CRAN submission checklist

  1. ensure all tests passing locally on as many machines as possible (mac, linux, win)

    r devtools::check(args = c('--as-cran'), build_args = c('--compact-vignettes=both'))

  2. ensure passing on GitHub Actions

  3. check code formatting and cleanup as needed



    library(lintr) lint_package() ```

  4. ensure passing win-builder oldrelease, release, and devel



    check_mac_release(args = "--compact-vignettes=both")


    check_win_oldrelease(args = "--compact-vignettes=both") check_win_release(args = "--compact-vignettes=both") check_win_devel(args = "--compact-vignettes=both")

    using rhub

    rhub::check_for_cran() ```

  5. bump version number in DESCRIPTION (use non-devel suffix -- no .9000)

    ```r usethis::use_version() ## e.g., usethis::use_version("minor") ````

  6. update

    r devtools::show_news()

  7. rebuild docs and ensure vignettes are compressed

r devtools::document() tools::compactPDF("vignettes", qpdf = Sys.which(Sys.getenv("R_QPDF", "qpdf")), gs_quality = "ebook")

  1. run spell checks

r spelling::spell_check_package() spelling::update_wordlist()

  1. run reverse dependency checks (see revdep/check.R)

  2. update cran-comments (incl. versions tested)

  3. switch to main branch and merge in development

  4. remove Remotes from DESCRIPTION (on main branch)

  5. submit to CRAN

    r devtools::release(args = "--compact-vignettes=both")

  6. once accepted, create a new GitHub release:

    r usethis::use_github_release()

achubaty/grainscape documentation built on July 26, 2023, 11:08 p.m.