Man pages for YingMa1993/CARD
Spatially Informed Cell Type Deconvolution for Spatial Transcriptomics

AssignSCcordsThe function to assign the spatial location information for...
CARD-classEach CARD object has a number of slots which store...
CARD_deconvolutionSpatially Informed Cell Type Deconvolution for Spatial...
CARDfreeSpatialDeconv function based on Conditional Autoregressive...
CARDfree-classEach CARDfree object has a number of slots which store...
CARD.imputationConstruct an enhanced spatial expression map on the...
CARD-packageSpatially Informed Cell Type Deconvolution for Spatial...
CARDrefSpatialDeconv function based on Conditional Autoregressive...
CARD_refFreeExtension of CARD into a reference-free version of...
CARD_SCMappingExtension of CARD into performing single cell Mapping from...
CARD.visualize.CorVisualize the cell type proportion correlation
CARD.visualize.geneVisualize the spatial distribution of cell type proportion
CARD.visualize.pieVisualize the spatial distribution of cell type proportion in...
CARD.visualize.propVisualize the spatial distribution of cell type proportion
CARD.visualize.prop.2CTVisualize the spatial distribution of two cell type...
createCARDfreeObjectCreate the CARD object
createCARDObjectCreate the CARD object
createscRefConstruct the mean gene expression basis matrix (B), this is...
getHighresCordsThe function to sample the spatial location information for...
getWeightForCellThe function to estimate the cell type composition signature...
helloA simple function doing little
MVN_CVImputation and Construction of High-Resolution Spatial Maps...
normCoordsTrainTestNormalize the new spatial locations without changing the...
sampleGridWithinMake new spatial locations on unmeasured tissue through...
sc_QCQuality control of scRNA-seq count data
selectInfoSelect Informative Genes used in the deconvolution
SigmaCalculate the variance covariance matrix used in the...
YingMa1993/CARD documentation built on Feb. 14, 2024, 12:24 p.m.