
Defines functions fun_if

fun_if <- function(x, run, fun, ...) {
  if (run)
    fun(x, ...)

#' @export
#' @param expr file path to h5 (xenium), .*_exprMat_file.csv.gz file (CosMx) or
#'   matrix.mtx.gz (scRNA-seq).
#' @param tissue_positions file path to cells.csv (xenium) or
#'   .*_metadata_file.csv
cellular <- funwrapper(function(expr,
  tissue_positions = NA_character_,
  features = NA_character_,
  barcodes = NA_character_,
  tech = c('single-cell', 'visium', 'xenium', 'cosmx'),
  method_filter = c('fixed', 'adaptive'),
  method_normalise = c('none', 'scran', 'sctransform'),
  method_features = c('all', 'HVG'),
  sum = 10,
  detected = 10,
  neg = 20,
  min_gene_count = 0,
  dimred = c('PCA', 'NMF', 'UMAP', 'TSNE'),
  dimred_fa = c('PCA', 'NMF'),
  ncomponents = 5,
  org = 'hs',
  collections = 'all',
  overlap_measure = c("ari", "jaccard", "ovlapcoef"),
  top_n_sets = 1000,
  cutoff_scores = 0.3
) {

  tech = match.arg(tech)
  method_filter = match.arg(method_filter)
  method_normalise = match.arg(method_normalise)
  method_features = match.arg(method_features)
  dimred_fa = match.arg(dimred_fa)

  #add PCA if computing UMAP or TSNE
  dimred = union(dimred_fa, dimred)
  if (any(c('UMAP', 'TSNE') %in% dimred)) {
    dimred = union('PCA', dimred)

  # read files
  message('Reading files')
  if (tech == 'single-cell') {
    if (is.na(features) | is.na(barcodes))
      stop(sprintf('Files missing for %s data', tech))
    spe = readSce(expr, features, barcodes)
    neg_regex = '^MT|^mt'
  } else if (tech == 'visium') {
    if (is.na(tissue_positions))
      stop(sprintf('Files missing for %s data', tech))
    pos = readVisiumXY(tissue_positions)
    spe = readSpe(expr, pos)
    neg_regex = '^MT|^mt'
  } else if (tech == 'xenium') {
    if (is.na(tissue_positions))
      stop(sprintf('Files missing for %s data', tech))
    pos = readXeniumXY(tissue_positions)
    spe = readSpe(expr, pos)
    neg_regex = '^BLANK|^NegControl'
  } else if (tech == 'cosmx') {
    if (is.na(tissue_positions))
      stop(sprintf('Files missing for %s data', tech))
    spe = readCosMx(expr, tissue_positions)
    neg_regex = '^NegPrb'

  # Check gene mapping and fail fast if there are issues.
  msigdb = getCollections(idtype = 'SYM', org = org, collections = collections, minSize = minSize, maxSize = maxSize)
  gene_summary = geneSummary(msigdb, rownames(spe))

    '%d out of %d genes provided will be used for the analysis with %d genes not mapped',
    gene_summary$value[['Used in Analysis']], length(rownames(spe)), gene_summary$value[['Not Mapped']]

  if (gene_summary$value[['Not Mapped']] > length(rownames(spe)) * 0.9) {
    stop('More than 90% of genes were not mapped. ',
          'Please check the provided data matches the selected ID type and organism.')

  if (gene_summary$value[['Not Mapped']] > length(rownames(spe)) * 0.5) {
    warning('More than 50% of genes were not mapped. ',
            'You may need to check the provided data matches the selected ID type and organism.')

  # Process data
  message('Preprocessing data')
  spe = spe |>
    addQC(neg_regex = neg_regex) |>
      method = method_filter,
      sum = sum,
      detected = detected,
      neg = neg
    ) |>
    dropLowCount(lower = min_gene_count) |>
    dropNeg(neg_regex = neg_regex) |>
    doNormalise(method = method_normalise) |>
    doSelectFeatures(method = method_features) |>
    fun_if('PCA' %in% dimred, runPCA, ncomponents = 50) |>
    fun_if('NMF' %in% dimred, runNMF, ncomponents = 20) |>
    fun_if('UMAP' %in% dimred, runUMAP) |>
    fun_if('TSNE' %in% dimred, runTSNE)

  out = scVisseFA(
    sce = spe,
    dimred = dimred_fa,
    ncomponents = ncomponents,
    top_n_sets = top_n_sets,
    org = org,
    msigdb = msigdb

  message('Serializing Results')
  out$api_version = api_version
  out$method = ifelse(tech == 'single-cell', 'SC', 'visium')
ahmohamed/vissEServerRpkg documentation built on June 2, 2023, 6:58 p.m.