Man pages for aGutierrezSacristan/psygenet2r
psygenet2r - An R package for querying PsyGeNET and to perform comorbidity studies in psychiatric disorders

DataGeNET.Psy-classClass DataGeNET.Psy
enrichedPD-methodsEnrichment of a user's input (genes) in PsyGeNET's diseases.
extractRaw data from 'DataGeNET.Psy' and 'JaccardIndexPsy'.
extractSentencesMethod to obtain the sentences that support a gene-disease...
geneAttrPlot-methodsPloting the relation between genes and disease-categories
getUMLs-methodsQuery PsyGeNET for given gene(s) and generates an...
jaccardEstimation-methodsCalculation of the Jaccard Index between ideseases
JaccardIndexPsy-classClass JaccardIndexPsy
ndiseaseGetter from 'DataGeNET.Psy'.
ngeneGetter from 'DataGeNET.Psy'.
pantherGraphic-methodsQuery PsyGeNET for given genes and creates a representation...
plot-DataGeNET.Psy-ANY-methodPlots the content of a 'DataGeNET.Psy' object
plot-JaccardIndexPsy-ANY-methodPlot the content of a 'JaccardIndexPsy' object.
psygenet2rpsygenet2r: Package to query PsyGeNET database and to perform...
psygenetDisease-methodsQuery PsyGeNET for given disease(s) and generates an...
psygenetDiseaseSentencesQuery PsyGeNET for given disease(s) and extract the pmids...
psygenetGene-methodsQuery PsyGeNET for given gene(s) and generates an...
psygenetGeneSentencesQuery PsyGeNET for given gene(s) and extract the pmids...
qr'DataGeNET.Psy' obtained from quering PsyGeNET for gene...
topAnatEnrichment-methodsEnrichment of a user's input (genes) in anatomical terms...
universeVector with gene universe for Jaccard Index
aGutierrezSacristan/psygenet2r documentation built on Jan. 18, 2024, 4:06 a.m.