MakeTrip: MakeTrip Function to make a TripNum variable

View source: R/MakeTrip.R

MakeTripR Documentation

MakeTrip Function to make a TripNum variable


The objective of this function to to partition tracking data into "trips" based on begining and returning to a fixed location. It was designed for use with GPS tracking data from seabirds that during the breeding season are central place foragers, leaving from colony sites on food finding trips and returning to the colony afterward. This function relies on a column with a disntance in km from each point along the track to the colony and a distance cutoff. It numbers each trip starting with the first point beyond the distance cutoff and ending with the last point beyond the cutoff with a sequential number starting with 1. All points inside the cutoff are labled 0. In the future it could be nice to have these labeled with sequetial numbers as well.


  ID = "File",
  DistCutOff = 10,
  Dist2Colony = "Dist2Colony",
  NumLocCut = 3



data.frame of data that you want to parse into trips


quoted name of column in data that is a unique key to individual bird_tag_deployment combos. This is the File from the GypsyLocRead output


Distance in km to use as a cut off radius around the colony to use to split the trips


quoted name of column in data that has the distance in km from each point to the colony


Minimum number of points to consider in a trip


A new data frame with all original data plus two new columns: TripNum (consecutive trip number 0 = at colony) and ColonyMovement (in/out colony movements)


Abram B. Fleishman

abfleishman/trakR documentation built on Nov. 21, 2022, 7:59 a.m.