ICSS: Age standardisation weights from the ICSS scheme.

ICSSR Documentation

Age standardisation weights from the ICSS scheme.


Contains three sets age-standardisation weights for age-standardized survival (net, relative or observed).


data.table with columns

  • age - lower bound of the age group

  • ICSS1 - first set of weights, sums to 100 000

  • ICSS2 - second set of weights, sums to 100 000

  • ICSS3 - third set of weights, sums to 100 000


ICSS weights (US National Cancer Institute website)

Corazziari, Isabella, Mike Quinn, and Riccardo Capocaccia. "Standard cancer patient population for age standardising survival ratios." European Journal of Cancer 40.15 (2004): 2307-2316.

See Also

Other popEpi data: meanpop_fi, popmort, sibr, sire, stdpop101, stdpop18

Other weights: direct_standardization, stdpop101, stdpop18


## aggregate weights to a subset of age groups
cut <- c(0, 30, 50, 70, Inf)
agegr <- cut(ICSS$age, cut, right = FALSE)
aggregate(ICSS1~agegr, data = ICSS, FUN = sum)

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