
#' get_news_headlines
#' Returns a data frame contianing the news headlines
#' @param query: string, optional. Search criteria for the news headlines
#' The query can contain RIC codes, company names, country names and
#' operators (AND, OR, NOT, IN, parentheses and quotes for explicit search…).
#' Tip: Append 'R:' in front of RIC names to improve performance.
#' Default: Top News written in English
#' @param count: int, optional. The maximum number of headlines to retrieve.
#' Value Range: [1-100].
#' Default: 10
#' @param date_from: string. Beginning of date range.
#' String format is:'\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%S'. e.g. 2016-01-20T15:04:05.
#' @param date_to: string. End of date range.
#' String format is: '\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%S'. e.g. "2016-01-20T15:04:05".
#' @param raw_output: boolean. Set this parameter to True to get the data in json format
#' if set to False, the function will return a data frame
#' The default value is False
#' @param debug: boolean. If this parameter is set to True, the json request and response are printed.
#' @examples
#' --------
#' > set_app_id('set your app id here')
#' > headlines = ek.get_news_headlines("R:MSFT.O", 2)
#' > print(headlines)
#' versionCreated                                              text \
#' 2016-04-13 18:28:57.000 2016-04-13 18:28:59.001 RBC Applies Blockchain as a Loyalty Boost<MSFT...
#' 2016-04-13 17:28:21.577 2016-04-13 17:28:21.671 UPDATE 2-Long-stalled email privacy bill advan...
#' storyId
#' 2016-04-13 18:28:57.000    urn:newsml:reuters.com:20160413:nNRA1uxh03:1
#' 2016-04-13 17:28:21.577    urn:newsml:reuters.com:20160413:nL2N17G16Q:2
#' > headlines = ek.get_news_headlines("R:MSFT.O IN FRANCE")
#' > headlines = ek.get_news_headlines("R:MSFT.O IN FRANCE IN ENGLISH", count=5)
#' > headlines = ek.get_news_headlines("OBA* OR CLINTON IN ENGLISH", count=5)

get_news_headlines <- function (query='Topic:TOPALL and Language:LEN', count=10L, date_from=NULL,
                       date_to=NULL, raw_output=FALSE, debug=FALSE)

  News_Headlines_endpoint = "News_Headlines"

  if (!is.character(query))
    print('get_news_headlines error: query must be a string');
    return (NULL);

  if (!is.integer(count))
    print('get_news_headlines error: count must be an integer');
    return (NULL);
  else if (count < 0)
    print('get_news_headlines error: count must be equal or greater than 0');
    return (NULL);

  # build the payload
   payload = list('number'= toString(count), 'query'= query, 'productName'=get_app_id(), 'attributionCode'= '')

  if (!is.null(date_from))
    payload['dateFrom'] = date_from

  if (!is.null(date_to))
    payload['dateTo'] = date_to

  json_data = send_json_request(News_Headlines_endpoint, payload, debug)

  if (raw_output)
  result = jsonlite::fromJSON(json_data)
  headlines <- result$headlines
  data_frame = data.frame (headlines$firstCreated,headlines$versionCreated,headlines$text,headlines$storyId,headlines$sourceCode)
  names(data_frame) <- c('firstCreated','versionCreated','text','storyId','sourceCode')

#' get_news_story
#'      Return a single news story corresponding to the identifier provided in story_id
#' @param story_id:  The story id. The story id is a field you will find in every headline retrieved with the function get_news_headlines
#' @param raw_output: boolean. Set this parameter to True to get the data in json format
#' The default value is False
#' @param debug: bool. When set to True, the json request and response are printed.
#' @examples
#' > import eikon as ek
#' > set_app_id('set your app id here')
#' > headlines = get_news_headlines('IBM')
#' > for (story_id in headlines$storyId)
#'   { story = get_news_story(story_id)
#'     print (story)
#'   }

get_news_story <- function(story_id,raw_output=FALSE, debug=FALSE)

  News_Story_endpoint = "News_Story"
  payload <- list('attributionCode'='', 'productName'= get_app_id() , 'storyId' =  story_id)
  json_data = send_json_request(News_Story_endpoint, payload, debug)

  if (raw_output)

  result = jsonlite::fromJSON(json_data)
  return (result$story$storyHtml)
ahmedmohamedali/eikonapir documentation built on May 10, 2019, 7:35 a.m.