
validateArgumentObs <- function(obs, allowIntegers=TRUE) {
  ## if (!is.matrix(obs)) {
  ##   throw("Argument 'obs' should be a matrix");
  ## }
  if (!is.matrix(obs)) {
    throw("Argument 'obs' should be a matrix");

  ## Ensuring that columns 'X' (exposure)  and 'Y' (outcome) are present
  varNames <- c("X", "Y");
  if (ncol(obs)==3) {
    ## Ensuring that column 'W' (covariate) is present too
    varNames <- c("W", varNames);
  nms <- colnames(obs);
  m <- match(varNames, nms);
  if (nrow(obs)>0) {
    idxs <- which(is.na(m));
    if (length(idxs)) {
      throw("Missing column: ", varNames[idxs]);
    if (allowIntegers) {
      reject <- sum(obs[, "X"]==0)==0 & !is.integer(obs[, "X"])
    } else {
      reject <- is.integer(obs[, "X"]) | sum(obs[, "X"]==0)==0 
    if (reject) {
      throw("Exposure (obs[,'X']==0) must have positive mass if 'tabulate' is FALSE");
      ## if 'tabulate' is TRUE, then this test fails to detect case
      ## where no index corresponding to a zero X appears in 'obs'

## 2014-02-07
## o Created.
achambaz/tmle.npvi documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:10 a.m.