
#' @title KingProbe
#' @description Calculates liquid water content from King Probe
#' @details Calculates an estimate of the dry-probe power and
#' subtracts this from the total power, then converts the resulting
#' residual power to a measure of the liquid water content. If applied
#' to successive measurements, the routine maintains an estimate of
#' the dry-air relationship between Nusselt number and Reynolds number
#' and uses that to adjust the zero reading when out of cloud (as
#' indicated by a measured droplet concentration falling below some
#' threshold).
#' @aliases KingProbe
#' @author William Cooper
#' @export KingProbe
#' @param Power The power in watts measured by the King probe (Watts)
#' @param TAS The true airspeed (m/s)
#' @param p Pressure (hPa)
#' @param T Temperature (deg. C)
#' @param N Droplet concentration (e.g., from a CDP)
#' @return Liquid water content (g/m^3)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{lwc <- KingProbe (25, 180, 700, 10, 0) }
#' \dontrun{lwc <- KingProbe (RAFdata$PLWC, RAFdata$TASX, RAFdata$PSXC, 
#' RAFdata$ATX, RAFdata$CONCD_LWII)}
KingProbe <- function (Power, TAS, p, T, N) {
  TASL <- attr(KingProbe, "TASL")
  if (is.null (TASL)) {    ## set initial values
    King <- list (TASL=0, ReL=0, tauNu=100, afb=c(0.135, 0.638), afa=c(1.868, 0.343),
                  afc=c(0.133, 0.382), L=0.021, d=1.805e-3, Ts=130, 
                  cb=c(0.03366503, 1.34236135, -0.33479451, 0.0351934),
                  Rd=StandardConstant("Rd"), cw=4190., ConcTest=1.)
    attributes (KingProbe) <<- King   ## save for future calls
  } else {King <- attributes (KingProbe)}  ## retrieve from last call
#  constants used in the KingProbe function:
#   King.TASL <- 0.
#   King.ReL <- 0.
#   King.tauNu <- 100.      # time constant for updating zero value
#   # three regimes: [c] TAS < 150; o.w. [a] Re<7244 or [b] Re>=7244
#   King.afb <- c(0.135, 0.638)
#   King.afa <- c(1.868, 0.343)
#   King.afc <- c(0.133, 0.382)
#   King.L <- 0.021     # element length, m
#   King.d <- 1.805e-3   # wire diameter, m
#   King.Ts <- 130.      # sensor temperature, deg. C
#   King.cb <- c(0.03366503, 1.34236135, -0.33479451, 0.0351934)
#   King.Rd <- StandardConstant("Rd")
#   King.cw <- 4190.     # specific heat of water, J/(kg K), mean value 0-90C
#   King.ConcTest <- 1.  # conc of droplets below which to consider zero
  x <- log10 (p)
  Tb <- 10.**(King$cb[1]+x*(King$cb[2]+x*(King$cb[3]+x*King$cb[4])))  # boiling temperature deg.C
  Tm <- 0.5 * (T+King$Ts)     # mean temperature for air properties
  # NOTE: sign of 2nd term was wrong, PLWCC memo; code section OK:
  lhv <- (2.501-0.00237*Tb)*1.e6     # latent heat of vaporization, J/kg
  cond <- (2.38+0.0071*Tm)*1.e-2       # therm. cond., J/(m s K)
  visc <- (1.718+0.0049*Tm)*1.e-5    # viscosity, kg/(m s)
  dens <- 100. * p / (King$Rd * (Tm+273.15))  # air density mks
  Re <- dens * TAS * King$d / visc
  Nup <- Power / (pi * King$L * cond * (King$Ts-T))
  Valid <- (N < King$ConcTest) & (TAS > 50.) & (!is.na(Power))
  w <- vector ("numeric", length(Power))
  af <- matrix (nrow=length(Power), ncol=2)
# this section adjusts the Nu-Re coefficients to maintain zero out-of-cloud
  xl <- King$afc
  for (i in 1:length(Power)) {
    if (is.na(Power[i]) | is.na(TAS[i]) | is.na(T[i]) | is.na(N[i])) {
      af[i,] <- c(NA,NA)
    } else {
      xf <- KingUpdate(N[i], TAS[i], King$afa, King$afb, King$afc, Re[i], Nup[i])
      if (!is.na(xf[1])) {
        af[i,] <- xf
      } else {
        af[i,] <- xl
      xl <- af[i,]
      King$TASL <- TAS[i]
      King$ReL <- Re[i]
  Nu <- af[,1] * Re**af[,2]
  Pdry <- pi * Nu * King$L * cond * (King$Ts-T)
  w <- 1000. * (Power-Pdry) / (King$L * King$d * TAS * (lhv + King$cw * (Tb-T)))
  return (w)


KingUpdate <- function (N, TAS, afa, afb, afc, Re, Nup) {
  # this function provides an update to the Nu-Re coefficients and
  # returns the values to use if an adjustment is needed
  King <- attributes (KingProbe)
  if ((N > King$ConcTest) | (TAS < 50.)) {
  if (TAS < 150.) {
    if (King$TASL >= 150.) {
      if (King$ReL < 7244.) {
        afc[1] <- afa[1] * Re**(afa[2]-afc[2])
      } else {
        afc[1] <- afb[1] * Re**(afb[2]-afc[2])
    King$afc <- c(afc[1] + (Nup / (Re**afc[2]) - afc[1]) / King$tauNu, afc[2])
    attributes (KingProbe) <<- King
    return (c(afc[1], afc[2]))
  } else if (Re < 7244.) {
    if (King$TASL < 150.) {
      afa[1] <- afc[1] * Re**(afc[2]-afa[2])
    } else if (King$ReL >= 7244.) {
      afa[1] <- afb[1] * Re**(afb[2]-afa[2])
    King$afa <- c(afa[1] + (Nup / (Re**afa[2]) - afa[1]) / King$tauNu, afa[2])
    attributes (KingProbe) <<- King
    return (c(afa[1], afa[2]))
  } else {
    if (King$TASL < 150.) {
      afb[1] <- afc[1] * Re**(afc[2]-afb[2])
    } else if (King$ReL < 7244.) {
      afb[1] <- afa[1] * Re**(afa[2]-afb[2])
    King$afb <- c(afb[1] + (Nup / (Re**afb[2]) - afb[1]) / King$tauNu, afb[2])
    attributes (KingProbe) <<- King
    return (c(afb[1], afb[2]))
WilliamCooper/Ranadu documentation built on July 10, 2019, 12:40 a.m.