plot: Plot method for the 'trigrid', 'hexagrid' or 'facelayer'...

plotR Documentation

Plot method for the trigrid, hexagrid or facelayer classes


This function will invoke the plot method of the sf or the SpatialPolygons class.

The function passes arguments to the plot method of the SpatialPolygons class. In case a heatmap is plotted and the plotting device gets resized, some misalignments can happen. If you want to use a differently sized window, use x11 to set the height and width before running the function.

The function matches data referred to the grid and plots it with sf's plotting methods.



## S4 method for signature 'trigrid,ANY'
plot(x, crs = NULL, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'facelayer,ANY'
  crs = NULL,
  col = "heat",
  border = NA,
  alpha = NULL,
  frame = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,
  breaks = NULL,
  inclusive = TRUE,
  discrete = FALSE,

## S4 method for signature 'trigrid,numeric'
plot(x, y, crs = NULL, main = "", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'trigrid,array'
plot(x, y, crs = NULL, main = "", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'trigrid,table'
plot(x, y, crs = NULL, main = "", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'trigrid,character'
plot(x, y, crs = NULL, main = "", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'trigrid,logical'
plot(x, y, crs = NULL, main = "", ...)



(trigrid, hexagrid or facelayer) The object to be plotted.


(character or crs) A coordinate system for the transformation of coordinates.


Arguments passed to the plot function.


(character) Colors passed to a colorRamp in case of the facelayer contains logical values, a single value is required (defaults to "red").


(character) Specifies the color of the borders of the cells.


(character) Two digits for the fill colors, in hexadecimal value between 0 and 255.


(logical) If TRUE the grid boundaries will be drawn with black.


(logical): Should the legend be plotted?


(numeric) The number of breakpoints between the plotted levels. The argument is passed to the cut function.


(logical): If there are values beyond the limits of breaks, should these be represented in the plot (TRUE) or left out completely FALSE?


(logical): Do the heatmaps symbolize a discrete or a continuous variable? This argument only affects the legend of the heatmap.


Data or part of the grid to be plotted. If it is an unnamed character vector, then it is expected to be a set of faces, which will be treated as a subscript that indicates the faces to be plotted. If it is a logical vector, then it is expeced to be subscript, indicating a similar operation. If it is a named logical or character vector, table with names, or single-dimensional named array then the names are expected to refer to faces of the grid x. The default sf-based plotting method will apply to the data type.


The main title of the plot


An object of class standardGeneric of length 1.


The function has no return value.


# A simple grid, with sf-representation
gr <- hexagrid(4, sf=TRUE)
dat <- 1:nrow(gr@faces)
names(dat) <- paste0("F", dat)
plot(x=gr, y=dat)

adamkocsis/icosa documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 1:35 a.m.