Man pages for Zelazny7/binnr
Scorecard modeling in R

bin_generic method for bin_
Binary_Performance_binSubsequent call from the bin function passed to...
Binary_Performance-classBin reference class generator
Binary_Performance_get_excel_tableReturn an object that tells openxlsx how to print it to Excel
Binary_Performance_plotPlot method implementation for Binary_Performance
Binary_Performance_sort_valueSort_value method implementation for Binary_Performance
Binary_Performance_summarizeSummarize method implementation for Binary_Performance
Binary_Performance_summarySummary method implementation for Binary_Performance
Binary_Performance_updateUpdate method implementation for Binary_Performance
Bin_as.matrixReturn matrix summarizing Bin object
Bin_binDiscretize and summarize variables
Bin-classBin reference class generator
Bin_collapseCollapse levels of a Bin object
Bin_expandExpand a level of a Bin into multiple new levels
Bin_factorizeFactrorize superclass method
Bin_get_excel_tableReturn object for exporting to Excel
Bin_minusCollapse Bins
Bin_neutralizeSet performance value to zero
Bin_not_equalNeutralize Bins
Bin_plotPlot the Bin object
Bin_plusExpand Bins
Bin_predictSubstitute weight-of-evidence for the input 'x' values
Bin_resetReset the Bin to the original settings
Bin_set_equalSet one level equal to another
Bin_showPrint representation of Bin object
Bin_sort_valueAccess and return the sort value for the performance object
Bin_summaryReturn summary information for Bin based on associated...
Bin_undoUndo the last operation
Bin_updateUpdate the Bin object after performing requested operations
Classing_adjustadjust method for Classing objects
Classing_binSubsequent call from the bin function passed to Classing...
Classing-classClass Classing
Classing_clusterCluster variables by correlation
Classing_combineAdd variables from one classing to another
Classing_dropFlag supplied variables as dropped
Classing_get_clustersReturn a data.frame summarizing the variable clusters
Classing_prune_clustersPrune clusters keeping only the most informative variables
Classing_summarySummarize the Classing object
Classing_undropFlag supplied variables as undropped
Continuous-classContinuous reference class generator
Continuous_collapseCollapse adjacent levels of a Continuous bin object
Continuous_exceptionsSet the exception values for Continuous bins
Continuous_expanda level of a Continuous bin into multiple new levels
Continuous_factorizeFactorize for Continuous bins
Continuous_fmt_numeric_cutsHelper function to format Continuous bin labels
Continuous_gen_code_sasGenerate SAS code for Continuous object
Continuous_monoSet monotoncity for Continuous bins
Continuous_predictWeight-of-Evidence subistitution for Continuous bins
Continuous_set_cutpointsExplicity set bin boundaries for Continuous objects
create_bingeneric method for create_bin
Discrete-classDiscrete class
Discrete_collapseCollapse levels of a Discrete bin object
Discrete_expandExpand a level of a Discrete bin into multiple new levels
Discrete_factorizeFactorize for Discrete bins
Discrete_gen_code_sasGenerate SAS code for Discrete object
Discrete_predictWeight-of-Evidence substitution for Discrete bins
Model-classModel class definition
neutralizeNeutralize selected levels of Transform setting substitution...
Performance-classPerformnace reference class generator#'
Scorecard_adjustScorecard adjust method entry point
Scorecard_binSubsequent call from the bin function passed to the Scorecard
Scorecard_bootstrapRun bootstrap model fits to assess coefficient distributions.
Scorecard-classScorecard reference class generator
Scorecard_compareCompare multiple scorecards side-by-side
Scorecard_fitFit a model to the current set of variable transforms
Scorecard_gen_code_sasGenerate SAS code for Scorecard object
Scorecard_get_droppedReturn names of varibales flagged as dropped
Scorecard_get_inmodelReturn names of varibales flagged as inmodel
Scorecard_predictReturn scorecard predictions or WoE substitution
Scorecard_pseudo_pvaluesDeprecated method. Use Scorecard_bootstrap instead.
Scorecard_selectSelect a fitted model and load the Transforms
Scorecard_showPrint the Scorecard representation to the console
Scorecard_sortSort variables of a scorecard
Scorecard_summarySummarize the currently selected model
set_equalSet substitution of one level equal to substitution of...
titanicSurvivors of the Titanic disaster
Transform-classTransfrom reference class generator
update_transformUpdate Transform object with new information after Bin...
Zelazny7/binnr documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:55 a.m.