
Defines functions LocalArctan

Documented in LocalArctan

#' LocalArctan
#' A Local stochastic succession rule. For all adjacent states (states where only one descriptor has changed), calculate the relative change in score (compared to staying in the current location). Take the arctan function of this value to get the relative probability. 
#' Stated mathematically, if \eqn{P_{A\rightarrow B}} is the transition rate from A to B, and \eqn{S_A(B)} is the score of the state B, from the point of view of A, then
#' \deqn{P_{A\rightarrow B= \frac{atan[\beta (S_A(B)-S_A(A))+s]+pi/2}}{\sum atan[\beta (S_A(C)-S_A(A))+s] +pi/2}}
#' Where here we sum over all states that involve changing at most one descriptor.
#' The net result of this behavior is to make "Negative" transitions exceedingly unlikely, while all ``positive'' transitions recieve roughly equal weight, regardless of score.
#' @keywords CIB
#' @export
#' @param TheList a list containing the CIB matrix, and a "shape" vector. The output of \code{\link{InputCibBanner}} is an appropriate input here.
#' @param TransRelAdj a list containing a blank transition matrix, a relative score matrix, and an adjacency matrix. The output of \code{\link{MakeScoreMatrix}} is appropriate here.
#' @param beta Optional parameter used to scale score values. Large beta leads to a sharp `switch' from low to high probabilitiy
#' @param shift Optional parameter used to determine location of switch point between low and high probability. By default, this value is 0, indicating that the switch point occurs as a worldstates relative score passes the score of the current worldstate.
#' @note Behaves very similat to \code{\link{LocalLogistic}}
#' @return A matrix describing the transition probability from each world state (rows) to each other world state (columns).
#' @author Alastair Jamieson Lane. <aja107@@math.ubc.ca>
#' @examples
#' data(ExampleCIBdata)
#' LocalArctan(ExampleCIBdata)

LocalArctan<-function(TheList, TransRelAdj=NA, beta=1,shift=0){
  ##Note, I do not remember how much weight we decided to give the "stay put" option. 
  ##I feel like it was dealt with in a special manner, but can't remember how.    
    if (is.na(TransRelAdj)){
      TransRelAdj<- MakeScoreMatrix(TheList)   
  Delta= beta*(RelativeScores-diag(RelativeScores))+shift
  Transitions<-(atan(Delta)+pi/2)*(AdjacentMatrix> -0.5)  
  Transitions<-t(apply(Transitions, 1, function(x) x/sum(x)))
alastair-JL/StochasticCIB documentation built on July 27, 2023, 1:12 a.m.