
#' train.digit
#' takes a thinned digit, generates a directed path for that digit
#'   and returns a vector of probabilities for each step type, the number of steps in the 
#'   and the label of the digit
#' @param digit 
#' @return # coming soon
#' @export
#' @examples # coming soon
train.digit <- function(digit, animation = FALSE) {
  label <- digit$label
  # create the path
  digit.train <- generatePaths(list(digit), animation = animation)
  # also return number of long strokes
  digit.num.real.strokes <- sum(sapply(digit.train[[1]]$direction.steps, length) >= 5)

  # find the longest path
  digit.steps <- digit.train[[1]]$direction.steps[[which.max(sapply(digit.train[[1]]$direction.steps, length))]]
  digit.total.steps <- length(digit.steps)
  digit.steps.probabilities <- rep(0, 8)

  for (step.type in 1:8) {
    # find number of times step happened in the first stroke
    digit.steps.probabilities[step.type] <- sum(digit.steps == step.type)/digit.total.steps
  # Add progression of steps
  # Find the first step type that occupies > 10% of the direction
  first.major.step <- NA
  major.step.threshold <- round(0.1*digit.total.steps)
  for (i in 1:length(digit.steps)) {
    if (i + major.step.threshold < length(digit.steps)) {
      if (length(unique(digit.steps[i:(i+major.step.threshold)])) == 1) {
        if (is.na(first.major.step)) {
          first.major.step <- digit.steps[i]

  # also the number of strokes
    step.probs = digit.steps.probabilities,
    label = label,
    total.steps = digit.total.steps,
    num.real.strokes = digit.num.real.strokes,
    changes.in.direction = digit.train[[1]]$changes.in.direction,
    first.major.step = first.major.step))
abarciauskas-bgse/bplmnist documentation built on May 10, 2019, 4:09 a.m.