
Defines functions make_split expand_split split_index initialize_split

Documented in expand_split initialize_split make_split split_index

#' @title Initialize a plan for train-test split
#' @description The function creates the initial split into training and
#'   testing data.
#' @param main_frame A \code{tibble} containing the time series data.
#' @param context A named \code{list} with the identifiers for \code{seried_id}, \code{value_id} and \code{index_id}.
#' @param type The type for the initial split. Possible values are \code{"first"}, \code{"last"}, \code{"prob"}.
#' @param value Numeric value specifying the split.
#' @return A \code{tibble}
#' @export

initialize_split <- function(main_frame,
                             type = c("first", "last", "prob"),
                             value = NULL) {

  series_id <- context[["series_id"]]

  data <- main_frame %>%
    select(!!sym(series_id)) %>%
    group_by(!!sym(series_id)) %>%
    summarise(n_total = n()) %>%

  # Case 1: Use the first value observations for training
  if (type == "first") {
    data <- data %>%
      mutate(n_init = value)

  # Case 2: Use the last value observations for testing
  if (type == "last") {
    data <- data %>%
      mutate(n_init = .data$n_total - value - 1)

  # Case 3: Use value pct. of observations for training
  if (type == "prob") {
    data <- data %>%
      mutate(n_init = floor(value * .data$n_total))


#' @title Create indices for train and test splits.
#' @description The function creates the split indices for train and test samples
#'   (i.e. partitioning into time slices) for time series cross-validation. The
#'   user can choose between \code{stretch} and \code{slide}. The first is an
#'   expanding window approach, while the latter is a fixed window approach.
#'   The user can define the window sizes for training and testing via
#'   \code{n_init} and \code{n_ahead}, as well as the step size for increments
#'   via \code{n_step}.
#' @param n_total The total number of observations of the time series.
#' @param n_init The number of periods for the initial training window (must be positive).
#' @param n_ahead The forecast horizon (n-steps-ahead, must be positive).
#' @param n_skip The number of periods to skip between windows (must be zero or positive integer).
#' @param n_lag A value to include a lag between the training and testing set. This is useful if lagged predictors will be used during training and testing.
#' @param mode Character value. Define the setup of the training window for time series cross validation. \code{stretch} is equivalent to an expanding window approach and \code{slide} is a fixed window approach.
#' @param exceed Logical value. If \code{TRUE}, out-of-sample splits exceeding the sample size are created.
#' @return A \code{list} containing the indices for train and test as integer vectors.
#' @export

split_index <- function(n_total,
                        n_skip = 0,
                        n_lag = 0,
                        mode = "slide",
                        exceed = FALSE) {

  if (exceed) {
    n_total <- n_total + n_ahead

  if (n_total < n_init + n_ahead)
    stop("There should be at least ",
         n_init + n_ahead,
         " observations in `data`",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.numeric(n_lag) | !(n_lag%%1==0)) {
    stop("`n_lag` must be a whole number.", call. = FALSE)

  if (n_lag > n_init) {
    stop("`n_lag` must be less than or equal to the number of training observations.", call. = FALSE)

  stops <- seq(n_init, (n_total - n_ahead), by = n_skip + 1)
  starts <- if (mode == "slide") {
    stops - n_init + 1
  } else {
    starts <- rep(1, length(stops))

  # Prepare index vectors for training and testing as list
  train <- map2(.x = starts, .y = stops, ~seq(.x, .y))
  test <- map2(.x = stops + 1 - n_lag, .y = stops + n_ahead, ~seq(.x, .y))

  index <- list(
    train = train,
    test = test



#' @title Expand the split_frame
#' @description The function expands the \code{split_frame}
#' @param split_frame A tibble
#' @param context A named \code{list} with the identifiers for \code{seried_id}, \code{value_id} and \code{index_id}.
#' @return split_frame is a tibble containing the train and test splits per time series.
#' @export

expand_split <- function(split_frame,
                         context) {

  series_id <- context[["series_id"]]

  split_frame <- split_frame %>%
    select(c(!!sym(series_id), .data$n_splits, .data$train, .data$test)) %>%
    group_by(!!sym(series_id)) %>%
    mutate(split = list(1:.data$n_splits)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    unnest(cols = c(.data$split, .data$train, .data$test)) %>%
    select(c(!!sym(series_id), .data$split, .data$train, .data$test))


#' @title Create a split_frame for train and test splits per time series.
#' @description The function creates the split indices for train and test samples
#'   (i.e. partitioning into time slices) for time series cross-validation. The
#'   user can choose between \code{stretch} and \code{slide}. The first is an
#'   expanding window approach, while the latter is a fixed window approach.
#'   The user can define the window sizes for training and testing via
#'   \code{n_init} and \code{n_ahead}, as well as the step size for increments
#'   via \code{n_step}.
#' @param main_frame A \code{tibble} containing the time series data.
#' @param context A named \code{list} with the identifiers for \code{seried_id}, \code{value_id} and \code{index_id}.
#' @param type The type for the initial split. Possible values are \code{"first"}, \code{"last"}, \code{"prob"}.
#' @param value Numeric value specifying the split.
#' @param n_ahead The forecast horizon (n-steps-ahead, must be positive).
#' @param n_skip The number of periods to skip between windows (must be zero or positive integer).
#' @param n_lag A value to include a lag between the training and testing set. This is useful if lagged predictors will be used during training and testing.
#' @param mode Character value. Define the setup of the training window for time series cross validation. \code{stretch} is equivalent to an expanding window approach and \code{slide} is a fixed window approach.
#' @param exceed Logical value. If \code{TRUE}, out-of-sample splits exceeding the sample size are created.
#' @return A \code{list} containing the indices for train and test as integer vectors.
#' @export

make_split <- function(main_frame,
                       n_skip = 0,
                       n_lag = 0,
                       mode = "slide",
                       exceed = TRUE) {

  # Create initial split
  split_frame <- initialize_split(
    main_frame = main_frame,
    context = context,
    type = type,
    value = value

  # Create indices for train and test data and add as nested list
  split_frame <- map_dfr(
    .x = 1:nrow(split_frame),
    .f = ~{
      # Create indices for training and testing
      index <- split_index(
        n_total = split_frame$n_total[.x],
        n_init = split_frame$n_init[.x],
        n_ahead = n_ahead,
        n_skip = n_skip,
        n_lag = n_lag,
        mode = mode,
        exceed = exceed
      # Add indices to split_frame
      split_frame %>%
        slice(.x) %>%
        mutate(n_ahead = n_ahead) %>%
        mutate(n_splits = length(index$train)) %>%
        mutate(train = list(index$train)) %>%
        mutate(test = list(index$test))

  # Expand split_frame and return output
  split_frame <- expand_split(
    split_frame = split_frame,
    context = context

ahaeusser/tscv documentation built on July 26, 2023, 3:18 p.m.