' %in% names(this$thisEnv)){
    this$thisEnv$betasByMoney <- FALSE

#' Return Saved Models
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @export
#' @rdname getSavedModels
getSavedModels <- function(this){
  UseMethod('getSavedModels', this)

#' @export
#' @rdname getSavedModels
#' @method getSavedModels modelStrategy
getSavedModels.modelStrategy <- function(this){
Vitalic57/stratbuilder2pub documentation built on Dec. 18, 2019, 2:56 a.m.