
#' Combine two GVectors
#' @description The `union()` function combines two "polygons" `GVector`s. The output will have at least as many geometries as both `GVector`s, plus more if polygons of one divide polygons of the other, and vice versa. You can also use the `+` operator (e.g., `vect1 + vect2`).
#' @param x,y `GVector`s representing polygons.
#' @returns A `GVector`.
#' @seealso [c()], [aggregate()], [crop()], [intersect()], [xor()], [erase()]
#' @example man/examples/ex_union_intersect_xor_erase.r
#' @aliases union
#' @rdname union
#' @exportMethod union
	f = "union",
	signature = c(x = "GVector", y = "GVector"),
	function(x, y) {

	compareGeom(x, y, geometry = TRUE)
	if (geomtype(x) != "polygons") stop("Only polygon GVectors can be unioned.")

	src <- .makeSourceName("v_overlay", "vector")
		cmd = "v.overlay",
		ainput = sources(x),
		binput = sources(y),
		output = src,
		operator = "or",
		snap = -1,
		flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")

	} # EOF
adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 1:28 a.m.