
Defines functions get.service

Documented in get.service

#' Call an Adwords Service
#' Sends a request for a Google Adwords service.
#' @param request XMLNode for the body of an XML encoded Adwords service request.
#' @param cid client customer id.
#' @param auth Google authentification made with \code{\link{doAuth}}.
#' @param user.agent User agent string for your script, read \url{http://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.ca/2013/11/please-set-user-agent-or-application.html} for more information.
#' @param api.version Version of the Adwords API to use, must be the same as in the request. If set to "latest" (the default), the latest version in the package is used.
#' @param validate.only Test the API call without actually executing the call against real data. Default to FALSE.
#' @param partial.failure If true service will carry out the operations that had no errors. Default to FALSE.
#' @param verbose TRUE to turn on the verbose mode of the \code{\link{getURL}} call. Default to FALSE.
#' @param raw TRUE to return the raw XML response. Default to FALSE.
#' @return The XML response for the service request.
#' @export
#' @import RAdwords XML curl
#' @seealso \code{\link{managed.customer.request}}
#' @examples
#' # For this exemple to work, you must supply a valid client customer id and your developper token
#' data <- get.service(request, cid = cid, auth = doAuth(), user.agent = user.agent)
get.service <- function(request, cid, auth, user.agent, api.version = "latest", validate.only = FALSE, partial.failure = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, raw = FALSE)
	if(!require(RAdwords)) stop("get.service requires package RAdwords")
	if(!require(XML)) stop("get.service requires package XML")
	if(!require(curl)) stop("get.service requires package curl")

	if(!"adwords.service.request" %in% class(request)) stop("argument request is not a valid Adwords service request")
	service <- attr(request, "service")
	path <- attr(request, "path")

	access <- auth[["access"]]
	if(as.numeric(Sys.time()) - 3600 >= access$timeStamp)
		access <- refreshToken(auth)
	authorization <- paste(access[["token_type"]], access[["access_token"]])
	credlist <- auth[["credentials"]]
	dev.token <- auth$credentials$auth.developerToken

	if(api.version == "latest") api.version = max(adwords.reports$API)

	# Prepare the header for the service request
	namespace.def <-c(tns = paste0("https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/", api.version))
	cid.node <- xmlNode(cid, name = "clientCustomerId", namespace = "tns", namespaceDefinitions = namespace.def)
	dev.node <- xmlNode(dev.token, name = "developerToken", namespace = "tns", namespaceDefinitions = namespace.def)
	agent.node <- xmlNode(user.agent, name = "userAgent", namespace = "tns", namespaceDefinitions = namespace.def)
	validate.node <- xmlNode(ifelse(validate.only, "true", "false"), name = "validateOnly", namespace = "tns", namespaceDefinitions = namespace.def)
	partial.node <- xmlNode(ifelse(partial.failure, "true", "false"), name = "partialFailure", namespace = "tns", namespaceDefinitions = namespace.def)
	request.node <- xmlNode(name = "RequestHeader", namespace = "tns", cid.node, dev.node, agent.node, validate.node, partial.node)
	header.node <- xmlNode(name = "Header", namespace = "SOAP-ENV", request.node)

	# Finalize the request by combining the header and the body
	envelope.node <- xmlNode("Envelope", namespace = "SOAP-ENV", namespaceDefinitions = c(tns = paste0(path, api.version), ns0 = paste0("https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/", api.version), ns1 = paste0(path, api.version), ns2 = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", 'SOAP-ENV' = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"), header.node, request)
	full.request <- saveXML(envelope.node)

	# Retreive the service data
	response <- RCurl::getURL(paste0(path, api.version, "/", service, "?wsdl"),
						  httpheader = c(Authorization = authorization,
						  			   developerToken = credlist[["auth.developerToken"]],
						  			   clientCustomerId = cid,
						  			   includeZeroImpressions = FALSE),
						  postfields = full.request,
						  verbose = verbose, ssl.verifypeer = TRUE)

	error <- check.service(response)
	if(!is.null(error)) stop(error)

		parser <- attr(request, "parser")
adviso/RAdwordsPlus documentation built on Dec. 5, 2019, 3:11 a.m.