DataGeNET.Psy-class: Class DataGeNET.Psy

DataGeNET.Psy-classR Documentation

Class DataGeNET.Psy


Class DataGeNET.Psy is the basic object use in psygenet2r package. It is the main data container to using the different functions to query PsyGeNET database and generate teir output. The constructors of this class are the functions psygenetGene and psygenetDisease.



Character containing 'gene' of 'disease'. It is used to eprform the correct query to PsyGeNET.


Character containing 'single' of 'list'.It is used to eprform the correct query to PsyGeNET.


Character containing the name of the database that will be queried. It can take the values 'MODELS' to use Comparative Toxigenomics Database, data from mouse and rat; 'GAD' to use Genetic Association Database; 'CTD' to use Comparative Toxigenomics Database, data from human; 'PsyCUR' to use Psychiatric disorders Gene association manually curated; 'CURATED' to use Human, manually curated databases (PsyCUR and CTD); or 'ALL' to use all these databases.


Charcter with the term(s) to search into the database(s).


data.frame with the obtained result

See Also

psygenetGene, psygenetDisease, DataGeNET.Psy-methods

aGutierrezSacristan/psygenet2r documentation built on Jan. 18, 2024, 4:06 a.m.