####################### AnthroTools: Some Custom Tools for Anthropology ##############
### Benjamin Grant Purzycki and Alastair Jamieson-Lane prepared this script for use
### with the accompanying article:
### Purzycki, B. G., and Jamieson-Lane, A. (2017). AnthroTools: A package for cross-cultural
### ethnographic data analysis. Cross-Cultural Research 51(1):51-74.
### Please feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns at
### bgpurzycki@au.cas.dk or aja107@math.ubc.ca. We are happy to help develop this
### package, so if you have any recommendations, please let us know!
### If you wish to cite this, please cite the package using the following:
### Alastair Jamieson Lane and Benjamin Grant Purzycki. (2016). AnthroTools: Some custom
### for anthropology. R package version 1.1.
### Purzycki, B. G., & Jamieson-Lane, A. (2017). AnthroTools: An R package for cross-cultural
### ethnographic data analysis. Cross-Cultural Research, 51(1), 51-74.
### If at any point you wish to call up the help menu, run this:
#################################### Installation ########################################
### To install the package, highlight the following and use CTRL+R
### if you're using a PC, or command+return if using a Mac:
### You might consider doing this occasionally as this will install any updates.
######################## Analyzing Free-List Data ########################################
### Now you're ready. We'll now walk through a free-list example in the main text
### step-by-step. We write this primarily for those new to R.
### First, run the following:
### You just loaded and pulled up the FruitList data set. Now, you'll create a new
### object. Let's call it "FL".
FL <- CalculateSalience(FruitList)
### You just ran the function "CalculateSalience". It creates a new
### data set for you with the per-item salience calculations. Here's
### the full script for doing the same thing with the options.
FL <- CalculateSalience(FruitList, Order = "Order", Subj = "Subj",
CODE = "CODE", GROUPING = NA, Rescale = FALSE, Salience = "Salience")
### One helpful tool is built into the R language. It will call up only the
### first-listed items per person. Given the assumption that earlier-listed
### items are more salient (Romney & D'Andrade, 1964), this will allow for
### a quick look at the most salient items.
FruitList[which(FruitList$Order==1), ]
### Now, for salience calculations for items, you can run the following code.
### You'll see that per item salience mean, sum, and Smith's S is your output.
FL.S <- SalienceByCode(FL, dealWithDoubles = "MAX")
### Here is the full code, with examples already plugged in. Note that if you call
### salience something else, you'll have to appropriately alter the Salience =
### Fruist_S" part.
FL.S <- SalienceByCode(FL, Subj = "ID", CODE = "CODE", GROUPING = "Culture",
Salience = "Fruits_S", dealWithDoubles = "MAX")
### What's nice about the "deadWithDoubles" argument is that you can deal with
### a common problem in free-list data. When someone lists multiples of the same
### items, you can deal with it in a variety of ways. Run help(SalienceByCode) for
### options and their description.
### The following code highlights the "GROUPING" option. This option allows you
### to run the analyses detailed above, but split by some factor of your choosing.
### It is especially ideal for cross-cultural research. In this example, say we
### collected "kinds of fruits" data from three different samples (in this case,
### we have people from "MAINLAND", an "ISLAND", and the "MOON").
data(WorldList )
WL <- CalculateSalience(WorldList , GROUPING = "GROUPING")
WL.S <- SalienceByCode(WL, dealWithDoubles = "MAX", GROUPING = "GROUPING")
### We also include some table functions that make data integration easier. There
### are a few options for the tableType argument: PRESENCE, SUM_SALIENCE, MAX_SALIENCE,
### and FREQUENCY. PRESENCE reports a 1 if participants mentioned specific codes or a 0
### otherwise. FREQUENCY reports by-code frequencies, MAX_SALIENCE reports the salience of
### the code the first time it was mentioned, while SUM_SALIENCE reports the sum salience
### each person has for each code.
FLT <- FreeListTable(dataset, CODE = "CODE", Salience = "Salience", Subj = "Subj",
tableType = "DEFAULT")
### Let's try two with the Fruit List data.
### The first one (FL.BIN) will be a dichotomous dataset of whether or not someone mentioned a
### certain item. The second one (FL.FREQ) is a frequency matrix of the number of times each
### participant listed a specific item.
FL.BIN <- FreeListTable(FL, CODE = "CODE", Salience = "Salience", Subj = "Subj",
tableType = "PRESENCE")
FL.FREQ <- FreeListTable(FL, CODE = "CODE", Salience = "Salience", Subj = "Subj",
tableType = "FREQUENCY")
###################### Cultural Consensus Analysis #######################################
### The following: 1) Calls up a mock data set, 2) Pops up the set viewer,
### 3) Runs the Cultural Consensus Analysis on this data set, and 4) Reports
### the analysis.
Results <- ConsensusPipeline(ConsensusTestData,3)
### The sections of the report are as follows. If you wish to take them segment-by
### segment, you may use these:
Results$Answers ##This provides the culturally "correct" answers provided by the function.
Results$Competence ##This is the estimated cultural competence for each individual.
Results$origCompetence ##This is the competence score before transformation into the [0,1] range.
Results$TestScore ##Assuming the answer key is correct, this is the test score for each individual.
Results$Probs ##The probability that each answer is correct for a given question.
Results$reportback ##Important feedback from the analyses
Results$reportNumbers ## A vector containing all numerical values contained in reportback.
############################# Stress Tests ##############################################
### This is a more technical assessment of one's analysis. We've left the discussion
### for the help page and the main document. Still, these will quickly perform all
### described analyses in the main paper.
StressSummary<- ConsensusStressTest(15,15,4,5000,lockCompetance=0.6)
### This means: 15 individuals, 15 questions, 4 possible answers A,B,C,D, 5000 surveys simulated,
### all individuals have competence 0.6.
StressSummary[[1]] ##True and expected error rate.
mean(StressSummary[[2]]) ##The mean of the mean of calculated competence (should be near 0.6).
### The proportion of simulations with Competence variance calculated above 0.1.
### Note that the true value for this is 0, so all variance found is noise.
### 95% of simulations detected variance below this value- even when true variance is 0.
### If your variance is below this level, there probably isn't much evidence for competence variability.
quantile(StressSummary[[3]],c(0.5,0.95,0.99,0.999) )
### This last number is the number of surveys with Comrey ratio less than 3- these are datasets
### that the function would refuse to analyse unless the safety override was used.
### Please understand that this is the number of "Good" datasets that the function believes are bad.
### This value tells you nothing about what the Comrey ratio is likely to look like on "bad" datasets where
### important assumptions are violated.
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