## code to prepare `montlake_od_tbl`, `montlake_zone_tbl` and
## `montlake_osm_buildings_tbl` dataset goes here
## determine the bounding box of the test area
montlake_poly_url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/a-b-street/abstreet/master/importer/config/us/seattle/montlake.poly"
raw_boundary_vec <- readr::read_lines(montlake_poly_url)
boundary_matrix <- raw_boundary_vec[(raw_boundary_vec != "boundary") & (raw_boundary_vec != "1") & (raw_boundary_vec != "END")] %>%
stringr::str_trim() %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(y_boundary = as.numeric(lapply(stringr::str_split(value, " "), `[[`, 1)),
x_boundary = as.numeric(lapply(stringr::str_split(value, " "), `[[`, 2))) %>%
dplyr::select(-value) %>%
boundary_sf_poly <- sf::st_sf(geometry = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon(list(boundary_matrix)), crs = 4326))
## parse the zone file
all_zones_tbl <- sf::st_read("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/psrc/soundcast/master/inputs/base_year/taz2010.geojson") %>% sf::st_transform(4326)
zones_in_boundary_tbl <- all_zones_tbl[sf::st_intersects(all_zones_tbl, boundary_sf_poly, sparse = F),]
# # use to visually verify the correct zones are identified within the bounding box
# zones_in_boundary_tbl$col <- sf.colors(22, categorical = TRUE, alpha = .3)
# plot(st_geometry(boundary_sf_poly))
# plot(st_geometry(zones_in_boundary_tbl), add = TRUE, col = zones_in_boundary_tbl$col)
## process the disagreggated soundcast trips data
all_trips_tbl <- readr::read_csv("http://abstreet.s3-website.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/dev/data/input/us/seattle/trips_2014.csv.gz")
## create a OD matrix
od_tbl_long <- dplyr::select(all_trips_tbl, otaz, dtaz, mode) %>%
dplyr::mutate(mode = dplyr::case_when(mode %in% c(1, 9) ~ "Walk",
mode == 2 ~ "Bike",
mode %in% c(3, 4, 5) ~ "Drive",
mode %in% c(6, 7, 8) ~ "Transit",
TRUE ~ as.character(NA))) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(mode)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(otaz, dtaz, mode) %>%
dplyr::summarize(n = n()) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
# only keep an entry if the origin or destination is in a Montlake zone
dplyr::filter((otaz %in% zones_in_boundary_tbl$TAZ) | (dtaz %in% zones_in_boundary_tbl$TAZ))
# create a wide OD matrix and filter out any OD entries with under 25 trips in it
montlake_od_tbl <- tidyr::pivot_wider(od_tbl_long, names_from = mode, values_from = n, values_fill = 0) %>%
dplyr::rename(o_id = otaz, d_id = dtaz) %>%
dplyr::mutate(total = Drive + Transit + Bike + Walk) %>%
dplyr::filter(total >= 25) %>%
montlake_zone_tbl <- dplyr::right_join(all_zones_tbl,
tibble::tibble("TAZ" = unique(c(montlake_od_tbl$o_id, montlake_od_tbl$d_id))),
by = "TAZ") %>%
dplyr::select(TAZ) %>%
dplyr::rename(id = TAZ)
## Collect building data from OSM
osm_polygons <- osmextract::oe_read("http://download.geofabrik.de/north-america/us/washington-latest.osm.pbf", layer = "multipolygons")
building_types <- c("yes", "house", "detached", "residential", "apartments",
"commercial", "retail", "school", "industrial", "semidetached_house",
"church", "hangar", "mobile_home", "warehouse", "office",
"college", "university", "public", "garages", "cabin", "hospital",
"dormitory", "hotel", "service", "parking", "manufactured",
"civic", "farm", "manufacturing", "floating_home", "government",
"bungalow", "transportation", "motel", "manufacture", "kindergarten",
"house_boat", "sports_centre")
osm_buildings <- osm_polygons %>%
dplyr::filter(building %in% building_types) %>%
dplyr::select(osm_way_id, name, building)
osm_buildings_valid <- osm_buildings[sf::st_is_valid(osm_buildings),]
montlake_osm_buildings_all <- osm_buildings_valid[montlake_zone_tbl,]
# # use to visualize the building data
# tmap::tm_shape(boundary_sf_poly) + tmap::tm_borders() +
# tmap::tm_shape(montlake_osm_buildings) + tmap::tm_polygons(col = "building")
# Filter down large objects for package -----------------------------------
montlake_osm_buildings_all_joined <- montlake_osm_buildings_all %>%
# select 20% of buildings in each zone to reduce file size for this example
# remove this filter or increase the sampling to include more buildings
montlake_osm_buildings_sample <- montlake_osm_buildings_all_joined %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(osm_way_id)) %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
dplyr::sample_frac(0.20) %>%
montlake_osm_buildings_tbl <- montlake_osm_buildings_all %>%
dplyr::filter(osm_way_id %in% montlake_osm_buildings_sample$osm_way_id)
## Save example data to the package
montlake_od <- montlake_od_tbl
montlake_zones <- montlake_zone_tbl
montlake_buildings <- montlake_osm_buildings_tbl
usethis::use_data(montlake_od, overwrite = T)
usethis::use_data(montlake_zones, overwrite = T)
usethis::use_data(montlake_buildings, overwrite = T)
## Test the package functions with the test data
# od <- montlake_od_tbl
# zones <- montlake_zone_tbl
# zones_d = NULL
# origin_buildings = montlake_osm_buildings
# destination_buildings = montlake_osm_buildings
# pop_var = 3
# time_fun = ab_time_normal
# output = "json_file"
# modes = c("Walk", "Bike", "Drive", "Transit")
output_sf <- ab_scenario(
od = montlake_od,
zones = montlake_zones,
zones_d = NULL,
origin_buildings = montlake_buildings,
destination_buildings = montlake_buildings,
# destinations2 = NULL,
pop_var = 3,
time_fun = ab_time_normal,
output = "sf",
modes = c("Walk", "Bike", "Drive", "Transit"))
# # visualize the results
# tmap::tm_shape(res) + tmap::tm_lines(col="mode") +
# tmap::tm_shape(montlake_zone_tbl) + tmap::tm_borders()
# output_sf %>%
# dplyr::sample_n(1000) %>%
# mapview::mapview()
# build json output
ab_save(ab_json(output_sf, time_fun = ab_time_normal,
scenario_name = "Montlake Example"),
f = "montlake_scenarios.json")
# remove just generated .json file
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