

# getting the file address
file <- system.file("extdata", "odm1.3_full_example.xml",
                    package = "ox",
                    mustWork = TRUE)
# Parsing the xml file
doc <- XML::xmlParse(file)

# function ox_codelist ----

# incorrect call
test_that("gives error when arg is not of expected class", {

# correct call
res <- ox_codelist(doc)

test_that("returns dataframe with expected variables, at least 1 row", {
  expect_is(res, "data.frame")
  # vars
  expect_true("codelist_oid" %in% names(res))
  expect_true("codelist_name" %in% names(res))
  expect_true("codelist_data_type" %in% names(res))
  expect_true("sas_format_name" %in% names(res))
  # rows
  # a study can have no codelists

test_that("dataframe has no factors", {
  expect_false("factor" %in% unique(sapply(res, class)))

# cleaning

# function ox_codelist_item ----
# incorrect call
test_that("gives error when arg is not of expected class", {
# correct call
res <- ox_codelist_item(doc)

test_that("returns dataframe with expected variables, at least 1 row", {
  expect_is(res, "data.frame")
  # vars
  expect_true("codelist_oid" %in% names(res))
  expect_true("codelist_name" %in% names(res))
  expect_true("codelist_data_type" %in% names(res))
  expect_true("sas_format_name" %in% names(res))
  expect_true("coded_value" %in% names(res))
  expect_true("code_label" %in% names(res))
  # rows
  # a study can have no codelists

test_that("dataframe has no factors", {
  expect_false("factor" %in% unique(sapply(res, class)))

# cleaning

# function ox_codelist_ref ----

# incorrect call
test_that("gives error when arg is not of expected class", {
# correct call
res <- ox_codelist_ref(doc)

test_that("returns dataframe with expected variables, at least 1 row", {
  expect_is(res, "data.frame")
  # vars
  expect_true("item_oid" %in% names(res))
  expect_true("codelist_oid" %in% names(res))
  # rows
  # a study can have no codelists

test_that("dataframe has no factors", {
  expect_false("factor" %in% unique(sapply(res, class)))

# clean
rm(doc, file, res)
acobos/ox documentation built on May 13, 2019, 12:17 p.m.