geocleaMT: A quick summary guide of geocleaMT package

Description References


Although, the functions could be used in the suggested pipelines, each function is suited to perform an specific task or a set of them, given the package a high level of customizability[1]

Functions may be used for performing processes as:

Read input files in Darwin Core format using an R based function [readDbR] or a bash+R function [readDbBash].

Assign elevations to the data set [assignElevation].

Eliminate invasive species [invasiveSp].

Separate occurrences with and without geocode [splitGeoref].

Check decimal degree coordinates format [checkCoord].

Delete duplicated points or points with latitude and longitude assigned as 0.0 [splitGeoref].

Separate land/sea occurrences [pointsAtSea].

Delete points/species outside of a given distribution [spOutPoly].

Separate species with a minimum number of occurrences [usefulSp].

Verify that coordinates are into the range for latitude (-90, 90) and longitude (-180, 180) [checkCoord].

Eliminate specific records [delPointsOrSp].

Calculate for each species some general descriptors (mean propinquity, extreme distances) [meanPropinquity].


[1] R-Alarcon, V. and Miranda-Esquivel, D.R. (submitted.) geocleaMT : An R package for cleaning/testing geographical data from electronic biodatabases.

alarconvv/geocleaMT documentation built on July 10, 2019, 12:50 a.m.