
# file handling functions

# determine contents of zip file ------------------
#' Get Zip File Contents
#' Get a list of the files included in the zip
#' @param pathToZipFile
#' @return dataframe with all csv files and their checksums
#' @export
#' @import magrittr stringr
#' @examples
#' zipFileContents(pathToZipFile)
zipFileContents <- function(pathToZipFile, tmpdir=tempDirectory){
  # path to zip file - usually inputFiles()$datapath in shiny reactive context

  if (is.null(pathToZipFile) ){
    allFiles <- NA

    allChecksums <- NA
  } else {
    # list all files in zip -  NB need to unzip to tmp to prevent files piling up in app
    allFiles <- pathToZipFile %>%
      unzip(list = TRUE, exdir = tmpdir) %>%
      use_series(`Name`) %>%
      grep("^_", ., invert=TRUE, value=TRUE) %>%
      grep(".csv$", ., value=TRUE)

    # get checksums of all files -  NB need to unzip to tmp to prevent files piling up in app
    allChecksums <- pathToZipFile %>%
      unzip(files=allFiles, exdir = tmpdir) %>%
      tools::md5sum() %>%
  # Put the outputs into a list
  output <- data_frame(files=allFiles, checksum=allChecksums)
  # return
adrowe1/drugHunteR documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:59 a.m.