
Defines functions plotChains

Documented in plotChains

#' MCMC Diagnostic Plots
#' Displays traceplots and cumulative means. Draws on Edward Tufte's minimalist aesthetic
#' ideas for the design.
#' Traceplots should look very
#' fuzzy and chaotic. If they look more ordered and correlated that indicates a problem
#' with the sampler or model specification.
#' Cumulative mean plots display how quickly the model converges onto the expected value.
#' The chains should all converge onto the same value or very close value very quickly.
#' If they do not, they indicates you either need to draw more samples, use a longer
#' adaptation and/or burnin/warmup for the MCMC chains, or perhaps reconsider the model
#' if those do not work.
#' @param fit the stanfit or runjags object
#' @param keeppars the names of the parameters to be plotted.
#' @param col the color scheme. One of "blue" (the default), "darkblue", "purples", "reds",
#' "greens", "mix" , or "mix2"
#' @param ncol number of columns in the layout
#' @param nrow number of rows in the layout
#' @return
#' a base R plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotChains()
plotChains = function(fit, keeppars = NULL, droppars = c("ySim", "log_lik"), col = "blues", nrow = 4, ncol = 2) {

  stan <- inherits(fit, "stanfit")
  if (stan == TRUE) {
    list.mcmc <- rstan::As.mcmc.list(fit)
  }  else{
    list.mcmc <- as.mcmc.list(fit)
  codaObject <- lapply(list.mcmc, function(d) {
    as.mcmc(extractPost(d, keeppars = keeppars, droppars = droppars))
  codaObject <- as.mcmc.list(codaObject)
  getCummean <- function(codaObject) {
    cumulative.mean = function(d) {
    codaObject2 <- as.mcmc.list(lapply(codaObject, function(d) {
      as.mcmc(apply(d, 2, cumulative.mean))
  codaObject2 <- getCummean(codaObject)
  codaObject2 <- as.mcmc.list(codaObject2)
  parNames = varnames(codaObject)
  if (col == "blues" || col == "blue"){
    ColorScheme = c("#6a9bc38A", "#000000F5", "#4184e1DB", "#00bfffBF", "#89b1ceCF", "#d1e1ecCF")
  if (col == "darkblues" || col == "darkblue"){
    ColorScheme = c("#d1e1ec8A","#035de1A1", "#6497b1F5", "#03396cDB", "#011f4bBF", "#023e96BF")
  if (col == "purples" || col == "purple"){
    ColorScheme = c("#e5cce58A", "#a64ca6F5", "#ac91d2A1" ,"#b300b3F5", "#660066DB", "#400040BF")
  if (col == "reds" || col == "red"){
    ColorScheme = c("#DCBCBCDB", "#7C0000B0", "#ff1300CC" ,"#8F27278A", "#B97C7C8F", "#ffe4e1")
  if (col == "greens" || col == "green"){
    ColorScheme= c("#d9f2e6B0", "#66cc99ED", "#2d8659BF", "#194d33A1", "#adff2fCC", "#556300CC")
  if (col == "mix" || col == "multi"){
    ColorScheme= c("#AD05ADCC", "#C4E81CB0","#a66df6A1" ,"#FF0000ED", "#008A17BF",  "#01dbffCC")
  if (col == "mix2" || col == "multi2"){
    ColorScheme= c("#c02be5CC", "#e52b50CC", "#50e52bCC", "#2be5c0A1", "#e5632bCC", "#2bade5BF")

  old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save default, for resetting... 
  on.exit(par(old.par))     #and when we quit the function, restore to original values
  par( mar=0.5+c(3,3,.75, .10) , oma=0.1+c(0,0,1.25,.20) , mgp=c(2, 0.125, 0) ,
       cex.lab=1, cex.main = 1.35, family = 'serif')
  total = nrow*ncol
  layout(matrix(1:total, nrow=nrow))
  for (i in 1:length(parNames)){
    coda::traceplot(codaObject[, parNames[i]], xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", lwd = .125, lty = 1, bty="n", cex.lab = 1.1, cex.axis = .65, type = "l",  main= noquote(parNames[i]), ylab="Value" , col=ColorScheme)
    axis(1, col = NA, tck = 0)
    axis(2, col = NA, tck = 0)
    coda::traceplot(codaObject2[,parNames[i]], xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", lwd = 2.5, lty = 1, bty="n" , cex.lab = 1.1, cex.axis = .65, type = "l", main= noquote(parNames[i]), ylab="Cumulative Mean" , col=ColorScheme)
    axis(1, col = NA, tck = 0 )
    axis(2, col = NA, tck = 0)

abnormally-distributed/Bayezilla documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 1:57 a.m.