#' Get the datatype of a GRaster or of GVector columns
#' @description For `GRaster`s, `datatype()` returns the data type (see `vignette("GRasters", package = "fasterRaster")`). For `GVector`s, `datatype()` returns the class of each column of the attribute table.
#' @param x A `GRaster` or `GVector`.
#' @param type (`GRaster`s only) `NULL` or character: Type of datatype to report (`GRaster` only):
#' * `"fasterRaster"` (default): Reports the **fasterRaster** type (factor, integer, float, or double)
#' * `"terra"`: Report the (inferred) **terra** data type (e.g., INT2U, FLT4S). Please see the table in the documentation for [writeRaster()` for an explanation of these codes.
#' * `"GRASS"`: Will return "CELL" (integer), "FCELL" (floating-point value), or "DCELL" (double-floating point value)
#' * `"GDAL"`: See [GDAL: Raster Band](https://gdal.org/en/stable/user/raster_data_model.html). Please also see the table in the [writeRaster()] help page.
#' @param forceDouble Logical (`GRaster`s and `SpatRaster`s only): If `TRUE` (default), and the raster appears to represent non-integer values, then the raster will be assumed to represent double-floating point values (**GRASS**: type "DCELL", **terra**: type "FLT8S", **fasterRaster**: type "double", and **GDAL**: type "Float64"). `forceDouble` reports the actual datatype if `type = "fasterRaster"` (i.e., the type is not forced to "double").
#' @returns `datatype()` for a `GRaster` returns a character. `datatype()` for a `GVector` returns a data frame, with one row per field. If the `GVector` has no attribute table, the function returns `NULL`.
#' @seealso [terra::datatype()], `vignette("GRasters", package = "fasterRaster")`
#' @example man/examples/ex_GRaster_GVector.r
#' @aliases datatype
#' @rdname datatype
#' @exportMethod datatype
f = "datatype",
signature = c(x = "GRaster"),
definition = function(x, type = "fasterRaster", forceDouble = TRUE) {
type <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(type, c("fasterRaster", "GRASS", "terra", "GDAL"))
out <- x@datatypeGRASS
if (type == "fasterRaster") {
isFact <- is.factor(x)
out[out == "CELL" & isFact] <- "factor"
out[out == "CELL" & !isFact] <- "integer"
out[out == "FCELL"] <- "float"
out[out == "DCELL"] <- "double"
} else if (type %in% c("terra", "GDAL")) {
stats <- .global(x, fun = c("min", "max", "sum"))
min <- stats[ , "min"]
max <- stats[ , "max"]
sum <- stats[ , "sum"]
integer <- all(omnibus::is.wholeNumber(stats))
# remainder <- stats %% 1L
# integer <- rowSums(abs(remainder)) == 0L
for (i in seq_along(out)) {
if (out[i] == "CELL") {
if (min[i] >= 0L & max[i] <= 255L) {
out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Byte" } else { "INT1U" }
} else if (min[i] >= 0L & max[i] <= 65534L) {
out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "UInt16" } else { "INT2U" }
} else if (min[i] >= -32767L & max[i] <= -32767L) {
out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Int16" } else { "INT2S" }
} else if (min[i] >= -2147483647L & max[i] <= 2147483647L) {
out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Int32" } else { "INT4S" }
} else if (forceDouble) {
out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Float64" } else { "FLT8S" }
} else if (out[i] == "FCELL") {
out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Float32" } else { "FLT4S" }
} else if (out[i] == "DCELL") {
out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Float64" } else { "FLT8S" }
} else {
warning("Values are too small/large to represent. Assigning `double` type.")
out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Float64" } else { "FLT8S" }
} # next raster
} # want non-fasterRaster type
} # EOF
### NB This overwrites terra::datatype() for signature 'SpatRaster'!
# # # #' @aliases datatype
# # # #' @rdname datatype
# # # #' @exportMethod datatype
# # # methods::setMethod(
# # # f = "datatype",
# # # signature = c(x = "SpatRaster"),
# # # definition = function(x, type = "fasterRaster", forceDouble = TRUE) {
# # # type <- pmatch(type, c("fasterRaster", "GRASS", "terra", "GDAL"))
# # # stats <- terra::global(x, fun = c("min", "max", "sum"), na.rm = TRUE)
# # # min <- stats[ , "min"]
# # # max <- stats[ , "max"]
# # # sum <- stats[ , "sum"]
# # # integer <- all(omnibus::is.wholeNumber(stats))
# # # # remainder <- stats %% 1
# # # # integer <- rowSums(abs(remainder)) == 0
# # # nl <- terra::nlyr(x)
# # # out <- rep(NA_character_, nl)
# # # for (i in seq_len(nl)) {
# # # # integer
# # # if (integer[i]) {
# # # if (type == "GRASS") {
# # # out[i] <- "CELL"
# # # } else if (type == "fasterRaster") {
# # # out[i] <- "integer"
# # # } else {
# # # if (min[i] >= 0 & max[i] <= 255) {
# # # out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Byte" } else if (type == "terra") { "INT1U" }
# # # } else if (min[i] >= 0 & max[i] <= 65534) {
# # # out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "UInt16" } else if (type == "terra") { "INT2U" }
# # # } else if (min[i] >= -32767 & max[i] <= -32767) {
# # # out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Int16" } else if (type == "terra") { "INT2S" }
# # # } else if (min[i] >= -2147483647 & max[i] <= 2147483647) {
# # # out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Int32" } else if (type == "terra") { "INT4S" }
# # # }
# # # }
# # # # not integer
# # # } else {
# # # if (forceDouble) {
# # # out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Float64" } else if (type == "terra") { "FLT8S" } else if (type == "GRASS") { "DCELL" } else if (type == "fasterRaster") { "double" }
# # # } else if (min[i] > -3.4e+38 & max[i] < 3.4e+38) {
# # # out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Float32" } else if (type == "terra") { "FLT4S" } else if (type == "GRASS") { "FCELL" } else if (type == "fasterRaster") { "float" }
# # # } else if (min[i] > -1.79e+308 & max[i] < 1.79e+308) {
# # # out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Float64" } else if (type == "terra") { "FLT8S" } else if (type == "GRASS") { "DCELL" } else if (type == "fasterRaster") { "double" }
# # # } else {
# # # warning("Values are too small/large to represent. Assigning `double` type.")
# # # out[i] <- if (type == "GDAL") { "Float64" } else if (type == "terra") { "FLT8S" } else if (type == "GRASS") { "DCELL"} else if (type == "fasterRaster") { "double" }
# # # }
# # # }
# # # } # next raster
# # # if (type == "fasterRaster") {
# # # isFact <- is.factor(x)
# # # out[out == "CELL" & isFact] <- "factor"
# # # out[out == "CELL" & !isFact] <- "integer"
# # # out[out == "FCELL"] <- "float"
# # # out[out == "DCELL"] <- "double"
# # # }
# # # out
# # # } # EOF
# # # )
#' @aliases datatype
#' @rdname datatype
#' @exportMethod datatype
setMethod(f = "datatype",
signature = c(x = "GVector"),
definition = function(x) {
if (nrow(x@table) > 0L) {
sapply(x@table, "class")
} else {
} # EOF
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