
#' Seed input by dispersers
#' Compute the propagule input from each natural forest patch to pine plantation
#' target using three types of disperser and different equations.
#' @param x A \code{raster} object with the landscape configured
#' @param xr A \code{raster} object with richness computed
#' @param nf_value The value of "Natural Forests" class within the raster
#' (Default value = 2)
#' @param pp_value The value of "Pine plantation" class within the raster
#' (Default value = 1)
#' @import raster
#' @import rgeos
#' @author Antonio J Perez-Luque

disper <- function(x, xr, nf_value, pp_value) {

  # Output stacks
  nf_singles <- stack()
  sb <- stack()
  mb <- stack()
  ma <- stack()
  sbpot <- stack()
  mbpot <- stack()
  mapot <- stack()

  # Get richness for natural forest and Pine plantations
  rich_nf <- calc(stack(x, xr), fun=function(x) ifelse(x[1] == nf_value, x[1]*x[2], NA))
  rich_pp <- calc(stack(x, xr), fun=function(x) ifelse(x[1] == pp_value, x[1]*x[2], NA))

  # Rasterize pine plantations
  aux_pine <- calc(x, fun = function(x) ifelse(x == pp_value, pp_value, 0))

  # Get polygons of pine plantation and length
  aux_shape_pine <- rasterToPolygons(aux_pine, fun=function(x){x == pp_value}, dissolve = TRUE)
  perimeter_pine <- rgeos::gLength(aux_shape_pine)

  # Contribution from each Natural Forest patch
  ## Get boundary limits of NF, and save as shapefile
  nf_edges <- rasterToPolygons(x, fun=function(x){x == nf_value}, dissolve = TRUE)

  ## Dissagregate nf polygons
  nf_pol <- disaggregate(nf_edges)

  # Operations for each polygon
  for (i in 1:length(nf_pol)) {
    # Distance between el NF polygon i and all cells of the raster
    d  = gDistance(nf_pol[i,], as(x,"SpatialPoints"), byid=TRUE)
    dnf_i <- x
    dnf_i[] = apply(d,1,min) # Minimun distance
    names(dnf_i) <- paste0('nf',i) # Add name of layer (nfi, i is the number)

    dnf_i10 <- calc(dnf_i, fun = function(x){x*10}) # Multiply to 10 meters
    names(dnf_i10) <- paste0('nf',i,'_meters')

    # --- Richess values for each nf i ---
    rich_nf_i <- mask(xr, nf_pol[i,])
    rpot_i <- cellStats(rich_nf_i, mean)

    # --- Adjacency module ----
    ## Rasterizar nf i
    aux_nfi <- rasterize(nf_pol[i,], x)
    aux_nfi[aux_nfi == 1] <- nf_value
    aux_nfi[[])] <- 0

    # Merge nf i and aux_pine
    aux <- calc(stack(aux_nfi, aux_pine), fun = function(x){x[1]+x[2]})
    aux[aux == 0] <- NA

    # Get polygons of pine plantation and nf i
    aux_shape <- rasterToPolygons(aux, dissolve = TRUE)

    intersectan <- rgeos::gIntersects(aux_shape[1,], aux_shape[2,])
    if (intersectan == TRUE){
      # Calcula la intersection
      inter <- rgeos::gIntersection(aux_shape[1,], aux_shape[2,], byid = FALSE)
      # esto es por el problema de las classes de rgeos
      if (class(inter)[1] == "SpatialLines") {
        # compute length inter
        length_inter <- sp::SpatialLinesLengths(inter)
      } else {
        interL <- as(inter@lineobj, "SpatialLines")
        length_inter <- sum(sp::SpatialLinesLengths(interL))
      } else {
        length_inter <- 0

    # Compute the adjacency of each nf i
    adj <- ( length_inter / perimeter_pine)*100

    # Seedlimitation using adjacency (only for bird)
    seed_limitation_i <- 1/(0.736658946 -0.004037077 * adj)
    # min and max of inverse seed limitation (adj=0 and adj=100)
    sl0 <- 1/(0.736658946 -0.004037077 * 0)
    sl100 <- 1/(0.736658946 -0.004037077 * 100)
    # standardize inverse seed limitation
    adjF <- ((seed_limitation_i - sl0) / (sl100 - sl0)) + 0.5

    # --- Dispersion contribution
    ## Small bird dispersion
    sb_i <- calc(dnf_i10, fun = function(x){dlnorm(x, meanlog = log(51), sdlog = .7)})
    names(sb_i) <- paste0('sb',i)
    sb_i_pot <- sb_i * 0.5 * rpot_i * adjF # Asumimos que coge la mitad de las semillas (mejorar)
    names(sb_i_pot) <- paste0('sb',i, 'pot')

    ## Medium bird dispersion
    mb_i <- calc(dnf_i10, fun = function(x){dlnorm(x, meanlog = log(201), sdlog = .7)})
    names(mb_i) <- paste0('mb',i)
    mb_i_pot <- mb_i * 0.5 * rpot_i * adjF # Asumimos que coge la mitad de las semillas (mejorar)
    names(mb_i_pot) <- paste0('mb',i, 'pot')

    ## Mammal dispersion
    ma_i <- calc(dnf_i10, fun = function(x){
      ifelse(x <= 400, dweibull(x, shape = 1.385, scale = 137),
             dlnorm(x, meanlog = 6.621, sdlog = 0.297))})
    names(ma_i) <- paste0('ma',i)
    ma_i_pot <- ma_i * ((0.5 * rpot_i) + 1)  # Asumimos que coge la mitad de las semillas (mejorar). Ademas añadimos semillas de tierras agrícolas (maximo 3)
    names(ma_i_pot) <- paste0('ma',i, 'pot')

    rasters_i <- stack(dnf_i10,
                       sb_i, mb_i, ma_i,
                       sb_i_pot, mb_i_pot, ma_i_pot)

    nf_singles <- stack(nf_singles, rasters_i)

    sb <- stack(sb, sb_i)
    mb <- stack(mb, mb_i)
    ma <- stack(ma, ma_i)

    sbpot <- stack(sbpot, sb_i_pot)
    mbpot <- stack(mbpot, mb_i_pot)
    mapot <- stack(mapot, ma_i_pot)

  # Compile an unique raster by disperser vector (sum all single raster )
  r_sbpot <- sum(sbpot)
  names(r_sbpot) <- 'r_sbpot'
  r_mbpot <- sum(mbpot)
  names(r_mbpot) <- 'r_mbpot'
  r_mapot <- sum(mapot)
  names(r_mapot) <- 'r_mapot'

  # Mask by pine plantantion
  msb <- mask(r_sbpot, aux_shape_pine)
  names(msb) <- 'msb' # mask small bird
  mmb <- mask(r_mbpot, aux_shape_pine)
  names(mmb) <- 'mmb' # mask medium bird
  mma <- mask(r_mapot, aux_shape_pine)
  names(mma) <- 'mma' # mask mammal

  out <- stack(nf_singles,
               r_sbpot, r_mbpot, r_mapot,
               msb, mmb, mma)


ajpelu/respine documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:19 a.m.