
#' Names of columns of the levels table of a categorical raster
#' @description This function returns the column names of each "levels" table of a categorical raster (see `vignette("GRasters", package = "fasterRaster")`).
#' @param x A `GRaster`.
#' @param layer `NULL`, numeric integer, or character: The index (indices) or name(s) of one or more raster layers. The default is `NULL`, in which case all names for all layers are returned.
#' @returns A list of character vectors.
#' @example man/examples/ex_GRaster_categorical.r
#' @seealso [cats()], `vignette("GRasters", package = "fasterRaster")`
#' @aliases catNames
#' @rdname catNames
#' @exportMethod catNames
	f = "catNames",
	signature = c(x = "GRaster"),
	function (x, layer = NULL) {
	if (is.null(layer)) layer <- seq_len(nlyr(x))
	if (is.character(layer)) layer <- match(layer, names(x))
	if (is.logical(layer)) {
		if (length(layer) != nlyr(x)) {
			layer <- rep(layer, length.out = nlyr(x))
		layer <- which(layer)

	categs <- x@levels[layer]
	lapply(categs, names)
	} # EOF

#' @aliases catNames
#' @rdname catNames
#' @exportMethod catNames
	f = "catNames",
	signature = c(x = "SpatRaster"),
	function (x, layer = NULL) {
	if (is.null(layer)) layer <- seq_len(terra::nlyr(x))
	if (is.character(layer)) layer <- match(layer, names(x))
	if (is.logical(layer)) {
		if (length(layer) != nlyr(x)) {
			layer <- rep(layer, length.out = terra::nlyr(x))
		layer <- which(layer)

	categs <- terra::cats(x[[layer]])
	lapply(categs, names)
	} # EOF
adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 1:23 p.m.