
Defines functions nclustFull nclust1x getSubsetMix getSubsetCon cyclicalCoding kamilaMethod classify.kmeans prediction.strength

# Deprecated functions

# Uses function classifyKamila in kamila.r
# Uses function medeaWgts in medea.r

# create function for calculating prediction strength for a given 
# test clustering size k and train/test classification size k.
# Note: Denote cluster test clusters A_k1, A_k2, ..., A_kk
prediction.strength <- function(testClustering, classifyTest) {
  # Count # pairs in each A_kj classified into the same group using classfication rule
  tab <- table(testClustering,classifyTest)
  nPairsAgree = choose(tab,2)

  # for the jth test cluster, sum over nPairsAgree:
  rs = rowSums(nPairsAgree)

  # divide by # pairs in each test cluster:
  meanAgree = rs / choose(table(testClustering),2)
  meanAgree[is.nan(meanAgree)] <- 0

  # calculate minimum

# Function to classify new observations given kmeans results object 
#' @importFrom stats mahalanobis
classify.kmeans <- function(res,newData) {
  centers <- res$centers
  kk <- nrow(centers)
  pp <- ncol(centers)

  dists <- mapply(
    function(xx) {

  membership <- apply(dists,1,which.min)

# simple wrapper for kamila function for passing into nclust1x
# Note dat is a 2-element list with continuous in 1st and categorical in 2nd
# Note that return object must have memberships listed in field "cluster"
kamilaMethod <- function(dat,k) {
  res <- kamila(
  res$cluster <- res$finalMemb

# Function designed for cyclical variables, e.g. day of week.
# Recodes to equidistant points on the unit circle.
cyclicalCoding <- function(invar) {
  minDetected <- min(invar)
  maxDetected <- max(invar)
  tmp <- 2*invar*pi/(maxDetected+1-minDetected)

## wrapper for kamila + medea functions for passing into nclust1x
## Note that \code{dat} is a 3-element list with continuous variables as first
## element, categorical as 2nd, and optional cyclical variables as 3rd.
## Cyclical variables must be coded as factors, unit circle recoding
## is done automatically.
## All variable components must be data frames.
## If no cyclical variables, then leave third position empty.
## Note that return object must have memberships listed in field "cluster"
#kamilaMedeaMethod <- function(dat,k) {
#  numConVar <- ncol(dat[[1]])
#  numCatVar <- ncol(dat[[2]])
#  if (length(dat) == 3) {
#    cyclicVarPresent <- TRUE
#    numCycVar <- ncol(dat[[3]])
#  } else if (length(dat) == 2) {
#    cyclicVarPresent <- FALSE
#    numCycVar <- NA
#  } else {
#    stop('Error in function kamilaMedeaMethod: data must be list of length 2 or 3')
#  }
#  if (cyclicVarPresent) {
#    # convert cyc vars from int to factor for MEDEA
#    cycFactors <- dat[[3]]
#    for (i in 1:numCycVar) cycFactors[,i] <- factor(dat[[3]][,i])
#    medeaVar <- as.data.frame(cbind(dat[[1]],dat[[2]],cycFactors))
#    # convert cyc vars from int to numerically coded for KAMILA
#    cyclicRecoded <- as.data.frame(lapply(dat[[3]],cyclicalCoding))
#    kamilaConVar <- as.data.frame(cbind(dat[[1]],cyclicRecoded))
#    # match up indices of medea weights with variables as input into kamila function
#    kamilaConWeightInds <- c(
#      1:numConVar
#     ,rep(
#        (1+numConVar+numCatVar):(numConVar+numCatVar+numCycVar)
#       ,each=2
#      )
#    )
#  } else {
#    medeaVar <- as.data.frame(cbind(dat[[1]],dat[[2]]))
#    kamilaConVar <- as.data.frame(dat[[1]])
#    kamilaConWeightInds <- 1:numConVar
#  }
#  medeaTmp <- medeaWgts(
#    dat = medeaVar
#   ,associationMethod = 'famd'
#   ,verbosity=FALSE
#  )
#  res <- kamila(
#    conVar = kamilaConVar
#   ,catFactor = dat[[2]]
#   ,numClust = k
#   ,numInit = 10
#   ,conWeights = medeaTmp$wgts[kamilaConWeightInds]
#   ,catWeights = medeaTmp$wgts[(numConVar+1):(numConVar+numCatVar)]
#  )
#  res$cluster <- res$finalMemb
#  return(res)

# function for subsetting matrix of continuous variables
getSubsetCon <- function(dat,inds) dat[inds,]

# function for subsetting matrix of mixed variables
# Data is list, 1st element continuous, 2nd element categorical,
# and possible 3rd element cyclical
getSubsetMix <- function(dat,inds) {
  if (length(dat)==3) {
     ,data.frame(dat[[2]][inds,], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
     ,data.frame(dat[[3]][inds,], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  } else if (length(dat)==2) {
     ,data.frame(dat[[2]][inds,], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  } else {
    stop('Error in function getSubsetMix: data must be list of length 2 or 3')


# function for selecting number of clusters using prediction strength
# Default nfold 2 as recommended in tibshirani 2005
# This executes one iteration.
nclust1x <- function(
 ,clustMethod = function(dat,k) kmeans(x=dat,centers=k)
 ,classMethod = classify.kmeans
 ,subsetMethod = getSubsetCon
 ,kmax = 4
 ,psThresh = 0.8
 ,verbose = FALSE
# ,nfold = 2 # currently only two-fold

  if (is.list(inData)) {
    nn <- nrow(inData[[1]])
  } else {
    nn <- nrow(inData)

  # 2-fold cross-validation:
  nfold <- 2
  #rawInd <- rep(1:nfold,ceiling(nn / nfold))
  #trainInd <- sample(rawInd,size=nn,replace=FALSE)
  trainInd <- sample(1:nn,size=ceiling(nn/nfold),replace=FALSE)

  sizeVec <- 2:kmax
  psMatrix <- matrix(nrow=length(sizeVec),ncol=2,dimnames=list(nclust=sizeVec,fold=1:2))

  # for k = 2, 3, ..., K_max number of clusters
  for (i in 1:length(sizeVec)) {

    if (verbose) cat('\n Now starting k =',sizeVec[i],'\n')

    # Cluster training set into k clusters, obtain classification rule
    trainingDataTmp <- subsetMethod(inData,trainInd)
    trainRes <- clustMethod(dat=trainingDataTmp,k=sizeVec[i])

    # Cluster test set individually obtaining clusters A_k1, A_k2, ..., A_kk
    testRes <- clustMethod(subsetMethod(inData,-trainInd),sizeVec[i])

    # Classify test set using classification rule
    testClass <- classMethod(trainRes,newData=subsetMethod(inData,-trainInd))

    # Obtain prediction strenght
    psMatrix[i,1] <- prediction.strength(testRes$cluster,testClass)

    # FOLD 2
    trainRes.f2 <- clustMethod(subsetMethod(inData,-trainInd),sizeVec[i])
    testRes.f2 <- clustMethod(subsetMethod(inData,trainInd),sizeVec[i])
    testClass.f2 <- classMethod(trainRes.f2,newData=subsetMethod(inData,trainInd))
    psMatrix[i,2] <- prediction.strength(testRes.f2$cluster,testClass.f2)


  # for each fold, average
  psVec <- apply(psMatrix,1,mean)


nclustFull <- function(
 ,clustMethod = function(dat,k) kmeans(x=dat,centers=k)
 ,classMethod = classify.kmeans
 ,subsetMethod = getSubsetCon
 ,kmax = 4
 ,psThresh = 0.8
 ,nrep = 10
# ,nfold = 2 # currently only two-fold
  allPsMatrix <- matrix(

  for (iter in 1:nrep) {

    ithRes <- nclust1x(
      inData = inData
     ,clustMethod = clustMethod
     ,classMethod = classMethod
     ,subsetMethod = subsetMethod
     ,kmax = kmax
     ,psThresh = psThresh
     # ,nfold = 2 # currently only two-fold
    allPsMatrix[,iter] <- ithRes$psVec

  psVec <- apply(allPsMatrix,1,mean)
  overThresh <- psVec > psThresh
  if (any(overThresh)) {
    bestK <- names(psVec)[max(which(overThresh))]
  } else {
    bestK <- names(psVec)[which.max(psVec)]


# Uses Hmisc for errbar
#plot_nclustFull <- function(obj) {
#  if ('Hmisc' %in% installed.packages()) {
#    library(Hmisc)
#    ses <- apply(obj$scores,1,sd) #/sqrt(obj$nrep)
#    with(obj,errbar(x=2:kmax,y=psVec,yplus=psVec+ses,yminus=psVec-ses,ylim=c(0,1)))
#    abline(h=obj$thresh,lty=2)
#    text(x=obj$k,y=1,labels='*',cex=3)
#  } else {
#    stop('plot.nclustFull requires package Hmisc to run')
#  }
ahfoss/kamila documentation built on Sept. 5, 2023, 4:53 a.m.