
Defines functions rstandard.sparseLTS rstandard.perrySeqModel rstandard.tslars rstandard.seqModel

Documented in rstandard.perrySeqModel rstandard.seqModel rstandard.sparseLTS rstandard.tslars

# ------------------------------------
# Author: Andreas Alfons
#         Erasmus University Rotterdam
# ------------------------------------

#' Extract standardized residuals from a sequence of regression models
#' Extract standardized residuals from a sequence of regression models, such as
#' submodels along a robust or groupwise least angle regression sequence, or
#' sparse least trimmed squares regression models for a grid of values for the
#' penalty parameter.
#' @method rstandard seqModel
#' @aliases rstandard.rlars rstandard.grplars rstandard.tslarsP
#' @param model  the model fit from which to extract standardize residuals.
#' @param p  an integer giving the lag length for which to extract standardized
#' residuals (the default is to use the optimal lag length).
#' @param s  for the \code{"seqModel"} method, an integer vector giving the
#' steps of the submodels for which to extract the standardized residuals (the
#' default is to use the optimal submodel).  For the \code{"sparseLTS"} method,
#' an integer vector giving the indices of the models for which to extract
#' standardized residuals.  If \code{fit} is \code{"both"}, this can be a list
#' with two components, with the first component giving the indices of the
#' reweighted fits and the second the indices of the raw fits.  The default is
#' to use the optimal model for each of the requested estimators.  Note that
#' the optimal models may not correspond to the same value of the penalty
#' parameter for the reweighted and the raw estimator.
#' @param fit  a character string specifying which standardized residuals to
#' extract.  Possible values are \code{"reweighted"} (the default) for the
#' standardized residuals from the reweighted estimator, \code{"raw"} for the
#' standardized residuals from the raw estimator, or \code{"both"} for the
#' standardized residuals from both estimators.
#' @param drop  a logical indicating whether to reduce the dimension to a
#' vector in case of only one step.
#' @param \dots  for the \code{"tslars"} method, additional arguments to be
#' passed down to the \code{"seqModel"} method.  For the other methods,
#' additional arguments are currently ignored.
#' @return
#' A numeric vector or matrix containing the requested standardized residuals.
#' @author Andreas Alfons
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[stats]{rstandard}}, \code{\link[=residuals.seqModel]{residuals}}
#' \code{\link{rlars}}, \code{\link{grplars}}, \code{\link{rgrplars}},
#' \code{\link{tslarsP}}, \code{\link{rtslarsP}}, \code{\link{tslars}},
#' \code{\link{rtslars}}, \code{\link{sparseLTS}}
#' @example inst/doc/examples/example-rstandard.R
#' @keywords regression
#' @import stats
#' @export

rstandard.seqModel <- function(model, s = NA, drop = !is.null(s), ...) {
  ## extract residuals
  residuals <- getComponent(model, "residuals", s=s, drop=FALSE, ...)
  ## standardize residuals
  if(model$robust) {
    # extract scale estimates
    scale <- getComponent(model, "scale", s=s, ...)
    # standardize selected residuals
    if(is.null(dim(residuals))) residuals <- residuals / scale
    else residuals <- sweep(residuals, 2, scale, "/", check.margin=FALSE)
  } else {
    # extract predictor matrix
    terms <- delete.response(model$terms)  # extract terms for model matrix
    if(is.null(x <- model$x)) {
      x <- try(model.matrix(terms), silent=TRUE)
      if(inherits(x, "try-error")) stop("model data not available")
    # extract information on sequence and steps
    active <- model$active
    s <- getComponent(model, "s", s=s, ...)
    assign <- model$assign
    if(is.null(assign)) {
      # compute degrees of freedom of the submodels along sequence
      df <- s + 1  # account for intercept
      # sequenced variables (including intercept)
      sequenced <- c(1, active[seq_len(max(s))] + 1)
    } else {
      # list of column indices for each predictor group
      assign <- split(seq_along(assign), assign)
      # compute degrees of freedom of the submodels along sequence
      firstActive <- active[seq_len(max(s))]
      p <- sapply(assign[firstActive], length) # number of variables per group
      df <- cumsum(c(1, unname(p)))[s+1]       # degrees of freedom
      # groupwise sequenced variables (including intercept)
      sequenced <- c(1, unlist(assign[firstActive], use.names=FALSE) + 1)
    # compute the diagonal of the hat matrix for the selected steps
    hii <- sapply(df, function(k) {
      xk <- x[, sequenced[seq_len(k)], drop=FALSE]
      diag(xk %*% solve(t(xk) %*% xk) %*% t(xk))
    # compute residual scale
    n <- nrow(residuals)
    scale <- sapply(seq_along(s), function(j) {
      sqrt((1 - hii[, j]) * sum(residuals[, j]^2) / (n - df[j]))
    # standardize residuals
    residuals <- residuals / scale
  ## drop dimension if requested and return standardized residuals
  if(isTRUE(drop)) dropCol(residuals) else residuals

#' @rdname rstandard.seqModel
#' @method rstandard tslars
#' @export

rstandard.tslars <- function(model, p, ...) {
  ## initializations
  # check lag length
  if(missing(p) || !is.numeric(p) || length(p) == 0) {
    p <- model$pOpt
  } else p <- p[1]
  pMax <- model$pMax
  if(p < 1) {
    p <- 1
    warning("lag length too small, using lag length 1")
  } else if(p > pMax) {
    p <- pMax
    warning(sprintf("lag length too large, using maximum lag length %d", p))
  ## extract standardized residuals for specified lag length
  rstandard(model$pFit[[p]], ...)

#' @rdname rstandard.seqModel
#' @method rstandard perrySeqModel
#' @export
rstandard.perrySeqModel <- function(model, ...) {
  finalModel <- model$finalModel
  if(is.null(finalModel)) stop("final model not available")
  rstandard(finalModel, ...)

#' @rdname rstandard.seqModel
#' @method rstandard sparseLTS
#' @export

rstandard.sparseLTS <- function(model, s = NA,
                                fit = c("reweighted", "raw", "both"),
                                drop = !is.null(s), ...) {
  ## extract residuals
  residuals <- getComponent(model, "residuals", s=s, fit=fit, drop=drop, ...)
  ## standardize residuals
  # extract center and scale estimates
  center <- getComponent(model, "center", s=s, fit=fit, ...)
  scale <- getComponent(model, "scale", s=s, fit=fit, ...)
  # standardize selected residuals
  if(is.null(dim(residuals))) residuals <- (residuals - center) / scale
  else {
    residuals <- x <- sweep(residuals, 2, center, check.margin=FALSE)
    residuals <- sweep(residuals, 2, scale, "/", check.margin=FALSE)
  ## return standardized residuals
aalfons/robustHD documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 10:39 p.m.