
Defines functions import.q.feedback

Documented in import.q.feedback

import.q.feedback <- function(q.feedback.dir, q.sorts, q.set, manual.lookup=NULL) {

	# Input validation
	if (!is.matrix(q.set)) {
    stop("The q.set specified is not a matrix.")
  if (!(is.matrix(q.sorts) | is.array(q.sorts))) {
    stop("The q.sorts specified are neither a matrix nor an array.")
  if (!is.null(manual.lookup) & !is.matrix(manual.lookup)) {
    stop("The manual.lookup specified is not a matrix.")
  q.feedback.dir <- normalizePath(q.feedback.dir, mustWork = FALSE)  # just to be safe

	# Set up empty array ==========================================================
	q.feedback <- q.sorts # copy data structure from q.sorts
  q.feedback[ ] <- NA  # make NA for now

  # Take care of one-condition case
  if (length(dim(q.feedback))==2) {  # if only one-condition
    conditions <- "only.one"  # assign this dummy
  } else {  # if more than one
    conditions <- unlist(dimnames(q.feedback)[3])  # assign dimname
  participants <- unlist(dimnames(q.feedback)[2])  # extract participants

	# Create lookup table =======================================================
	if (is.null(manual.lookup)) {  # automatic hashing, same as in make cards
	  lookup.table <- apply(  # replace every language field with its hash
	    X = q.set,
	    MARGIN = c(1,2),
	    algo = "crc32",
	    serialize = FALSE
	} else {  # manually entered lookup table
	  lookup.table <- manual.lookup
	if (any(duplicated(lookup.table))) {  # test lookup table
	  stop ("There are duplicate IDs in the lookup table.")

  # Import Loops ==============================================================
	for (cond in conditions) {  # loop over the conditions (such as before, after)
		for (part in participants) {  # loop over participants
			path <- paste( # establish path
        if (length(conditions) > 1) {  #if more than 1 cond
            cond,  # add condition to path
            sep = ""
        },  # otherwise, keep path simple
        sep = ""
			path <- normalizePath(path, mustWork = FALSE)  # just to be safe
			if (file.exists(path)) {  # not everyone comments
				current.feedback <- read.csv(
					header = TRUE, #  these do have names
					stringsAsFactors = FALSE, #  would only add confusion
					row.names = 1,
					colClasses = c("character","character","logical"),
					na.strings = "" #  empty cells become NAs
				if (ncol(current.feedback) > 1) {  # if a drop correction column is included
					current.feedback <- current.feedback[!(current.feedback[,2]),]  # drop corrections
        for (id in rownames(current.feedback)) {  # loops over ids
				  if (any(lookup.table == id)) {  # do we know the id in the current feedback?
				    row <- which(lookup.table == id, arr.ind=TRUE)[,1]  # where is it in the table?
				    handle <- rownames(lookup.table)[row]  # what is the short handle?
            # Gathering data into array
				    if (cond == "only.one") {
				      q.feedback[handle,part] <- current.feedback[id,1]
				    } else {
				      q.feedback[handle,part,cond] <- current.feedback[id,1]

				  } else {
				        "Feedback in",
				        "under id",
				        "is not defined as per manual.lookup and was ignored.",
				        "Check whether you defined manual.lookup argument as intended."
aiorazabala/qmethod documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 1:25 a.m.