enrichViewNet-package: From functional enrichment results to biological networks

enrichViewNet-packageR Documentation

From functional enrichment results to biological networks


The enrichViewNet package enables the visualization of enrichment results, in a format corresponding to the one generated by gprofiler2 (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gprofiler2/index.html) under the form of Cytoscape network (https://cytoscape.org/).


In those networks, both gene datasets (GO terms/pathways/protein complexes) and genes are represented as nodes. A edge connect a gene to its datasets. In the current version, only genes present in at least one gene dataset are retained.


Astrid DeschĂȘnes, Pascal Belleau, Robert L Faure, Maria J Fernandes, David A Tuveson

Maintainer: Astrid DeschĂȘnes <adeschen@hotmail.com>

See Also

  • createNetwork for transforming functional enrichment results from gprofiler2 into a Cytoscape network

  • createEnrichMap for transforming functional enrichment results from gprofiler2 into an enrichment map

adeschen/gprofiler2cytoscape documentation built on April 26, 2024, 9:33 p.m.