
l5.fit <- function(x, y) {
  m <- drc::drm(y ~ x, fct = drc::L.5())

  list(coef = coef(m),
       vcov = vcov(m),
       vcov.robust = sandwich::sandwich(m),
       df.residual = stats::df.residual(m),
       residuals = residuals(m, type="standardised"))

l5.func <- function(x, par) {
  #5-parameter logistic function
  b <- par[1]
  c <- par[2]
  d <- par[3]
  e <- par[4]
  f <- par[5]

  c + (d - c) / ((1 + exp(b * (x - e)))^f)

l5.velocity <- function(t, par) {
  #First order derivative of 5-parameter logistic function
  b <- par[1]
  c <- par[2]
  d <- par[3]
  e <- par[4]
  f <- par[5]

  b * (c - d) * exp(b * (t - e)) *  (1 + exp(b*(t - e)))^(-1 - f) * f

l5.acceleration <- function(t, par) {
  #First order derivative of 5-parameter logistic function
  b <- par[1]
  c <- par[2]
  d <- par[3]
  e <- par[4]
  f <- par[5]

  k <- exp(b*(t-e))
  -b^2 * (c - d) * k * (1 + k)^(-2-f) * f * (k * f - 1)

l5.maxSlope <- function(par) {
  #Get the time of maximum slope, the slope and the value
  b <- par[1]
  c <- par[2]
  d <- par[3]
  e <- par[4]
  f <- par[5]

  time <- e + log(1/f) / b
  slope <- b * (c-d) * (1 + 1/f)^(-1-f)
  value <- l5.func(time, par)

  list(time = as.numeric(time),
       value = as.numeric(value),
       slope = as.numeric(slope))

l5.slopeAtZero <- function(par) {
  #Get the slope at t = 0
  b <- par[1]
  c <- par[2]
  d <- par[3]
  e <- par[4]
  f <- par[5]

  slope <- b*(c-d)*exp(-b*e)*(1+exp(-b*e))^(-1-f)*f
  value <- l5.func(0, par)

  list(time = 0,
       value = as.numeric(value),
       slope = as.numeric(slope))

l5.lin1Func <- function(par) {
  slopeAtZero <- l5.slopeAtZero(par)
  function(t) slopeAtZero$value + slopeAtZero$slope * t

l5.lin2Func <- function(par) {
  slope <- l5.maxSlope(par)
  function(t) (slope$value - slope$slope * slope$time) + slope$slope * t

l5.lagtime.linear <- function(par) {
  #Get lag time based on the linear approximations
  b <- par[1]
  c <- par[2]
  d <- par[3]
  e <- par[4]
  f <- par[5]

  #slope <- l5.maxSlope(par)
  #slopeAtZero <- l5.slopeAtZero(par)

  #f1 <- function(t) (slope$value - slope$slope * slope$time) + slope$slope * t
  #f2 <- function(t) slopeAtZero$value + slopeAtZero$slope * t
  #time <- stats::uniroot(function(x) f1(x) - f2(x), c(0, 150))$root

  num <- (1 + exp(b * e)) *  (-(1 + 1/f)^f * (1 + f) + (1 + exp(-b * e))^f * (1 + f + b * e * f + f * log(1/f)))
  den <- b * f * ((1 + exp(-b * e))^f *  (1 + exp(b * e)) - (1 + 1/f)^f * (1 + f))
  time <- num/den
  value <- l5.func(time, par)

  list(time = as.numeric(time),
       value = as.numeric(value))

l5.lagtime.acceleration <- function(par) {
  b <- par[1]
  c <- par[2]
  d <- par[3]
  e <- par[4]
  f <- par[5]

  #time <- e + log(-(2/(-1 - 3 * f + sqrt(1 + 6 * f + 5 * f^2)))) / b
  time <- e + (log(2) - log(1 + 3*f - sqrt((1 + f) * (1 + 5 * f)))) / b

  value <- l5.func(time, par)

  list(time = as.numeric(time),
       value = as.numeric(value))

l5.timeTo100 <- function(par) {
  b <- par[1]
  c <- par[2]
  d <- par[3]
  e <- par[4]
  f <- par[5]

  time <- (-(-100 + c) * (1 + 1/f)^f * (1 + f) + (c - d) * (1 + f + b * e * f + f * log(1/f))) / (b * (c - d) * f)
  value <- l5.func(time, par)

  list(time = as.numeric(time),
       value = as.numeric(value))

getCI <- function(func, coef, vcov, alpha = 0.95, B = 10^4, seed=12345) {

  rand <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(B, coef, vcov)
  sim <- apply(rand, 1, func)

  ciL <- stats::quantile(sim, (1-alpha)/2)
  ciU <- stats::quantile(sim, 1 - (1-alpha)/2)

  c(ciL, ciU)
aejensen/ProlifAnalysis documentation built on May 31, 2019, 12:07 p.m.