
Defines functions trim_common trim_rank trim_void

Documented in trim_common trim_rank trim_void

#' Trim void ranks in lineages
#' @details If there is a void rank amid a lineage, deeper ranks
#' will be removed. See the example with \code{lineage3}.
#' @inheritParams get_last_clade
#' @param only_tail Logical. If \code{FALSE} (default), void ranks amid
#' lineages and subranks are removed. If \code{TRUE}, only final
#' void ranks are removed.
#' @return The trimmed lineages. Depth could be different among them.
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lineage1 <- "k__Bacteria|p__Verrucomicrobia|c__Verrucomicrobiae|o__|f__"
#' lineage2 <- "k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__"
#' lineage3 <- "k__Bacteria|p__|c__Verrucomicrobiae|o__|f__"
#' trim_void(c(lineage1, lineage2, lineage3), same = FALSE)
#' trim_void(c(lineage1, lineage2, lineage3), same = FALSE, only_tail = TRUE)
trim_void <- function(lineage, same = TRUE, only_tail = FALSE) {


  if (same) depth(lineage)

    lin <- str_remove(lineage, paste0("((^|\\|)[kpcofgst]__", "+)*$"))
  } else {
    lin <- str_extract(lineage, paste0("((^|\\|)[kpcofgst]__", .allchr, "+)*"))



#' Trim lineages until a specified rank
#' @details Returns \code{NA} if a lineage is not as deep as the specified rank.
#' @inheritParams get_last_clade
#' @inheritParams is_rank
#' @return The trimmed lineages. Depth could be different among them.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lineage1 <- "k__Bacteria|p__Verrucomicrobia|c__Verrucomicrobiae"
#' lineage2 <- "k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes|c__Clostridia"
#' trim_rank(c(lineage1, lineage2), rank = "phylum")
#' trim_rank(c(lineage1, lineage2), rank = "genus")
trim_rank <- function(lineage, rank = yatah::all_ranks, same = TRUE) {


  rank <- match.arg(rank)

  if (same) depth(lineage)

  N <- unname(which(rank == .ranks))

  regex <- paste(names(.ranks)[seq_len(N)], collapse = "")

              paste0("((^|\\|)[", regex, "]__", .allchr, "*){", N, "}"))


#' Trim lineages until the shallowest common rank.
#' @inheritParams get_last_clade
#' @param remove_void Should void ranks be removed? Default to `TRUE`.
#' @param only_tail Logical to be passed to `trim_void()`. Used only if
#' `remove_void` is set to `TRUE`.
#' @return The trimmed lineages, with same depth.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lineage1 <- "k__Bacteria|p__Verrucomicrobia|c__Verrucomicrobiae"
#' lineage2 <- "k__Bacteria|p__Firmicutes"
#' lineage3 <- "k__Bacteria|p__|c__Clostridia"
#' trim_common(c(lineage1, lineage2, lineage3), remove_void = FALSE)
#' trim_common(c(lineage1, lineage2, lineage3), only_tail = FALSE)
trim_common <- function(lineage, remove_void = TRUE, only_tail = TRUE) {
  lin <- lineage

  if (remove_void) {
    lin <- trim_void(lin, same = FALSE, only_tail = only_tail)

  # find shallowest common rank
  lrs <- get_last_rank(lin, same = FALSE)
  lrs <- factor(lrs, levels = .ranks, ordered = TRUE)
  lr <- as.character(min(lrs))

  trim_rank(lin, rank = lr, same = FALSE)
abichat/yatah documentation built on April 14, 2024, 7:25 a.m.