
Defines functions mlnormal

Documented in mlnormal

## File Name: mlnormal.R
## File Version: 0.975

#*** general estimation function for normally distributed data
mlnormal <- function( y, X, id, Z_list, Z_index, beta=NULL, theta,
            method="ML", prior=NULL,
            lambda_beta=NULL, weights_beta=NULL,
            lambda_theta=NULL, weights_theta=NULL,
            beta_lower=NULL, beta_upper=NULL,
            theta_lower=NULL, theta_upper=NULL,
            maxit=800, globconv=1E-5, conv=1E-6,
            verbose=TRUE, REML_shortcut=NULL, use_ginverse=FALSE,
            vcov=TRUE, variance_shortcut=TRUE, use_Rcpp=TRUE, level=.95,
            numdiff.parm=1E-4, control_beta=NULL, control_theta=NULL )

    #*** preliminaries
    CALL <- match.call()
    s1 <- Sys.time()
    disp <- mlnormal_create_disp( symbol='.', length=60, line_break=TRUE )

zz0 <- Sys.time()
    # process input and print
    res <- mlnormal_verbose_f0(verbose=verbose, disp=disp)

    res <- mlnormal_proc( id=id, y=y, X=X, beta=beta, theta=theta,
                REML_shortcut=REML_shortcut, method=method,
                Z_list=Z_list, Z_index=Z_index,
                variance_shortcut=variance_shortcut, use_Rcpp=use_Rcpp )
# cat('* proc mlnormal ') ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

    id_list <- res$id_list
    G <- res$G
    y_list <- res$y_list
    X_list <- res$X_list
    N <- res$N
    NB <- res$NB
    NT <- res$NT
    theta <- res$theta
    beta <- res$beta
    theta_init <- theta
    beta_init <- beta
    REML_shortcut <- res$REML_shortcut
    REML <- res$REML
    descriptions <- res$descriptions
    id <- res$id
    y <- res$y
    X <- res$X
    Z_list <- res$Z_list
    Z_index <- res$Z_index
    freq_id <- res$freq_id
    do_compute <- res$do_compute
    rcpp_args <- res$rcpp_args
    use_Rcpp <- res$use_Rcpp
    # reorder_obs <- res$reorder_obs

    #*** control arguments
    res <- mlnormal_proc_control( control_beta=control_beta,
                control_theta=control_theta, beta_lower=beta_lower,
                beta_upper=beta_upper, theta_lower=theta_lower,
                theta_upper=theta_upper )
    control_beta <- res$control_beta
    control_theta <- res$control_theta

    #*** some information about method
    V1zero <- if (REML){ matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=N) } else {NULL}

    #*** convert prior if necessary
    res <- mlnormal_process_prior( prior=prior, beta=beta, theta=theta,
                    numdiff.parm=numdiff.parm, descriptions=descriptions,
                    lambda_beta=lambda_beta, weights_beta=weights_beta,
                    lambda_theta=lambda_theta, weights_theta=weights_theta
    prior <- res$prior
    dens <- res$dens
    use_prior <- res$use_prior
    prior_args <- res
    descriptions <- res$descriptions

    #*** inits for iterations
    iter <- 1
    objfun <- ll <- 1E-300
    converged <- FALSE
    more_iterations <- TRUE

    ###******** iterate
    while ( more_iterations ){

        # print verbose=TRUE
        res <- mlnormal_verbose_f1(verbose=verbose, disp=disp, iter=iter)

        ll0 <- ll
        objfun0 <- objfun
zz0 <- Sys.time()

        # update V
        mlnormal_update_V <-
            if (use_Rcpp){ mlnormal_update_V_Rcpp } else { mlnormal_update_V_R }

        res <- mlnormal_update_V( Z_index=Z_index, G=G, theta=theta,
                    Z_list=Z_list, use_ginverse=use_ginverse,
                    variance_shortcut=variance_shortcut, freq_id=freq_id,
                    do_compute=do_compute, rcpp_args=rcpp_args)
        V_list <- res$V_list
        V1_list <- res$V1_list
        rcpp_args <- res$rcpp_args
# cat('* update V ') ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

        # derivatives of V with respect to theta
        res <- mlnormal_update_ml_derivative_V( N=N, NT=NT, G=G,
                    Z_index=Z_index, Z_list=Z_list, theta=theta,
                    REML=REML, V1_list=V1_list,
                    variance_shortcut=variance_shortcut, freq_id=freq_id,
        D1_V_list <- res$D1_V_list
        V1_D1V_V1_list <- res$V1_D1V_V1_list

# cat('* derivative V ') ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

        # update beta
        res <- mlnormal_update_beta( NB=NB, Z_index=Z_index, G=G, beta=beta,
                    Z_list=Z_list, X_list=X_list, y_list=y_list, V1_list=V1_list,
                    theta=theta, REML=REML, id_list=id_list, N=N,
                    V1zero=V1zero, REML_shortcut=REML_shortcut,
                    rcpp_args=rcpp_args, X=X, y=y, use_Rcpp=use_Rcpp,
                    prior_args=prior_args, control_beta=control_beta )
        beta <- res$beta
        beta_change <- res$beta_change
        XVX <- res$XVX
        XVY <- res$XVY
        P <- res$P
#        cat('* update beta ') ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

        # update theta
        res <- mlnormal_update_theta_ml( y=y, X=X, beta=beta,
                    Z_index=Z_index, NT=NT, G=G, id_list=id_list, V1_list=V1_list,
                    D1_V_list=D1_V_list, theta=theta, P=P, REML=REML,
                    V1zero=V1zero, REML_shortcut=REML_shortcut,
                    V1_D1V_V1_list=V1_D1V_V1_list, XVX=XVX,
                    variance_shortcut=variance_shortcut, freq_id=freq_id,
                    do_compute=do_compute, prior_args=prior_args,
                    control_theta=control_theta, iter=iter
        theta <- res$theta
        theta_change <- res$theta_change
        yresid <- res$yresid
        theta_infomat <- res$theta_infomat
        theta_increment <- res$theta_increment
#  cat('* update theta ') ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

        # compute maximum likelihood fitting function
        res <- mlnormal_fit_function_ml( id_list=id_list, V1_list=V1_list,
                   G=G, N=N, yresid=yresid, V_list=V_list, REML=REML,
                   XVX=XVX, do_compute=do_compute, prior_args=prior_args,
                   theta=theta, beta=beta,
                   objfun0=objfun0, theta_increment=theta_increment,
                   theta_change=theta_change     )
        ll <- res$loglike
        objfun <- res$objfun
        theta <- res$theta
        theta_change <- res$theta_change
#  cat('* compute likelihood value ') ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

        #** convergence criteria
        conv_temp <- max( beta_change, theta_change )
        globconv_temp <- abs( objfun - objfun0 )

        # print progress
        res <- mlnormal_verbose_f2(verbose=verbose, disp=disp, iter=iter,
                    objfun0=objfun0, beta_change=beta_change,
                    theta_change=theta_change )

        # convergence indicator
        converged <- ( globconv_temp < globconv ) & ( conv_temp < conv )
        # indicator whether more iterations should be conducted
        more_iterations <-     ( iter < ( maxit + 1 ) ) & ( ! converged )
        iter <- iter + 1

    ###**** end iterations

    # extract information matrix for restricted maximum likelihood estimation
    if (REML_shortcut & REML & vcov ){
        if (verbose){
            cat('Compute standard errors   ', paste( Sys.time() ), '\n' )
        res <- mlnormal_update_beta( NB=NB, Z_index=Z_index, G=G, beta=beta,
                    Z_list=Z_list, X_list=X_list, y_list=y_list, V1_list=V1_list,
                    theta=theta, REML=REML, id_list=id_list, N=N,
                    V1zero=V1zero, REML_shortcut=FALSE,
                    rcpp_args=rcpp_args, X=X, y=y, use_Rcpp=use_Rcpp,
                    prior_args=prior_args, control_beta=control_beta )
        P <- res$P
# cat('-- infomat update beta ') ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1
        res <- mlnormal_update_theta_ml( y=y, X=X, beta=beta,
                    Z_index=Z_index, NT=NT, G=G, id_list=id_list, V1_list=V1_list,
                    D1_V_list=D1_V_list, theta=theta, P=P, REML=REML,
                    V1zero=V1zero, REML_shortcut=FALSE,
                    V1_D1V_V1_list=V1_D1V_V1_list, XVX=XVX,
                    variance_shortcut=variance_shortcut, freq_id=freq_id,
                    do_compute=do_compute, prior_args=prior_args,
        theta_infomat <- res$theta_infomat
# cat('-- infomat computation ') ; zz1 <- Sys.time(); print(zz1-zz0) ; zz0 <- zz1

    #*** arrange output of parameter vectors
    res <- mlnormal_postproc_parameters( theta=theta, theta_init=theta_init,
                    beta=beta, beta_init=beta_init, theta_infomat=theta_infomat,
                    XVX=XVX, level=level, prior_args=prior_args )
    beta <- res$beta
    theta <- res$theta
    beta_summary <- res$beta_summary
    theta_summary <- res$theta_summary
    beta_vcov <- res$beta_vcov
    theta_vcov <- res$theta_vcov
    coefs <- res$coefs
    vcovs <- res$vcovs

    #*** evaluate likelihood value and posterior (in case of priors and
    #    or penalties)
    posterior_obj <- mlnormal_postproc_eval_posterior(ll=ll, beta=beta,
                        theta=theta, prior_args=prior_args, REML=REML )

    #*** information criteria
    ic <- mlnormal_ic( dev=- 2*ll, beta=beta, theta=theta, N=N, G=G,
                posterior_obj=posterior_obj )

    #***** OUTPUT  ****************************
    s2 <- Sys.time()
    res <- list( theta=theta, beta=beta,
                coef=coefs, vcov=vcovs,
                deviance=-2*ll, ic=ic,
                V_list=V_list, V1_list=V1_list,
                descriptions=descriptions, REML=REML,
                vcov_REML=vcov & REML,
                prior_args=prior_args, posterior_obj=posterior_obj,
                control_beta=control_beta, control_theta=control_theta,
                converged=converged, iter=iter-1,
                CALL=CALL, s1=s1, s2=s2    , diff_time=s2-s1
    class(res) <- 'mlnormal'
alexanderrobitzsch/LAM documentation built on July 18, 2024, 11:13 p.m.