
# # This cannot be tested with Travis or CRAN
# # For personal use only

# library(DivNet)
# context("Test parallelisation")
# set.seed(1)
# my_counts <- matrix(rpois(30, lambda=10), nrow = 6)
# my_counts
# my_covariate <- cbind(1, rep(c(0,1), each = 3), rep(c(0,1), 3))
# my_covariate
# # This cannot be tested with Travis or CRAN
# # 
# test_that("parallel works", {
#   expect_is(divnet(my_counts, my_covariate,
#                    variance="parametric",
#                    nsub = 3, B = 2, ncores = 4,
#                    tuning="test"), "list")
#   expect_is(divnet(my_counts, my_covariate,
#                    variance="nonparametric", ncores = 4,
#                    nsub = 3, B = 2, tuning="test"), "list")
#   expect_is(phylodivnet(lp, 
#                         "type", 
#                         c("t1.txt", "t2.txt"), 
#                         ncores = 4, 
#                         tuning = "test",
#                         B = 2), 
#             "list")
# })
adw96/DivNet documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 11:49 a.m.