sibr: sibr - a simulated cohort of Finnish female breast cancer...

sibrR Documentation

sibr - a simulated cohort of Finnish female breast cancer patients


sibr is a simulated cohort pertaining female Finnish breast cancer patients diagnosed between 1993-2012. Instead of actual original dates, the dates are masked via modest randomization within several time windows. The dataset is additionally a random sample of 10 000 cases from the pertaining time window.


data.table with columns

  • sex - gender of the patient (1 = female)

  • bi_date - date of birth

  • dg_date - date of cancer diagnosis

  • ex_date - date of exit from follow-up (death or censoring)

  • status - status of the person at exit; 0 alive; 1 dead due to pertinent cancer; 2 dead due to other causes

  • dg_age - age at diagnosis expressed as fractional years


The closing date for the pertinent data was 2012-12-31, meaning status information was available only up to that point — hence the maximum possible ex_date is 2012-12-31.


Karri Seppa


The Finnish Cancer Registry

See Also

Other popEpi data: ICSS, meanpop_fi, popmort, sire, stdpop101, stdpop18

Other survival data: sire

WetRobot/popEpi documentation built on May 13, 2024, 8:25 a.m.