
# ui.R

## This is the user interface for the Ranadu shinyApp.

step <- 60
  fluidPage (theme='www/bootstrap.css',    ##navbarPage('Explorer',  ##fluidPage(
    # titlePanel("Explorer"),
    # tabPanel ('plot vs time',
    # tags$style (type='text/css', '.well {max-height:140px;}'),
    ## this doesn't work; 115 is F4 key; fix someday
    tags$script(HTML("$(function() {
                                     $(document).keyup(function(e) {
                                       if (e.which == 115) {
    navlistPanel (tabPanel (strong('data & plot'), fluidRow (
      column (4, wellPanel (
        fluidRow (
          column (3, radioButtons ('SRC', label='AC', choices=c('NCAR', 'UWYO', 'FAAM'),
            width='60px', inline=FALSE)),
          column (8, 
            fluidRow (
              column (8, selectInput (inputId='Project', label=NULL,
                choices=PJ, selected=plotSpec$Project, width='100px')),
              column (4, actionButton (inputId='manual', label = 'help'))
          fluidRow (
            # column (4, downloadButton ('savePDF', label='PDF')), # icon=icon('file-pdf-o'))),
            column (4, downloadButton (outputId='savePNG', label='PNG')), # icon=icon('file-image-o'))),
            column (4, actionButton (inputId='saveRdata', label='R', icon=icon('file-archive-o')))
      column (2, wellPanel (
        fluidRow (
          column (5, numericInput (inputId='Flight', label='Flight', value=1,
            min=1, max=99, step=1, width='80px')),
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            width='70px', inline=FALSE)),
          column (3, radioButtons ('suffixFlight', label=NULL, choices=c('pre', 'Prod.', 'h'), ##, 'Y', 'KF'), 
            width='70px', inline=FALSE))))),
      column (1, 
        numericInput (inputId='plot', label='plot', value=1,
          min=1, max=5, step=1),
        actionButton ('check', 'quick')),
      column(5, wellPanel (
        fluidRow (
          column (6, selectInput ('restore', label=NULL, choices=defFiles, selected='plotSpec.def')),
          column (6, textInput ('save', label=NULL, value='plotSpec.def'))
        fluidRow (
          column (6, actionButton (inputId='specRead', label='Read Specs')),
          column (6, actionButton (inputId='specSave', label='Save Specs'))
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      #         tags$style (type='text/css', '.well {max-height:140px;}')
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      tabPanel (strong('restrictions'), 
          tags$style(type='text/css', '.well {max-height:120px;top:0px'),
            tags$style(type='text/css', 'irs {max-height:53px;'),
            sliderInput("times", label=NA, min=plotSpec$Times[1], max=plotSpec$Times[2],
              # animate=TRUE,
              timeFormat='%T', dragRange=TRUE,
            fluidRow (
              #                     column (4, tags$textarea(id = "tstart", rows = "1", cols = "11", value=formatTime(time[1]))),  # text input with 10 rows aka lines
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              column (4, 
                # tags$style(type="text/css", "input.shiny-bound-input {font-size:12px; height:15px;}"),
                textInput ('tstart', label=NULL, value=formatTime(plotSpec$Times[1])), 
                tags$style(type='text/css', "#tstart {width: 100px; height: 22px; }")),
              column (4, 
                # tags$style(type="text/css", "input.shiny-bound-input {font-size:12px; height:15px;}"),
                textInput ('tend', label=NULL, value=formatTime(plotSpec$Times[2])), 
                tags$style(type='text/css', "#tend {width: 100px; height: 22px; }")),
              column (2, shinyBS::bsButton ('resetT', label='reset', size='extra-small')),
              column (1, shinyBS::bsButton ('prevT', label=NULL, icon=icon('angle-left'), size='extra-small')),
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              column (1, shinyBS::bsButton ('nextT', label=NULL, icon=icon('angle-right'), size='extra-small'))
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        column (6, wellPanel ( fluidRow (
          # tags$style(type="text/css", "input.shiny-bound-input {font-size:14px; height:30px;}"),
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          column (3, selectInput ('rvar', 'var', choices=c(sort(FI$Variables)), 
          column (1, '?', checkboxInput ('apply', label=NULL, 
          column (3, numericInput ('rmin', 'min', plotSpec$Restrictions$min[1])),
          column (3, numericInput ('rmax', 'max', plotSpec$Restrictions$max[1]))
        ))), widths=c(2,10)),
    bsModal("quickCheck", title=NULL, trigger='check', size = "large", plotOutput("quickPlot")),
    tabsetPanel (id='whichTab', type='pills',
      tabPanel ('plot vs time',
          sidebarPanel(h4('define plot'), 
            fluidRow (
              column (6, numericInput ('panels', 'panels', 
                plotSpec$Plot[[1]]$panels, width='60px')),
              column (6, numericInput ('cols', 'cols', plotSpec$Plot[[1]]$columns, min=1, width='60px'))),
            fluidRow (
              column (6, numericInput ('panel', 'panel', 1, min=1, max=6,width='50px')),
              column (6, checkboxInput ('logY', 'log?'),
                checkboxInput ('fixed', 'set ylim?', 
            fluidRow (
              column (6, numericInput ('panelMin', 'min', plotSpec$Plot[[1]]$panel[[1]]$ylim[1])),
              column (6, numericInput ('panelMax', 'max', plotSpec$Plot[[1]]$panel[[1]]$ylim[2]))),
            fluidRow (
              column (7, checkboxInput ('restrict','apply restrictions', plotSpec$Plot[[1]]$restrict)),
              column (5, checkboxInput ('footer','footer?'))),
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              fluidRow (
                column (2, 'line:'),
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                  choices=c('select', 'omit', sort(FI$Variables)), 
                column (1, 'l:'),
                column (11, textInput ('ylbl', label=NULL, value=plotSpec$Plot[[1]]$panel[[1]]$var[1]))),
              selectInput ('varColor', NULL, c('blue', 'darkgreen', 'red',
                'cyan', 'violet', 'darkorange',
                'brown', 'black')),
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                column (6, checkboxInput ('smooth','smooth?', plotSpec$Plot[[1]]$panel[[1]]$smooth[1]),
                  numericInput ('SGpoints', 'SG pts', plotSpec$Plot[[1]]$panel[[1]]$SGlength[1])
          mainPanel( tabsetPanel (tabPanel ('plots', plotOutput (outputId='display', click=clickOpts(id='plot_click'), 
            brush=brushOpts(id='plot_brush', delay=3000, delayType='debounce', resetOnNew=TRUE))),
            tabPanel ('stats', dataTableOutput ('stats')),
            tabPanel ('histograms', plotOutput (outputId='hist')),
            tabPanel ('soundings', plotOutput (outputId='barWvsZ')),
            tabPanel ('listing', dataTableOutput ('listing')), 
            tabPanel ('checkV', h2('1-min averages centered on listed time'),
              textInput ('RefT', label=NULL, value=formatTime(checkTime)), 
              dataTableOutput ('checkV')), 
        # ),
        # tabPanel ('track')
      tabPanel ('track',
          sidebarPanel(h4('track definition'), 
            checkboxInput ('limits2','apply restrictions'), 
            checkboxInput ('footer2', 'footer?'),
            checkboxInput ('drift', 'drifting?'),
            numericInput ('track.xc', 'center long.', value=NULL),
            numericInput ('track.yc', 'center lat.', value=NULL),
            numericInput ('track.sz', 'size (deg.', value=NULL),
            numericInput ('track.spacing', 'time between labels (min)', 15),
            numericInput ('track.WF', 'scale for wind flags', 5),
          mainPanel( tabsetPanel (tabPanel ('plan view', plotOutput (outputId='track')),
            tabPanel ('time-height', plotOutput ('theight'))
      tabPanel ('stats/listing',
          sidebarPanel(h4('stats/listing definition'), 
            checkboxInput ('limits2a','apply restrictions'), 
            actionButton ('statVariables', 'select variables'),
            radioButtons ('statslist', label='type of output', choices=c('stats', 'listing')),
            numericInput ('avgsec', label='for listing, ave. seconds:', value=1, min=1),
          mainPanel(dataTableOutput ('statistics')))
      navbarMenu ('more plots', 
        tabPanel ('histogram',
            sidebarPanel(h4('histogram definition'), 
              fluidRow (
                column (6, checkboxInput ('limits3','apply restrictions')),
                column (6, checkboxInput ('densityH', 'plot density?'))
              fluidRow (
                column (6, checkboxInput ('cdf', 'include CDF')),
                column (6, checkboxInput ('hfooter','footer? (NA)'))),
              fluidRow (
                column (6, numericInput ('hpanels', 'panels', 
                  plotSpec$Hist[[1]]$panels, width='60px')),
                column (6, numericInput ('hcols', 'cols', plotSpec$Hist[[1]]$columns, min=1, width='60px'))),
              fluidRow (
                column (4, numericInput ('hpanel', 'panel', 1, min=1, max=5,width='50px')),
                column (4, numericInput ('hbins', 'bins', 50, min=10)),
                column (4, checkboxInput ('hlogY', 'log? (NA)'),
                  checkboxInput ('hfixed', 'set xlim?', 
              fluidRow (
                column (6, numericInput ('hpanelMin', 'xmin', plotSpec$Hist[[1]]$panel[[1]]$ylim[1])),
                column (6, numericInput ('hpanelMax', 'xmax', plotSpec$Hist[[1]]$panel[[1]]$ylim[2]))),
              wellPanel (
                fluidRow (
                  column (6, h4('line:')),
                  column (6, numericInput ('hlineV', NULL, 1, width='90px'))),
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                  choices=c('select', 'omit',sort(FI$Variables)), 
                selectInput ('hvarColor', NULL, c('blue', 'darkgreen', 'red',
                  'cyan', 'violet', 'darkorange',
                  'brown', 'black')),
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                  column (6, 'width:'),
                  column (6, numericInput ('hlineW', NULL, 1, width='90px'))),
                radioButtons ('hlineStyle', label='line type', choices=ltyps, inline=TRUE, 
            mainPanel(plotOutput (outputId='histogram')))
        tabPanel ('scatterplot',
              fluidRow (
                column (5, checkboxInput ('limits4','restrictions')),
                column (6, checkboxInput ('ssmooth','smoothed display?   (1st pair only)'))),
              fluidRow (
                column (6, numericInput ('spanels', 'panels', 
                  plotSpec$Scat[[1]]$panels, width='60px')),
                column (6, numericInput ('scols', 'cols', plotSpec$Scat[[1]]$columns, min=1, width='60px'))),
              fluidRow (
                column (6, numericInput ('spanel', 'panel', 1, min=1, max=5,width='50px')),
                column (6, checkboxInput ('slogX', 'log x?'),
                  checkboxInput ('slogY', 'log y?'),
                  checkboxInput ('sfixed', 'fixed?', 
              wellPanel (
                fluidRow (
                  column (5, h4('pair:')),
                  column (7, numericInput ('slineV', NULL, 1, width='90px'))),
                fluidRow (
                  column (2, 'x'),
                  column (10, selectInput ('saddVarP1', label=NULL,
                    choices=c('select', 'omit',sort(FI$Variables)), 
                fluidRow (
                  column (2, 'y'),
                  column (10, selectInput ('saddVarP2', label=NULL,
                    choices=c('select', 'omit',sort(FI$Variables)), 
                selectInput ('svarColor', NULL, c('blue', 'darkgreen', 'red',
                  'cyan', 'violet', 'darkorange',
                  'brown', 'black')),
                fluidRow (
                  column (6, 'symbol size:'),
                  column (6, numericInput ('ssize', NULL, 1, width='90px'))),
                numericInput ('symbol', 'symbol', plotSpec$Scat[[1]]$panel[[1]]$symbol[1], width='90px'),
                fluidRow (
                  column (6, numericInput ('spanelMinx', 'xmin', plotSpec$Scat[[1]]$panel[[1]]$xlim[1])),
                  column (6, numericInput ('spanelMaxx', 'xmax', plotSpec$Scat[[1]]$panel[[1]]$xlim[2]))),
                fluidRow (
                  column (6, numericInput ('spanelMiny', 'ymin', plotSpec$Scat[[1]]$panel[[1]]$ylim[1])),
                  column (6, numericInput ('spanelMaxy', 'ymax', plotSpec$Scat[[1]]$panel[[1]]$ylim[2])))),
            mainPanel(plotOutput (outputId='scatterplot')))
        tabPanel ('bin-average plots',    
            sidebarPanel(h4('bin averages'),
              checkboxInput ('limits5','apply restrictions'),
              fluidRow (
                column (5, checkboxInput ('bfooter','footer? (NA)'))),
              fluidRow (
                column (6, numericInput ('bpanels', 'panels', 
                  plotSpec$Bin[[1]]$panels, width='60px')),
                column (6, numericInput ('bcols', 'cols', plotSpec$Bin[[1]]$columns, min=1, width='60px'))),
              fluidRow (
                column (6, numericInput ('bpanel', 'panel', 1, min=1, max=5,width='50px'),
                  checkboxInput ('bhoriz', 'horizontal?')),
                column (6, checkboxInput ('blogX', 'log x?'),
                  checkboxInput ('blogY', 'log y?'),
                  checkboxInput ('bfixed', 'fixed?', 
              wellPanel (
                fluidRow (
                  column (5, h4('pair:')),
                  column (7, numericInput ('blineV', NULL, 1, width='90px'))),
                fluidRow (
                  column (2, 'x'),
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                    choices=c('select', 'omit',sort(FI$Variables)), 
                fluidRow (
                  column (2, 'y'),
                  column (10, selectInput ('baddVarP2', label=NULL,
                    choices=c('select', 'omit',sort(FI$Variables)), 
                selectInput ('bvarColor', NULL, c('blue', 'darkgreen', 'red',
                  'cyan', 'violet', 'darkorange',
                  'brown', 'black')),
                fluidRow (
                  column (6, 'symbol size:'),
                  column (6, numericInput ('bsize', NULL, 1, width='90px'))),
                numericInput ('bsymbol', 'symbol', plotSpec$Bin[[1]]$panel[[1]]$symbol[1], width='90px'),
                fluidRow (
                  column (6, numericInput ('bpanelMinx', 'xmin', plotSpec$Bin[[1]]$panel[[1]]$xlim[1])),
                  column (6, numericInput ('bpanelMaxx', 'xmax', plotSpec$Bin[[1]]$panel[[1]]$xlim[2]))),
                fluidRow (
                  column (6, numericInput ('bpanelMiny', 'ymin', plotSpec$Bin[[1]]$panel[[1]]$ylim[1])),
                  column (6, numericInput ('bpanelMaxy', 'ymax', plotSpec$Bin[[1]]$panel[[1]]$ylim[2])))),
            mainPanel(plotOutput (outputId='binplot')))
      navbarMenu ('particles',
        tabPanel ('size distributions',
            sidebarPanel(h4('define size distributions'), 
                column(6, checkboxInput ('limits7','restrictions?')),
                column(3, checkboxInput ('LWC', 'LWC?')),
                column(3, checkboxInput ('addcdf', 'CDF?'))
              selectInput ('sdtype', 'type of axes',
                choices=c('linear', 'log-y', 'log-x', 'both log'),
                selected='both log'),
              checkboxGroupInput ('probe', 'probe?', c('CDP', 'FSSP', 'UHSAS', 'PCASP', '2DC'),
            mainPanel(plotOutput (outputId='sdplot')))
        tabPanel ('hydrometeor images',
          sidebarLayout (
            sidebarPanel (h4('2D probe images'), 
              actionButton ('fname2d', 'select input file'),
              textInput ('fnametext', 'file selected:', value=plotSpec$fname2d),
              radioButtons ('mode2d', 'type of display:',
                choices=c('record', 'page', 'second (max)', 'image')),
              fluidRow (
                column (7, 'min. seconds between displayed records:'),
                column (5, numericInput ('max2d', label=NULL, value=0, min=0, width='200px'))),
              shinyBS::bsButton ('prev2d', label=NULL, icon=icon('angle-left'), size='small'),
              shinyBS::bsButton ('next2d', label=NULL, icon=icon('angle-right'), size='small'),
            mainPanel(plotOutput (outputId='image2d'))))),
      navbarMenu ('thermo. diagrams',
        tabPanel ('skewT diagram',
            sidebarPanel(h4('skew-T definition'), 
              checkboxInput ('limits6', 'apply restrictions'), 
              numericInput ('sndbins', 'bins for sounding', value=50, min=20, max=1000),
              checkboxInput ('hodograph', 'show hodograph?'),
              checkboxInput ('cape', 'CAPE / LCL / adiabats?'),
              checkboxInput ('footer6', 'footer?'),
            mainPanel(plotOutput (outputId='skewT')))
        tabPanel ('mixing and stability plots',
            sidebarPanel (h4('Paluch / sat.-point, stability diagrams'),
              checkboxInput ('limits9', 'apply restrictions'),
              selectInput ('paluchBetts', label=NULL, choices=c('Paluch', 'Betts sat. point', 'stability profiles')),
              h4('sounding times:'),
              fluidRow (
                column (6, textInput ('paluchStart', label=NULL, value=formatTime (plotSpec$PaluchTimes[1]))),
                column (6, textInput ('paluchEnd', label=NULL, value=formatTime (plotSpec$PaluchTimes[2])))
              fluidRow (
                column (2, 'bins:'),
                column (4, numericInput ('nbsa', label=NULL, value=18, min=5, width='70px')),
                column (2, 'avg:'),
                column (4, numericInput ('nbss', label=NULL, value=7, min=5, width='70px'))
              selectInput('paluchLWC', 'LWC variable', choices=c(sort(FI$Variables)), 
              h4('in-cloud times for mixing diagrams:'),
              fluidRow (
                column (6, textInput ('paluchCStart', label=NULL, value=formatTime (plotSpec$PaluchCTimes[1]))),
                column (6, textInput ('paluchCEnd', label=NULL, value=formatTime (plotSpec$PaluchCTimes[2])))
              h4 ('variable for stability profiles:'),
              radioButtons ('tvORthetap', label=NULL, choices=c('THETAV', 'THETAP'), inline=TRUE),
            mainPanel (plotOutput (outputId='paluch')))
      tabPanel ('variance spectra',
          sidebarPanel(h4('spectral analysis'), 
              column(4, checkboxInput ('limits8','apply restrictions')),
              column(5, selectInput ('varTheme', label='theme', choices=Themes)),
              column(3, checkboxInput ('varXanadu', label='Xanadu?', value=FALSE))),
            selectInput('specvar', 'variable', choices=c(sort(FI$Variables)), 
            selectInput('speccovar', 'co-variable', choices=c(sort(FI$Variables)), 
            tabsetPanel (type='pills',
              tabPanel ('fft-spectrum',
                fluidRow (
                  column(6, selectInput ('ffttype1', label=NULL, choices=c('fp(f)', 'p(f)', 'co-variable fp(f)', 'both fp(f)',
                    'cospec. / quad.', 'coherence / phase', 'edr-weighted', 'AllanVariance', 'data'))),
                  column(3, numericInput ('spans', 'spans (should be odd)', 49))),
                fluidRow (
                  column (6, selectInput ('FFTcolor1', 'color', choices=c('blue', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'cyan', 'darkorange', 'brown', 'magenta', 'black'))),
                  column(3, numericInput ('fftavg1', 'log avg intervals', plotSpec$Variance[[1]]$Definition$fftavg)),
                  column(3, checkboxInput ('ffterrbar1', 'error bars?'))),
                sliderInput("fftedrRange1", label='for EDR plot, freq range:', min=0.05, max=12.5,
                  value=c(0.1,8), step=0.01),
                  column(3, checkboxInput ('FFTadd1', 'add to prev. plot', value=FALSE)),
                  column(6, checkboxInput ('FFTshowU1', 'show unsmoothed spectrum', value=FALSE)),
                  column(3, checkboxInput ('FFTcaption1', 'show caption', value=TRUE)))),
              tabPanel ('fft-Welch',
                fluidRow (
                  column(6, selectInput ('ffttype', label=NULL, choices=c('fp(f)', 'p(f)', 'co-variable fp(f)', 'both fp(f)',
                    'cospec. / quad.', 'coherence / phase', 'edr-weighted', 'AllanVariance', 'data'))),
                  column(3, numericInput ('fftpts', 'segment length (s)', plotSpec$Variance[[1]]$Definition$fftpts)),
                  column(3, selectInput ('fftwindow', label=NULL, choices=c('Parzen', 'square', 'Welch', 'Hanning')))),
                fluidRow (
                  column (6, selectInput ('FFTcolor', 'color', choices=c('blue', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'cyan', 'darkorange', 'brown', 'magenta', 'black'))),
                  column(3, numericInput ('fftavg', 'log avg intervals', plotSpec$Variance[[1]]$Definition$fftavg)),
                  column(3, checkboxInput ('ffterrbar', 'error bars?'))),
                sliderInput("fftedrRange", label='for EDR plot, freq range:', min=0.05, max=12.5,
                  value=c(0.1,8), step=0.01),
                  column(3, checkboxInput ('FFTadd', 'add to prev. plot', value=FALSE)),
                  column(6, checkboxInput ('FFTshowU', 'show unsmoothed spectrum', value=FALSE)),
                  column(3, checkboxInput ('FFTcaption', 'show caption', value=TRUE)))),
              tabPanel ('acv',
                checkboxInput ('acvdetrend', 'remove trend?', value=TRUE),
                selectInput ('acvtype', label=NULL, choices=c('fp(f)', 'p(f)', 'var2 fp(f)', 'var2 p(f)', 
                  'autocorrelation', 'crosscorrelation', 'data')),        
                numericInput ('acvtau', 'smoothing time', plotSpec$Variance[[1]]$Definition$acvtau),
                numericInput ('acvavg', 'log avg intervals', plotSpec$Variance[[1]]$Definition$acvavg)),
              tabPanel ('MEM',
                fluidRow (
                  column(6, selectInput ('MEMtype', label=NULL, choices=c('fp(f)', 'p(f)', 'co-variable fp(f)', 'both',
                    'cospec./quadrature', 'coherence/phase', 
                    'edr-weighted', 'data'))),
                  column(3, numericInput ('MEMpoles', 'poles', plotSpec$Variance[[1]]$Definition$MEMpoles)),
                  column(3, numericInput ('MEMres', 'resoln', plotSpec$Variance[[1]]$Definition$MEMres))),
                fluidRow (
                  column(6, selectInput ('MEMcolor', 'color', choices=c('blue', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'cyan', 'darkorange', 'brown', 'magenta', 'black'))),
                  column(6, numericInput ('MEMavg', 'log avg intervals', plotSpec$Variance[[1]]$Definition$MEMavg))),
                sliderInput("MEMedrRange", label='for EDR plot, freq range:', min=0.05, max=12.5,
                  value=c(0.1,8), step=0.01),
                  column(3, checkboxInput ('MEMadd', 'add to prev. plot', value=FALSE)),
                  column(6, checkboxInput ('MEMshowU', 'show unsmoothed spectrum', value=FALSE)),
                  column(3, checkboxInput ('MEMcaption', 'show caption', value=TRUE)))
              ), id='spectype'),
          mainPanel(plotOutput (outputId='varplot')))
      navbarMenu ('utilities',
        tabPanel ('run other programs',
          selectInput ('otherprogram', label=NULL, 
            choices=c('ncplot', 'Xanadu', 'Excel', 'python', 
              'NCL', 'IDL', 'IDV')),
          checkboxInput ('limits10','apply restrictions'), 
          actionButton ('xfrVariables', 'select variables'),
          actionButton ('ncplot', 'start program')),
        tabPanel ('fits to data',
          sidebarLayout (
            sidebarPanel (h4('linear fits'),
              checkboxInput ('limitsFit', 'apply restrictions?', value=TRUE),
              selectInput ('response', label='response variable', 
              helpText(h4('formula use:'),
                'the fit formula can take several forms:',
                  tags$li('a single variable'),
                  tags$li('multiple variables separated by + signs (e.g., A+B)'),
                  tags$li('additional expressions enclosed in isolating expressions ',
                    tags$strong('+I()'),', where the enclosed formula may',
                    'use operations like *, /, etc., or ^ for powers (e.g., A^2 for the square of A)'),
                  tags$li('you can also use new variables previously defined by the utility \"create new variable\"')
              textInput ('fformula', 'fit formula (example shown)', placeholder='I(ADIFR/QCF)+I(MACHX^3)'),
              actionButton ('lfit', 'show linear fit'),
              actionButton ('dfit', 'show Deming fit')
            mainPanel (plotOutput (outputId='fitplot'),
              htmlOutput (outputId='fittext'),
              tableOutput (outputId='coeftable'))
        tabPanel ('create new variable',
          actionButton ('createV', 'create new variable'),
          helpText (h4('Usage:'), 
            'Provide a name for the new variable,',
            'then give a formula for calculating it. The',
            'formula can use names of existing variables',
            'if they are separated by spaces from other',
            'text or numbers, and it can use standard',
            'math operations like +-*/ or math functions',
            'like sin(). An example is shown. Click the',
            'top button once the formula is ready.', 
            h4('Warning:'), 'If the',
            'variable already exists it will be replaced.'),
          textInput ('newvar', 'name of new variable', value='AOAREF'),
          textInput ('formla', 'formula for new variable', 
            value='PITCH - GGVSPD / TASX * 180 / pi')))
WilliamCooper/Ranadu documentation built on July 10, 2019, 12:40 a.m.