
#' Add predicted hazard to data set
#' @inheritParams mgcv::predict.gam
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}} and
#'   \code{\link{get_hazard}}
#' @param ci Logical indicating whether to iclude confidence intervals. Defaults
#' to \code{TRUE}
#' @param se.mult Factor by which standard errors are multiplied for calculating
#' the confidence intervals.
#' @param overwrite Should hazard columns be overwritten if already present in
#' the data set? Defaults to \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, columns with names
#' \code{c("hazard", "se", "lower", "upper")} will be overwritten.
#' @param time_variable Name of the variable used for the baseline hazard. If
#'   not given, defaults to \code{"tend"} for \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} fits, else
#'   \code{"interval"}. The latter is assumed to be a factor, the former
#'   numeric.
#' @import checkmate dplyr mgcv
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(mgcv)
#' data("veteran", package="survival")
#' ped <- split_data(Surv(time, status)~. cut=seq(0, 500, by=100), data=veteran, 
#' 	id="id")
#' pam <- gam(ped_status ~ s(tend, k=5), data = ped, family=poisson(), offset=offset)
#' pinfo <- ped_info(ped)
#' add_hazard(pinfo, pam)
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}}, \code{\link[pam]{add_cumhazard}}
#' @rdname add_hazard
add_hazard <- function(
	type      = c("response", "link"),
	ci        = TRUE,
	se.mult   = 2,
	overwrite = FALSE,
  time_variable = NULL,
	...)  {

	if(!overwrite) {
		if("hazard" %in% names(newdata)) {
			stop("Data set already contains 'hazard' column. Set `overwrite=TRUE` to overwrite")
	} else {
			rm.vars <- intersect(c("hazard", "se", "lower", "upper"), names(newdata))
			newdata %<>% select(-one_of(rm.vars))

	pred <- get_hazard(newdata, object, ci=ci, type=type, se.mult=se.mult,
	  time_variable = time_variable, ...)
	stopifnot(nrow(pred) == nrow(newdata))

	newdata %<>% bind_cols(rm_grpvars(pred))



#' Calculate predicted hazard
#' @inheritParams add_hazard
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
get_hazard <- function(
	ci      = TRUE,
	type    = c("response", "link"),
	se.mult = 2,
  time_variable = NULL,
	...)  {

	assert_data_frame(newdata, all.missing=FALSE)
	assert_class(object, classes = "glm")
	type <- match.arg(type)

  is_pam <- inherits(object, "gam")
  if (is.null(time_variable)) {
    time_variable <- ifelse(is_pam, "tend", "interval")
  } else {
    assert_choice(time_variable, colnames(newdata))

	original_intervals <- if (is_pam) {
	} else levels(model.frame(object)[[time_variable]])
	prediction_intervals <- if (is_pam) {
	} else levels(factor(newdata[[time_variable]]))
	new_ints <- which(!(prediction_intervals %in% original_intervals))
	if (length(new_ints)) {
	 message <- paste0("Intervals in <newdata> contain values (",
	   paste(prediction_intervals[new_ints], collapse=","), 
	   ") not used in original fit.",
	   " Setting intervals to values not used for original fit in <object>",
	   "can invalidate the PEM assumption and yield incorrect predictions.")
	 if (is_pam) warning(message) else stop(message)

	pred <- predict(object=object, newdata = newdata, se.fit = TRUE, type="link", ...)
	pred <- pred[c("fit", "se.fit")] %>%
		bind_cols() %>%
		rename(hazard = fit, se = se.fit) %>%
			hazard = as.numeric(hazard),
			se     = as.numeric(se))
	stopifnot(nrow(pred) == nrow(newdata))

	if(ci) {
		pred %<>%
				lower = hazard - se.mult*se,
				upper = hazard + se.mult*se)

	if(type=="response") {
		pred %<>% 
			mutate_at(c("hazard", "lower", "upper"), funs(exp(.)))

	# it is necessary to include the grouping variables here, otherwise
	# functions calculating the cumulative hazard will cumulate over all rows
	# instead of group wise
	if(is.grouped_df(newdata)) {
		group.df <- select_(newdata, .dots=unlist(groups(newdata)))
		pred     <- bind_cols(group.df, pred)



#' Add cumulative hazard estimate to data set
#' @inheritParams add_hazard
#' @param interval_length \code{quosure} providing the name of the variable in
#'  newdata containing the interval lengths. Defaults to \code{intlen}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[mgcv]{predict.gam}}, \code{\link[pam]{add_hazard}}
#' @rdname add_hazard
add_cumhazard <- function(
	ci              = TRUE,
	se.mult         = 2,
	overwrite       = FALSE,
	time_variable   = NULL,
	interval_length = quo(intlen),
	...)  {

	if(!overwrite) {
		if("cumhazard" %in% names(newdata)) {
			stop("Data set already contains 'hazard' column. Set `overwrite=TRUE` to overwrite")
	} else {
			rm.vars <- intersect(c("cumhazard", "cumlower", "cumupper"), names(newdata))
			newdata %<>% select(-one_of(rm.vars))

	pred <- get_cumhazard(newdata, object, ci=ci, se.mult=se.mult,
	  time_variable = time_variable, interval_length = interval_length, ...)

	newdata %<>% bind_cols(rm_grpvars(pred))



#' Calculate cumulative hazard
#' @inheritParams add_cumhazard
get_cumhazard <- function(
	ci              = TRUE,
	time_variable   = NULL,
	interval_length = quo(intlen),
	...) {

  assert_class(interval_length, "quosure")
  assert_choice(as.character(interval_length)[2], colnames(newdata))

  lengths <- select(rm_grpvars(newdata), !!interval_length)
	get_hazard(newdata, object, ci=TRUE, type="response", time_variable=time_variable,
	  ...) %>%
	  bind_cols(lengths) %>%
	    cumhazard = cumsum(hazard * (!!interval_length)),
	   	cumlower  = cumsum(lower  * (!!interval_length)),
		 	cumupper  = cumsum(upper  * (!!interval_length))) %>%
    select(-one_of(c("hazard", "se", "lower", "upper"))) %>%

#' Add survival probabilities estimates to data set
#' @inherit add_cumhazard
#' @export
add_survprob <- function(
	ci              = TRUE,
	se.mult         = 2,
	overwrite       = FALSE,
	time_variable   = NULL,
	interval_length = quo(intlen),
	...)  {

	if(!overwrite) {
		if("survprob" %in% names(newdata)) {
			stop("Data set already contains 'survprob' column. Set `overwrite=TRUE` to overwrite")
	} else {
			rm.vars <- intersect(c("survprob", "survlower", "survupper"), names(newdata))
			newdata %<>% select(-one_of(rm.vars))

	pred <- get_survprob(newdata, object, ci=ci, se.mult=se.mult,
	  time_variable = time_variable, interval_length = interval_length, ...)

	newdata %>% bind_cols(rm_grpvars(pred))


#' Calculate survival probabilities
#' @inheritParams add_survprob
get_survprob <- function(
	ci              = TRUE,
	time_variable   = NULL,
	interval_length = quo(intlen),
	...) {

  assert_class(interval_length, "quosure")
  assert_choice(as.character(interval_length)[2], colnames(newdata))

  lengths <- select(rm_grpvars(newdata), !!interval_length)
	newdata %>% 
		get_cumhazard(object, ci=TRUE, time_variable=time_variable, ...) %>%
		 	survprob  = exp(-cumhazard),
		 	survlower = exp(-cumlower),
		 	survupper = exp(-cumupper)) %>%
    select(-one_of(c("cumhazard", "cumlower", "cumupper")))
adibender/pam documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:54 a.m.