Man pages for ZytoHMGU/hetset
Identification of Heterogeneous Subsets in Data

calculate_distCalculate Hellinger's Squared Distance
censor_dataCensor Outliers in Assay
censor_featureCensor Outliers
estimate_densitiesMLE for Normal Mixture Model in 'hetset' Object
evaluate_setInspect Set of Features
HTCGA Expression Data of HNSCC Tumours
hetsetCreate 'hetset' Object
make_partition_by_logicalAssign Group Labels to Samples
plot_hetsetVisualize 'hetset' Object
reassign_samplesAssign Samples to Subpopulations
scan_hetsetScan Heterogeneity in 'SummarizedExperiment' Container
show_dependenciesShow Associations of Partitioning
show_partitionConsider Uncertainty of Partitioning
subset_hetsetSubset 'hetset' Object
test_independenceFisher Test for 'hetset' Objects
ZytoHMGU/hetset documentation built on June 6, 2019, 2:16 p.m.