
if (grassStarted()) {

# Setup

# Example data
madElev <- fastData("madElev")
madChelsa <- fastData("madChelsa")
madChelsa1 <- madChelsa[[1]]

# Convert SpatRasters to GRasters.
# Each raster has a different CRS so will be put into a different location.
elev <- fast(madElev)
chelsa1 <- fast(madChelsa1)

# Name of the currently active location

# All available GRASS locations

# Find location of an object among all active locations
.locationFind(chelsa1, return = "index")
.locationFind(chelsa1, return = "crs")

# Switch between locations

loc <- .location(elev)

# We could use .locationDelete(elev) to delete
# the location where "elev" is stored.

# Mapsets are always "PERMANENT" in fasterRaster

adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 1:28 a.m.