
## ----deming-fit, echo=TRUE, tidy=TRUE, tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60)----
#' @title Deming Fit
#' @description  Fit a line to data so that the fit minimizes the least-squared 
#' distance of the data points from the line.
#' @details See the detailed description in DemingFit.pdf
#' @author William Cooper
#' @export DemingFit
#' @param .x A numeric vector of measurements from one source.
#' @param .y A numeric vector of measurements from another source.
#' @param .sdx A numeric vector specifying the standard 
#' measurement uncertainty for the first set of measurements. Default: 1
#' @param .sdy Like .sdx but for the second set of measurements.
#' @return c(a, b, rms) for a fit of the form y = a + b * x, or NULL if no fit is 
#' possible (e.g., too few points or zero correlation). The returned value rms
#' is the normalized error, the rms of distances from the line if the two standard
#' deviations .sdx and .sdy are the same or else the standard error applicable to
#' the variable .x (or ratio*.y where ratio is .sdy/.sdx. This requires additional
#' interpretation where the values .sdx or .sdy are variable.
#' @examples 
#' DemingFit ((1:5+rnorm(5,0,0.5)), (1:5+rnorm(5,0,0.5)))
#' DemingFit (RAFdata$RTH1, RAFdata$RTH2)
DemingFit <- function (.x, .y, .sdx=1, .sdy=1) {
  ratio <- .sdy / .sdx
  xbar <- mean (.x, na.rm=TRUE)
  ybar <- mean (.y/ratio, na.rm=TRUE)
  x2bar <- mean (.x**2, na.rm=TRUE)
  y2bar <- mean ((.y/ratio)**2, na.rm=TRUE)
  xybar <- mean (.x*.y/ratio, na.rm=TRUE)
  theta <- 0.5 * atan ( 2 * (xybar - xbar * ybar) / 
                        ( (x2bar - xbar**2) - (y2bar - ybar**2)))
# xybar - xbar * ybar has the same sign as the correlation coefficient
  b <- ifelse ( ( (xybar-xbar*ybar)*theta >= 0), (tan (theta)), (-1/tan(theta)))
  a <- ybar - b * xbar
  normalizedError <- sqrt (sum (((b * .x + a - .y/ratio) / .sdx)**2, na.rm=TRUE) / (length (.x) - 2))
  b <- b * ratio
  a <- ybar * ratio - b * xbar
# note: std err is in units appropriate to .x or ratio*.y
  return (c (a, b, normalizedError))
WilliamCooper/Ranadu documentation built on July 10, 2019, 12:40 a.m.