extractInformationWhenNoIntersection: Extract information about nodes and edges to be used to...

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extractInformationWhenNoIntersectionR Documentation

Extract information about nodes and edges to be used to create network when interaction column is missing


Create a list containing all node and edge information needed to create the network


extractInformationWhenNoIntersection(gostResults, gostObject)



a data.frame containing the terms retained for the creation of the network. The data.frame does not contain a column called "intersection".


a list created by gprofiler2 that contains the results and meta-data from an enrichment analysis.


list containing 2 entries:

  • "geneNodes": a data.frame containing the information about the nodes present in the network. The nodes are genes.

  • "termNodes": a data.frame containing the information about the nodes present in the network. The nodes are terms.

  • "edges": a data.frame containing the information about the edges present in the network. The edges connect one gene to one term.


Astrid DeschĂȘnes


## Loading dataset containing result from an enrichment analysis done with
## gprofiler2

## Only retained the WikiPathways results
results <- demoGOST$result[demoGOST$result$source == "WP", ]

information <- enrichViewNet:::extractInformationWhenNoIntersection(
                gostResults=results, gostObject=demoGOST)

adeschen/gprofiler2cytoscape documentation built on April 26, 2024, 9:33 p.m.