Man pages for abfleishman/trakR
Basic Animal Tracking Data Analysis Tools

AddDist2ColonyAddDist2Colony Calculate the Distance from Points to Many...
BearingFromPointBearingFromPoint Calculate bearing between two points along a...
cost_choice_indexCalculate cost choice index for a single point
DepthETOPODepthETOPO Compute the depth from ETOPO1 is at 1 arc minute...
Dist2ColonyDist2Colony Calculate the distance of a vector of points...
distanceDistance (from argosfilter)
distanceTrackdistanceTrack (from argosfilter)
gilmour_fidelityGilmour's Fidelity Index
InOutPointsInbound/Outbound flight leg identification
InterpointDistInterpointDist Calculate the Distance between points on a...
InterpointTimeInterpointTime Calculate the time between points on a track...
kernalOverlapBA_pCalculate Bhattacharyya's affinity for two groups of animal...
label_eventsNumber events (such as foraging events) by bird and trip
MakeTripMakeTrip Function to make a TripNum variable
radiandegree to radian
SpeedSpeed Calculate the instantanious speed at each point along...
trackstracks from a red-legged kittiwake
true_costCalculate true cost of flight
TurningAngleCalculate the turning angles between points on a track for...
abfleishman/trakR documentation built on Nov. 21, 2022, 7:59 a.m.