
registered_dbs <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
dbezr_set <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
assign("db", NULL, envir = dbezr_set)

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
    reg.finalizer(registered_dbs, f = function(x) rm_db_all(), onexit = TRUE)

    op <- options()

    # Set package options if the don't already exist
    op.dbezr <- list(
        # default to not logging queries to the console if dbezr's not running
        # interactively
        dbezr.force_log = interactive(),

        # Show database query warnings, typecasts often throw warnings, so this
        # is disabled by default
        dbezr.show_warn = FALSE,

        # Specify lubridate compatible time_zone for converting dates
        # from database
        dbezr.timezone = "UTC"

    toset <- !(names(op.dbezr) %in% names(op))
    if (any(toset)) {

acjackman/dbezr documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:11 a.m.