
#' Coerce as multipart GVector to a singlepart GVector
#' @description `GVectors` can contain a mix of "singlepart" and "multipart" features. A singlepart feature is a single point, set of connected line segments, or a polygon. A multipart feature is a set of lines, sets of connected line segments, or set of polygons that are treated as a single feature. This function converts all multipart features to singlepart features. If the `GVector` has an attribute table, rows will be duplicated so that each of the new `GVector`'s geometries have the rows that correspond to their "parent" geometries.
#' If you want to "split" cells of a `GRaster` into smaller cells, use [aggregate()].
#' @param x A `GVector`.
#' @returns A `GVector`.
#' @seealso [aggregate()]
#' @example man/examples/ex_aggregate_disagg.r
#' @aliases disagg
#' @rdname disagg
#' @exportMethod disagg
	f = "disagg",
	signature = c(x = "GVector"),
	function(x) {


	srcIn <- .copyGSpatial(x)

	srcDel <- .makeSourceName("disagg_v_category_del", "vector")
		cmd = "v.category",
		input = srcIn,
		output = srcDel,
		option = "del",
		cat = -1,
		flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")

	src <- .makeSourceName("disagg_v_category_add", "vector")
		cmd = "v.category",
		input = srcDel,
		output = src,
		option = "add",
		flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")

	# replicate data table
	if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
		table <- NULL
	} else {
		cats <- .vCats(x)
		if (anyNA(cats)) {
			warning("At least one geometry has a combined category. Data table cannot be copied.")
			table <- NULL
		} else {
			table <- x@table
			table <- table[cats]


	# # remove existing database
 	# rgrass::execGRASS(
 	# 	cmd = "v.db.connect",
 	# 	map = src,
 	# 	layer = "1",
 	# 	flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite", "d")
 	# )

	# # attach new database with same number of rows as categories in vector
	# db <- data.frame(cat = .vCats(src))
	# tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
	# tft <- paste0(tf, "t")
	# utils::write.csv(db, tf, row.names = FALSE)

	# classes <- sapply(table, class)
	# classes[!(classes %in% c("numeric", "integer", "character", "Date"))] <- '"String"'
	# classes[classes == "numeric"] <- '"Real"'
	# classes[classes == "integer"] <- '"Integer"'
	# classes[classes == "character"] <- '"String"'
	# classes[classes == "Date"] <- '"Date"'
	# classes <- paste(classes, collapse = ",")

	# write(classes, tft)

	# srcTable <- .makeSourceName("db_in_ogr_table", NULL)
	# rgrass::execGRASS(
	# 	cmd = "db.in.ogr",
	# 	input = tf,
	# 	output = srcTable,
	# 	# key = "cat",
	# 	flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
	# )

	# # connect database to vector
	# rgrass::execGRASS(
	# 	cmd = "v.db.connect",
	# 	map = sources(x),
	# 	table = srcTable,
	# 	layer = "1",
	# 	key = "cat_",
	# 	flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite", "o")
	# )

	.makeGVector(src, table = table)

	} # EOF
adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 2:04 a.m.