
Defines functions normalize_voom deg_voom normalize_deseq2 deg_deseq2

Documented in deg_deseq2 deg_voom normalize_deseq2 normalize_voom

#' Normalize counts matrix with voom
#' @param counts A counts matrix with genes in rows and samples in columns
#' @return voom object
normalize_voom <- function(counts){
  dge <- DGEList(counts = counts)
  dge <- calcNormFactors(dge)
  v <- voom(dge)

#' Select diffentially expressed genes(DGEs) from a voom object
#' @param v A voom object
#' @param class A vector of assigned class for each sample e.g. "disease" or
#' "control"
#' @param keepn Number of DEGs to return
#' @return A vector of selected DEGs
deg_voom <- function(v,class, keepn = 10){
  design <- model.matrix(~class)
  fit <- lmFit(v, design)
  fit <- eBayes(fit)
  f <- topTable(fit,number = keepn)

#' Normalize counts matrix with DESeq2
#' @param counts A counts matrix
#' @param class A vector of assigned class for each sample e.g. "disease" or
#' "control"
#' @return DESeqDataSet object
normalize_deseq2 <- function(counts, class){
  DESeq_Data<- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts,
                                      colData= data.frame(class2),
                                      design = ~ class2)
  DESeq_Data <- DESeq(DESeq_Data,parallel = TRUE)
  c <- counts(DESeq_Data, normalize = TRUE)

#' Select diffentially expressed genes(DGEs) from a DESeqDataSet object
#' @param counts matrix
#' @param class a class vector
#' @param padj A upper threshold for p adjusted value
#' @param logfc_i A lower threshold for log fold change
#' @param keepn Number of genes to keep
#' @return A vector of selected DEGs
deg_deseq2 <- function(counts, class, padj_i = .01, logfc_i = 1, keepn){
  ddsDESeqObject <-normalize_deseq2(counts, class)
  res <- results(ddsDESeqObject)
  if(missing(keepn)) {
    res.sel <- res [which(res$padj<padj_i &abs(res$log2FoldChange)>=logfc_i), ]
    genes <- rownames(res.sel)
  } else {
    res2 <- res[order(-abs(res$log2FoldChange),res$padj),]
    genes <- rownames(res2)[1:keepn]
ahmedelmahy/RNASeqclassifier1 documentation built on May 25, 2019, 2:24 p.m.