
  # require(inline)
  #Objects: calculate R value with covariates
  #Input: pheontype(nx1), ms is marker size for slicing the genotype, genotype(orientation="row", mxn or orientation="col", nxm,) and covariates(nxp)
  #		n is individual number, m is marker number, p is covariate number
  #Output: abs(r)
  #Author: Yao Zhou
  #Last updated: Jun 28, 2016
  if(!is.matrix(Y)) Y=as.matrix(Y)
  n = nrow(Y)
  m = nrow(GD)
  # Orthogonolize phenotype w.r.t. covariates
  t1 = proc.time()
      w = cbind(1,w)
      w = matrix(1,n,1)
    if(!is.matrix(w)) w = as.matrix(w)
    qw = qr(w)
    if( min(abs(diag(qr.R(qw)))) < .Machine$double.eps * m ) {
      stop("Colinear or zero covariates detected");
    w = qr.Q(qw)

  # Orthogonolize phenotype w.r.t. covariates
  t2 = proc.time()
    Y = Y - w%*%crossprod(w,Y)
    colsq = colSums(Y^2)
    div = sqrt(colsq)
    Y = Y/div
  #Orthogonolize genotype w.r.t. covariates
  t3 = proc.time()
  # {
  #   rabs = matrix(NA,nrow = nrow(GD),ncol = nrow(GD))
  #   m = nrow(GD)
  #   for(marker in 1:m){
  #     ntest = nrow(GD)-marker + 1
  #     ns = ceiling(ntest/ms)
  #     for(i in 1:ns){
  #       bottom=(ms*(i-1)+marker)
  #       # if(bottom<marker) bottom = marker
  #       if(i<ns){
  #         up=ms*i+marker-1
  #       }else{
  #         up = m
  #       }
  #       GDs = GD[bottom:up,]
  #       if(bottom==up){
  #         GDs = as.matrix(GDs)
  #       }else{
  #         GDs = t(GDs)
  #       }
  #       GDs = (GD[marker,]) * GDs
  #       # GDs = GDs- crossprod(tw,tw%*%GDs)
  #       # colsq= colSums(GDs^2)
  #       # div = sqrt(colsq)
  #       # GDs=t(GDs)/div
  #       # print(dim(GDs))
  #       # print(dim(Y))
  #       rabs[bottom:up,marker] = abs(t(GDs)%*%Y)
  #     }
  #   }
  #   t4 = proc.time()
  #   rm(GDs,div)
  # }
  GD = as.matrix(GD)
  if(model == "AA"){
    GDD = GD
  }else if (model == "AD"){
    GDD = 1 - abs(GD)
  }else if (model == "DD"){
    GD = 1 - abs(GD)
    GDD = GD
    stop("Model type incorrect!")

  p = ncol(w)
  rabs = abs(geno_cor_new2(Y,GD,GDD,w,matrix(NA,m,m),m,n))

  # rabs = geno_cor2(Y,GD,GDD,w,m,n,p)
  t4 = proc.time()
YaoZhou89/HDGENE documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:42 a.m.