faster: Set or get options shared across "fasterRaster" functions

View source: R/03_options.r

fasterR Documentation

Set or get options shared across "fasterRaster" functions


faster() either sets or gets options used across fasterRaster functions. Its use can vary:

  • Get current values of a particular option: Use faster("option_name"). Values will remain unchanged.

  • Get current values of all options: Use faster() (no arguments). Values will remain unchanged.

  • Get default values of a particular option: Use faster("option_name", default = TRUE). Values will remain unchanged.

  • Get default values of all options: Use faster(default = TRUE). Values will remain unchanged.

  • Set values of particular options: Use the form ⁠faster(option 1 = value1, option2 = value2)⁠.

  • Set all options to their defaults: Use faster(restore = TRUE).

You cannot simultaneously get and set options.


faster(..., default = FALSE, restore = FALSE)




  • A character vector: Name(s) of option(s) to get values of;

  • An option and the value of the option using an option = value pattern; or

  • A names list with names that match the options you wish to change, and with values to assign to each option.

Options include:

  • grassDir (character): The folder in which GRASS is installed on your computer. Typically, this option is set when you run faster(). Depending on your operating system, your install directory will look something like this:

    • Windows: "C:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 8.3"

    • Mac OS: "/Applications/"

    • Linux: "/usr/local/grass"

  • addonsDir (character): Folder in which GRASS addons are stored. If NA and grassDir is not NA, this will be assumed to be file.path(grassDir, "addons"). The default values is NA.

  • cores (integer/numeric integer): Number of processor cores to use on a task. The default is 2. Some GRASS modules are parallelized.

  • memory (integer/numeric): The amount of memory to allocate to a task, in GB, for GRASS. The default is 2048 MB (i.e., 2 GB). Some GRASS modules can take advantage of more memory.

  • clean (logical): If TRUE (default), remove temporary files created internally by functions. If not deleted, they can eventually fill up hard drive space, but deleting them takes a little bit of time (usually <1 second for each function).

  • useDataTable (logical): If FALSE (default), functions that return tabular output produce data.frames. If TRUE, output will be data.tables from the data.table package. This can be much faster, but it might require you to know how to use data.tables if you want to manipulate them in R. You can always convert them to data.frames using

  • verbose (logical): If TRUE, show GRASS messages and otherwise hidden slots in classes. This is mainly used for debugging, so most users will want to keep this at its default, FALSE.

  • workDir (character): The folder in which GRASS rasters, vectors, and other objects are created and manipulated. By default, this is given by tempdir().


Logical: Return the default value(s) of the option(s). The default value of default is FALSE.


Logical: If TRUE, the all options will be reset to their default values. The default is FALSE.


If options are changed, then a named list of option values before they were changed is returned invisibly.

If option values are requested, a named list with option values is returned (not invisibly).


if (grassStarted()) {

# See current values for options:
faster() # all options

# See default values for options:
faster("cores", default = TRUE)
faster(default = TRUE) # all options

# Set options (change accordingly for your system!!!)
if (FALSE) {

opts. <- faster() # remember starting values of options

faster(grassDir = "C:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 8.4")
faster(verbose = TRUE, memory = 1024, cores = 1)

faster(c("grassDir", "verbose", "memory", "cores"))

faster(opts.) # reset options to starting values



adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 1:28 a.m.